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General's future one to follow for hints at military's course

ltmaverick25 said:
Bottom feeders like me don't get to hear about these things.
- So Hillier didn't quite turn out just fine. 
- Dot COMs actually add a layer of bureaucracy -- the complete opposite of streamlining operations.

I can't wait for the intellectual "strike three"  ::)


If there was a quiz on this to pick the most appropriate expression, it would be:

a) "stay in your lane" or
b) "listen more; post less"

It's a rhetorical question by the way; no response is desired.

Just something to ponder as you wrestle with an apparently Pavlovian desire to hit "send."
Journeyman said:
- So Hillier didn't quite turn out just fine. 
- Dot COMs actually add a layer of bureaucracy -- the complete opposite of streamlining operations.

I can't wait for the intellectual "strike three"  ::)


If there was a quiz on this to pick the most appropriate expression, it would be:

a) "stay in your lane" or
b) "listen more; post less"

It's a rhetorical question by the way; no response is desired.

Just something to ponder as you wrestle with an apparently Pavlovian desire to hit "send."

I am just as every bit in my lane as you are or anyone else who served while Hillier was the CDS.  You obviously dont agree on my assessment of his tenure as CDS... Fine and dandy, but that is not a lane issue.

As for the dot coms, I have seen negative feedback on the concept on these boards, but thus far I have not seen much substantiating said feedback.  I work in JTFP, which falls under CANCOM, and based on what I have seen since having been here, and from feedback from those who have been here way longer then I have, the CANCOM changes, and hence, JTFP appear to have greatly streamlined our operational processes.  From my point of view, at the operational level here on the ground, the dot coms idea appear to be sound.

Granted I dont know what the impacts or effects are at higher levels which is why I asked for feedback.

And lastly, I will state that if the best you can do is offer a one sentence carbon copy of a reply already made, and offer no further value to the discussion other then a completely unfounded lane comment, perhaps it is you who should consider not hitting the send button as often.
Simple question on this "streamlining": Who commands the commander, JTFP?  Is it the Commander, Canada Command, or the Commander, Maritime Forces Command?

Problem is, right now it's both - one sailor with two legal bosses.

If anyone can explain how that improves C2, by giving someone two direct superiors, I'm all ears.

ltmaverick25 said:
I am just as every bit in my lane as you are ....
Gee, how did I know that "rhetorical," being four syllables, would baffle you.

OK, let me try again....using smaller words.

I have absolutely no heartache with opinions being posted. Opinions, backed by fact and experience, however, carry much more weight.

Saying you served during Hillier's tenure as CDS certainly qualifies you to have an opinion. Is that opinion sufficiently informed to add value to this thread? As seen by the rebuttals, no. It's much like saying that Napoleon's pack mule accompanied him on every campaign, therefore the mule's experience and opinion is valued. As you yourself have stated, you haven't a clue what happens at the higher levels of command -- so why do you feel this compulsion to comment? Perhaps you're not aware that MilPoints have no cash value.

Now, if this is a case where you feel a need to get in the last word, to thwart that whole "rhetorical" thing....please respond with one more non-contributory response. I promise not to respond, and you can say "I showed him."

Journeyman said:
Gee, how did I know that "rhetorical," being four syllables, would baffle you.

OK, let me try again....using smaller words.

I have absolutely no heartache with opinions being posted. Opinions, backed by fact and experience, however, carry much more weight.

Saying you served during Hillier's tenure as CDS certainly qualifies you to have an opinion. Is that opinion sufficiently informed to add value to this thread? As seen by the rebuttals, no. It's much like saying that Napoleon's pack mule accompanied him on every campaign, therefore the mule's experience and opinion is valued. As you yourself have stated, you haven't a clue what happens at the higher levels of command -- so why do you feel this compulsion to comment? Perhaps you're not aware that MilPoints have no cash value.

Now, if this is a case where you feel a need to get in the last word, to thwart that whole "rhetorical" thing....please respond with one more non-contributory response. I promise not to respond, and you can say "I showed him."

So the only experience that carries any weight on this topic comes from someone working in a senior position?  Priceless..

Certainly I havent served in a senior rank or position, most of my 16 years were spent as an NCM, but I have served under more then one CDS and CLS in that timeframe.  My assertion that Hillier did a good job, and I do still maintain that he did do a very good job, is based on that experience.  Beleive it or not, what he did had impact on those of us way at the bottom too..  That may not carry much weight with you, but im not going to lose much sleep over that. 
dapaterson said:
Simple question on this "streamlining": Who commands the commander, JTFP?  Is it the Commander, Canada Command, or the Commander, Maritime Forces Command?

Problem is, right now it's both - one sailor with two legal bosses.

If anyone can explain how that improves C2, by giving someone two direct superiors, I'm all ears.

Thats a good point.  I remember on more then one occasion as things popped up here on the west coast where the direction was to inform CMS, though, in all cases we were in direct dialogue with CANCOM.  I think part of the problem is that Comd JTFP is also double hatted as Comd MARPAC.

Has this reporting relationship resulted in any severe difficulties?  Again I am not really privy to the dynamics at that level.  But I can say that for the ops people out here it has made things much better, though everyone does love to complain about CANCOM as a national passtime, unless of course they are busy complaining about the east coast :D
If Leslie becomes CDS it will be dark day for certain groups in the CF and the day I probably get out!
CANCON has always been a moral builder for the members of the CF.  As a kid I remember fondly the Shows that they took to the troops around the world.  Some well known artists and others on the rise.  Of course, as a kid, we only got to see the PG versions of the show.
Um...I think we're talking about CANada COMmand.
Reviving necro-thread with latest:  he's reportedly in the running for commissioner of the RCMP - more here:
The latest on Leslie:
CGI Group Inc., a leading provider of information technology and business process services, today announced the opening of a new Canadian Defence, Public Safety and Intelligence business unit based in Ottawa with capabilities to serve the Canadian Armed Forces around the globe.

In addition, the Company also announced the appointment of Lieutenant General Andrew Leslie to lead the new Defence, Public Safety and Intelligence unit. The offering will build on the corporation's global expertise to develop and implement innovative, world-class solutions tailored to specific knowledge and requirements of Canada's modern-day defence and security challenges ....
CGI news release, 29 Sept 11