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garrison 15th


Jr. Member
Reaction score
anyone here heading to the garrison on the Toronto Suburban Garrison exercise on 15-17 of Oct?? if so and u were at blackdown this summer touch base with the me ( Sung
My cadet corps is going on the ex. It will be fun I mean a lot of fun.
I did alpha this year, 2 platoon.
Sargent Humphrey
If this is the Ex that is at Borden, then my corps will also be attending. I'm getting braces this Sat....so I may not eat much that weekend lol.
I was in Golf Company, 25 Platoon
Sgt. Heaps
Which Queen's York Rangers you from? just asking if.
It shall be an awesome weekend!
Sargeant Humphrey
no way you guys might be based in aurora like us ( 142 St. Andrews) but the best rangers are definately Sgt. Macneils in toronto
The good one
I beg to differ...
but the best rangers are definately Sgt. Macneils in toronto
There are no best or betters. We are just as good as them and they us.
And just for the record: there was 1 aurora ranger in D&C this year, as opposed to 5 TO rangers including 1 on flag party, 1 sgt (flag party commander) and 1 WO. We had cadets in every company at Blackdown except Charlie Sqn and Kilo Coy.
I only said it because one of my ex-Master Warrants told me to.
I don't actually think that.
I know that there are 5 cadet corps going on this excercise. My CO said that last night at cadets. And I am wondering what corps there are I know:
2881 QOR
1888 Engineers
and QYR
any others?
1 or 2 from 142 highlanders - for once we are making an apperance on an a ftx
i was talkin to a buddy from the Borden Core and he was sayin he was going on this ex
    I'm new to the 2881 so i hope to see some of you guys there
just to let you know I'm Sgt Occhipinti ( Humprey knows me)

See you then
Is this the garrison to Rattlesnake point because that same weekend my corp(748),the dennison corps,the lorne scots and an air squadron?
GGHG Cadet, Do you happen to know which of our units are going. i know mine the 1188 Lorne Scots went last year with a bunch of them 2754 Service Battalion guys.
All I know my corp is going with 2754, Lorne Scots (which one I don't know)  and an Air squadron
Does anyone know what we are doing at the Garrison. All I herd was that we are shooting, the tower, and the confidence coarse.

Hey Humphrey...
I heard the same thing...Confidence Course, Shooting, and the Abseil Tower.
Anyone else know if anything else that's happening.

Well I know whats happening.. but I'm not going to tell you..  Just bring some cash for the canteen ok.  I'll see you guys there.