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George Bush visit

2 Cdo

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I'm curious about the visit today of Pres. Bush. What I'm really curious about is how long will it take for the professional protesters to start acting with violence and random acts of destruction. The right to protest and voice your opinion is fine, but how do they plan to have their voices heard when they act with complete disregard for other peoples property. When the police eventually arrest some of these morons how long will it take the media and the lawyers to jump all over them, citing police brutality or some other nonsense.
The old adage you can get more flies with honey than with vinegar comes to mind. Anyways just a little venting. At least I'll have some entertaining viewing tonight on the news!
Well so far it's been 3 hours and no violence yet. I walked by it and it really is quite peaceful. They just recently left City Hall and are making their way up to the Hill.
Like W or not, thats your business. But how many people are bashing Bush or the americans in general because it has become the trendy thing to do?
I asked a young (she was about 20 or so) lady what her opinion was. she said Bush was a pig. She also said  he was killing Iraq people for oil and he invaded places like kosovo and af-stan. RIGHT. Thats what I thought. Wasn't Clinton the one who went into Kosovo for starters?
My point is most People are protest mongers (my opposite of war mongers), they will protest anything right wing at all.
I support poeples right to make choices, I just get disgusted when they follow a crowd or trend blindly without all the facts.
First be informed (and this mean real open mindedness)
Then make your decision !!!

Personally I have nothing agaisnt George Bush Jr and I think he is a far cry better than Clinton ever was.
George W. Bush...

He said "I want to thank all those people that came out and waved with all five fingers..."


I may not agree with him 100%, but he IS a funny bugger.
Well... he has his moments.
Ya I laughed my ass off when I heard him say that. It was hilarious!
Apparently someone threw a brick at the cops, but I think they beat him down haha. Protesting is great if you actually know what the hell you are doing it for. I think it's funny that cnn.com only focused on the protest and they had four pics of the protest all involving someone getting arrested(could have been the brick thrower).
Leviathan said:
George W. Bush...

He said "I want to thank all those people that came out and waved with all five fingers..."

Good one, eh. Sadly we don't get much news from Canada unless its a ice storm, etc. Bloody good line though.

In a nutshell it was a democracy of +250,000,000 which re-elected GW, and with what else was running, the USA only had once choice. I have confidence in GW all the way.

As for the protesters (a genuine disgrace to  Canadains in whole), just the blind being led by professional shyte disturbers who crave and thrive on anti-social activity, and all of them belong in a cold dark gaol cell, issued with one damp blanket, a newspaper, a bucket, some straw to sleep on, and a diet of water and stale bread.

I certainly hope our American friends, don't think all of dear ole Canada has the same attitude as a pathetic few.

Regards from a 39C day here in Syd's southern beaches,

Surf's up!

FACT: An official poll statistic states that in a democracy of nearly 30,000,000 87% of polled Canadians were against Bush's re-election.
^More to come I'm sure...^

But the freedom to demonstrate Mr.Wesley H. Allen...
Let us not forget...

Evidently you and I differ on our political veiws, not suprising considering the official policies of our respective countries.
And I must say that the protesters conducted themselves far ABOVE the expected level of civilized behaviour...

And rather off topic... Who is the Australian PM?
>And I must say that the protesters conducted themselves far ABOVE the expected level of civilized behaviour...

Evidently standards vary.  My "civilized behaviour" includes a marked absence of obscenity and juvenile theatre, normal tones of voice, and a complete lack of physical confrontation.  Where you use "civilized behaviour", I would use a much less flattering term.
I watched live coverage of the protests on CNN- it was a far cry from civilized. People shoving police,trying to get through police lines, clever signs like "f**K Bush".  The now mandatory "no blood for oil" ::). People throwing bags of fake blood at the police....Ive seen much more civilized protests.
I love how they think that throwing things at cops will hurt george bush. Lets riot, that will get our point across. I laughed when they beat that guy down in the street haha.
I was also dissapointed to see peoples reaction today.

Like others I am not opposed to people right to free speech, and right to protest. But at least protest in a civilized way. What happened today did not accomplish anything really. A few people got tossed in jail, a police officer was injured and nothing about President Bush's foreign policy has changed, troops are still in Iraq, and a bunch of Canadian acted like idiots.

Signs such as "F**K Bush" are just innapropriate and are not even really expressing their opinions. Why don't you like bush etc...Simply insulting the guy will not accomplish anything, especailly because I'm sure those insults just rolled off his back like water off a ducks back.

I don't really understand the purpose behind the demonstration in the first place. If it was before the US election then it would make more sense -  maybe it would get American voters attention...who knows. But Bush is going to be president for the next four years whether they like it or not. In my eyes, we might as well try to strengthen our relationship as best we can. This doesn't mean that we have to follow the US into every way they choose, but it does mean refraining from doing things such as wel all saw today.

I hope the protestors that did get arrested have a loonnnng night in jail.
Leviathan said:
But the freedom to demonstrate Mr.Wesley H. Allen...
Let us not forget...

And I must say that the protesters conducted themselves far ABOVE the expected level of civilized behaviour...

And rather off topic... Who is the Australian PM?

Mate, do you think that type of behaviour is civilised? It disgusts me to no end, secondly they should thank their bloody stars they are Canadian, as in other countries in the world, they would be gaoled, or worse gassed and/or shot.

Just 60 short Christmas's ago, a country named the USA saved us all for WW2 (especially in the Pacific Theatre, saved Australia and the region from invasion), and take a look at their casualty figures, alot more than the 38,000 Aussies and 45,000 Canadians, but we al know than one life lost is too many.

Although we can agree to disagree on politics, as we all do at one time or another, the US are a good ally and friend we all need, either in peace or war.

The PM here is John Howard, who was re-elected for a 3rd term recently.


Wesley H. Allen said:
Mate, do you think that type of behaviour is civilised? It disgusts me to no end, secondly they should thank their bloody stars they are Canadian, as in other countries in the world, they would be gaoled, or worse gassed and/or shot.

Just 60 short Christmas's ago, a country named the USA saved us all for WW2 (especially in the Pacific Theatre, saved Australia and the region from invasion), and take a look at their casualty figures, alot more than the 38,000 Aussies and 45,000 Canadians, but we al know than one life lost is too many.

Although we can agree to disagree on politics, as we all do at one time or another, the US are a good ally and friend we all need, either in peace or war.

The PM here is John Howard, who was re-elected for a 3rd term recently.



I wouldn't say "Saved us all" :P
Saved us? The americans fought the japanese... the Russians defeated germany, not the americans. 9 out of 10 germans were killed on the russian front.Also, Canada and England fought germany for 4 years before the americans gave them the time of day.
jmackenzie_15 said:
Also, Canada and England fought germany for 4 years before the americans gave them the time of day.

Really? I thought that the war started on September 1, 1939, and the Americans joined the actual military effort on December 7, 1941. Oh, and I suppose you don't count all the preferential economic treatment they were giving the allies before FDR could justify going to war as "giving the allies the time of day".

I was also under the impression that America was involved in D-Day and the subsequent routing of Germany from France and Benelux.  Just because you claim that 9 of 10 Germans died on the Russian front doesn't mean the Western front wasn't important to the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.

Sorry. Touched a nerve. I don't like revisionist history.
Also, Canada and England fought germany for 4 years before the americans gave them the time of day.

I don't get it, I went through your recent history and your posts are pretty solid. What happened?
This one clearly contravenes the guidelines on factual posting, which is something we take very serious on this site.
Just consider this a friendly reminder that, if you haven't allready to read the forum guidelines here.
GrimRX said:
I wouldn't say "Saved us all" :P

In the sense that had they continued to stay uninvolved, the Japanese would have run roughshod all over the Pacific (quite possibly all the way to Canada), the Nazis would have been able to concentrate their forces and logistics on the Eastern Front, AND Mongomery would not have had Sherman tanks to reinforce El Alamein, I would.  :o
Read Clay Blair's Hitler's U-Boat War, you'll see that the Americans were involved (shooting) in WWII long before Pearl Harbour.