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Gardiners1 - My Journey Ends.

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Yeah, sorry to hear it didn't work out...

Today, I got a small taste of what you possibly feel like. I went and did my CFAT, passed with no problem, and was ready to book my medical. The clerk said:
-Fine, let's do it December 5th.
-(To myself) A week from now ? Great !!
-Oh, wait a sec...
-(To myself again) Oh oh, doesn't sound good...
-Nah, sorry buddy, but the two trades you applied for (which, btw, were advertised as being in demand just 4 weeks ago) have just been closed. They are filled. Please choose something else, or else you can't do your medical...

So, I go see a recruter in the other room to choose another trade. However, because I now know that my vision is V4 (I can't even see the first big letter E on the eye chart), I find out that there is nothing else in demand for which I would be qualified (an Arts degree sucks). Sooo, my file is gone gathering dust on some desk until something appropriate opens up again, in maybe several months, a year, nobody knows.

I know I've not been completely disqualified as you have been, but I still share your disappointment for not being able to pursue the career you want so badly. I still have shot however, albeit a long one. I'm going to start working on it tomorrow.
Now that this journey has come to an end perhaps this thread can be closed off.  Gardiners1 good luck. Out.
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