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General Election: Oct 21, 2019

QV said:
Given what we all know today, I don't know how anyone in good conscious could possibly vote for the LPC this election cycle.     

If Trudeau had been replaced by a new leader within his party, then I'd be understanding of an LPC vote.  But that party didn't do that so they are all abettors, excepting those who resigned or were forced out.  As it stands today, a vote for the LPC is condoning a very unethical and possibly criminally liable government. 



Yup, what QV said.
Decisions, decisions.  Well, for me, it's all over until the next one.  When looking at the choices on the ballot paper, I hadn't really made up my mind to that point.  I hadn't noticed a whole lot of public campaigning on the part of individual candidates; I suppose the expectation was that the Conservative incumbent would easily be re-elected (it is Alberta, after all).  In lawn signs, the Conservative was definitely in the lead  with a sprinkling of NDP and Greens, a few PPC and only one or two Liberal.  Oh, I even saw one sign from the Rhinoceros Party (I should have taken a pic of that one because it was satirically humourous ).  On the ballot only two names were familiar, the incumbent Conservative (my personal dislike of him from even before the 2015 election hasn't changed) and the Christian Heritage candidate, and that because he was the only one who door-knocked in my neighbourhood - I, partly out of courtesy, spoke to him for a couple of minutes and took the opportunity to dissuade him of any notion that simply because I'm retired military I may share his views (I was wearing an old T-shirt from having been there, done that when he unexpectedly showed up and so identified my former profession).

I suppose I could have voted in the advance poll like the 5 million other Canadians who did so.  Depending on voter turnout, it is possible that the advance poll could count for up to almost a third of the votes, but even if it matches the increased turnout of the last election, it will be more than a quarter of the result.
Well, the polls in Newfoundland and Labrador close in 40 minutes and the Maritime 30 minutes after that. It will be interesting.
QV said:
Given what we all know today, I don't know how anyone in good conscious could possibly vote for the LPC this election cycle.     

If Trudeau had been replaced by a new leader within his party, then I'd be understanding of an LPC vote.  But that party didn't do that so they are all abettors, excepting those who resigned or were forced out.  As it stands today, a vote for the LPC is condoning a very unethical and possibly criminally liable government. 



Absolutely agree with you.

My riding is a lock for the CPC anyway, but I ended up casting a protest vote. Neither of the contenders deserved my ballot this time around.

I’m just hoping for a minority, whoever it ends up being. However the balance of power plays out in parliament I’m going to do my best to grit my teeth, embrace the schadenfreude, and at least know that literally almost nobody will be happy.
Brihard said:
My riding is a lock for the CPC anyway, but I ended up casting a protest vote. Neither of the contenders deserved my ballot this time around.

I’m just hoping for a minority, whoever it ends up being. However the balance of power plays out in parliament I’m going to do my best to grit my teeth, embrace the schadenfreude, and at least know that literally almost nobody will be happy.

Same.  I’ll be happy with a minority.  Hopefully get new leaders.

Bonus is if my current MP who is not very likeable gets the boot.  Has nothing to do with his political stripe but he’s a career politician who does his best to be detestable.  He’ll likely win though. 
It would be nice if both the Conservatives and Liberals were given a time out for 4 years and weren't eligible to lead.
Jarnhamar said:
It would be nice if both the Conservatives and Liberals were given a time out for 4 years and weren't eligible to lead.

You mean let the NDP and Green govern?? If either one of those parties got their hands on the piggy bank the country would be in the poor house for next century.
Retired AF Guy said:
You mean let the NDP and Green govern?? If either one of those parties got their hands on the piggy bank the country would be in the poor house for next century.

I’m pretty sure it was more of a sentiment than an endorsement for the others.  I’ll settle for a benevolent dictator and council of common sense folks for five years so we can reset.
Jarnhamar said:
It would be nice if both the Conservatives and Liberals were given a time out for 4 years and weren't eligible to lead.

A PPC/ Green coalition for 4 years?

I could deal with that.
Initial (very early) poll results from NFLD have the Liberals in the lead in 7 ridings and the CPC in 1.
SeaKingTacco said:
Initial (very early) poll results from NFLD have the Liberals in the lead in 7 ridings and the CPC in 1.

Some close results in some of those...
SeaKingTacco said:
Initial (very early) poll results from NFLD have the Liberals in the lead in 7 ridings and the CPC in 1.

Which is impressive, since NL has only seven seats total ;)

The forecasts at ElectionPrediction and Electionarium both say the split will be 6 Liberals and an NDP pickup in St John's East.
Retired AF Guy said:
Watching Global News and initial results show the CPC doing very good in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Something like 14 ridings are close.  If the CPC get double digits in Atlantic Canada they will be off to a decent start. 
Gonna be a bit more time yet before enough polls are in to really make many calls there... But the Liberals have definitely taken some hits.