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G8/G20 June 2010 Protest Watch

The latest news article in the "when will it ever end Toronto protest saga" :pop:
Opposition pushing for committee hearings on G20 security
OTTAWA — Opposition MPs are trying to trigger parliamentary committee hearings into the street violence and allegations of police violations of civil rights during the G20 summit in Toronto.

But the government appears to oppose the plan.

New Democratic Party MP Don Davies has collected signatures from opposition MPs forcing the recall of the House of Commons public safety committee to a meeting by Monday to debate and vote on a motion to hold hearings.

Davies said in an interview Wednesday that some officials must be held accountable since nearly $1 billion in federal public funds were spent on security for the June 26-27 summit of world leaders hosted by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

"For $1 billion we were promised that there wouldn't be violence and there was," Davies said. "We were told that civil liberties would be respected and they weren't."

more on link
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"TORONTO (Friday, July 9, 2010) – Ontario Ombudsman André Marin today announced he is launching an investigation into the origin and subsequent communication of the controversial security regulation passed by the province prior to the June 26-27 G20 summit.":

June 30, 2010:
"Warmington: Cops had hands 'cuffed":
In reference in to the Warmington column and the presence of the Montreal Riot Squad:

I wonder how many of them recognized their usual "playmates" in the mob.
Kirkhill said:
In reference in to the Warmington column and the presence of the Montreal Riot Squad:

I wonder how many of them recognized their usual "playmates" in the mob.

"Round up the usual suspects."
Captain Renault in Casablanca  :)

7 July, 2010:
Toronto Police: "Police are asking the public to identify people responsible for the vandalism, burning and theft to a scout car.":

A little bit of Alternative Media to fuel the fire...


I maintain my position that there needs to be a public inquiry and that people need to be held accountable.

Wonderbread said:
I maintain my position that there needs to be a public inquiry and that people need to be held accountable.

It looks like you are not alone:
July 9, 2010:

Fri Jul 9 2010: "Day of Action for Civil Liberties’ demands public inquiry":

"G20 Fallout":



Of course protesters found another reason to protest.

Respectfully Wonderbread-

What exactly are we going to get from a multimillion dollar inquiry? I enjoyed your previous posts and look forward to your response so I can consider "the other side".

Tongue in cheek I think the following sum it up:

1) dont use imaginary police powers and dont exagerate the ones you have.(which ever this was a case of)
2) Make sure and have your exhibit officers vet what you plan on putting on display.
3) Crush the protest at the earliest possible sign of any trouble. Otherwise people will whine that on one day the "city burned and the police did nothing" and on the following day "did too much".
4) Most importantly stop holding these meetings in huge urban centers.

Did I miss anything?
Let me get this right now.  Toronto and Canadians complained that the G8/G20 security was going to be $1 Billion.  Now they all want an inquiry into G8/G20 security which will likely cost more than $1 Billion.  Am I missing something here?
George Wallace said:
Let me get this right now.  Toronto and Canadians complained that the G8/G20 security was going to be $1 Billion.  Now they all want an inquiry into G8/G20 security which will likely cost more than $1 Billion.  Am I missing something here?

I agree. From the time I read that Ottawa decided to host "OMG"20 in downtown Toronto, my first concern was casualties. Fortunately, they were minimal.
My second concern was, after the lawyers are finished, how much is the fall-out going to cost?

"Licence to riot":
"And no wonder urban guerrillas felt that they had a licence to destroy Toronto."

"Chain of command questioned in G20: Toronto police wasn’t always in charge":

"G20 inquiry could be helpful, deputy chief says":

"G20 review will focus on decision-making process: police board chair":

"Miller sorry some people got detained during G20 summit":

"Blair may testify on 5-metre rule":

"We need a G20 probe":

Like I said....."when will it ever end Toronto protest saga" :pop:

Next there will probably be talk of making a movie about it.
Or worse...........a soap opera
Container said:
What exactly are we going to get from a multimillion dollar inquiry?

We will be reassured that Canada is not a police state.

There are widespread allegations of police misconduct.  While I admit that some of these allegations come from criminals attempting to distort the facts to promote their fringe group agenda, there are many reasonable, moderate, regular people who believe they saw the police break the law.

Given the above, it's not necessary to prove that there was police misconduct to justify an inquiry.  There just needs to be a strong enough suspicion that the police were out of line.

A multimillion dollar inquiry will be the first step in setting the record straight.  We need to know the extent of the criminal threat, and how far the police went to protect us from it.  We need to know who made the decisions, and what information those decisions were based on.  If it's found that a police broke the law, he needs to be prosecuted just like any other criminal. 

Every time drunk kid pisses on a war memorial, people around here get their panties in a knot.  What people forget is that a war memorial is really just a pile of rock.  Our country would get along just fine without it.  What we need to be worrying about is those who piss on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  It's those Canadian values that define us, and it's those ideas that all those who've gone before us in Europe, Afghanistan, and elsewhere died to defend.  When I think about my friends who are deployed right now, and the one's who've come back without limbs or worse, I don't justify their sacrifice because some day someone will build a statue of a soldier on patrol in Panjwaii.  I justify it because I believe it's necessary to protect our way of life, or laws, and our freedoms.

I believe that if people are messing with that, they need to be held accountable.
Wonderbread said:
A multimillion dollar inquiry will be the first step in setting the record straight. 

I would prefer to see that money go to keeping the arenas and pools open for the kids living in this city. To the children's breakfast clubs. The women's shelters, etc.

When you think of how much good work that money already spent in Toronto could have done:

I guess thats why we wont agree. The idea that you need a reassurance that Canada isnt a "police state" makes this impossible for us to reconcile. We live in a country that stays criminal charges if the police use to much force. As it should. We live in a country where the police cannot point a forward looking infrared device at a house believed to have a gorw operation inside without a warrant. Because the infrared information it gives off has an expectation of privacy.

Further more, recently the courts had to decide whether the police in a helicopter flying over public property that see a grow operation in the middle of the open (but in someones property) constitutes an illegal search.

We do not live in a police state.

The simple fact is that according to common law, which is hundreds of years old, and the basis of our legal system I dont have to wait for you to break the law. If I have a reasonable belief that you are about to break the law, and this gets even hazier in a riot, I can arrest you for having never actually done anything. I have to justify it afterwards and if im wrong you can apply for a big cash reward but you are under arrest.

This was the law 50 years ago and it is the law today.

As for criminality on the part of the police- Inquiries cant charge people and often police officers will not testify unless it is stated explicitly that their testimony cannot be used to charge them. Which is a right every Canadian has- just like you dont have to make a statement at all.

With reference to the War Memorial- police officers died in the "wars" as well. They die in other countries for the Canadian way of life. The Canadian forces bear the highest percentage of that sacrifice. Of that there can be no doubt. But you do not own it exclusively. Many people, even cops, want our way of life to continue. I love my freedoms. When I see assholes abuse those freedoms It bothers me intensely.

At a public demonstartion I had a jar of human piss thrown on me- the other protesters "the peacefull ones" were just fine with that. And when I was in the CF I had someone on a bus start screaming at me that I was a baby killer. I have no patience for these people.
To put it real simple......we live in a society filled with corruption and very little justice.
                  And from the looks of things, it's not going to be getting any better soon.

I aim to take care of my family and friends. Ive set aside my young mans ambition to save the world.
You're welcome at my hearth, fellow cynic, anytime.  ;)
G20 march hits T.O.'s streets

Almost 1,500 protesters calling for a public inquiry into policing during the G20 summit marched through Toronto’s downtown area Saturday.

Participants representing a wide range of groups condemned more than 1,000 G20 arrests last month.

“We want to know ... who gave the order to turn our city into a police state,” said Judy Rebick, a Ryerson professor and veteran left-wing activist.

Speakers at Queen’s Park did not mention the thugs who torched four cruisers, smashed windows, then shed their Black Bloc disguises.

More at link.  It's the usual drivel, but from the comments section:

CrashBandicoot - July 10th 2010, 9:58pm

    I'm tired of all the comments equating Toronto during the G20 with Nazi Germany. Get over yourselves - we're not living in 1938, the Toronto Police are not the Gestapo (which was Germany's police force, the SS was military) and Stephen Harper is not Adolf Hitler. If that were true, this forum wouldn't even exist. And besides, where are the concentration camps, and how many people "disappeared" after the G20?

    If you really want to talk Nazi Germany...who perpetuated Kristallnacht during the G20...the smashing of store windows of people they wanted to intimidate?
If you really want to talk Nazi Germany...who perpetuated Kristallnacht during the G20...the smashing of store windows of people they wanted to intimidate?

An excellent question... but one that will go unanswered by the wailing masses of the self-righteously indignant.
I think "Reductio ad Hitlerum" covers that:
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches."
I'm sure Godwin's Law was invoked with the first post... probably even before the G8/G20 kicked off. I think the author of the question was attempting to throw the accusations back where they belonged, rather than make the comparison himself.