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G.I. Joe prepared my generation for the war on terror.


You think you are strong...But you are weak!

My G.I.Joes are ARMED!

(to be said in the Pinky and the Brain voice) "Time to take over the world!!"


Overlord Slim
:threat: Bring back the GI Joes  :threat:

Back in my day we had Ninja Turtles and GI Joes. They need to get hardcore on bringing back real toys. Remember the GI Joe Command Centre? It had 3 levels and a slide at the top. That's pro. I have so many of those left over. Guess most people around here are growing up to be real live GI Joes. Its awesome.  :salute:
Okay guys.  Wednesday night was just something I pulled out of nowhere. I was only making a joke that was obviously taken seriously by a few. No in real life I do not replay battles! No, Mover1 and I do not beat the crap out of each other. Sorry for the confusion. Cheers.
Gramps said:
Okay guys.   Wednesday night was just something I pulled out of nowhere. I was only making a joke that was obviously taken seriously by a few. No in real life I do not replay battles! No, Mover1 and I do not beat the crap out of each other. Sorry for the confusion. Cheers.

LIAR!! I found your website too! You can't hide a Dungeons and Dragons addiction forever!

GI Joe characters all have these nicknames. The soldiers in Full Metal Jacket all had nicknames. Is that normal or just a fictional convention?
okay, I'm not that witty at all. I meant to quote part of my old post, to make a funny in a new post and erased the original, completely.
I am a dumbass.
Here's the original, for anyone who may have the same questions as boots:
Yes and No. While I seem to collect odd nicknames like a dog does fleas (and sometimes, I collect fleas like a dog does fleas), it's not the norm. Troops will have their names shortened or lengthened - "Euwheniuk" would be shortened to something like "Ewey" for instance. "Smith" is always "Smitty". "White" to "Whitey". "Vandenbroekheim" would become "V-15". "Morgan-Smythe" would be shortened to "MS".

If someone does something incredibly stupid (and someone always does) they will pick up a nickname for a week or two to commemerate it.

But no "Eightball", "Joker", "Snake-Eyes", or "Duke".

Usually. Being from the West, having grown up on a farm, and having rodeo'd my entire life, of course I was 'saddled' with the nickname "Cowboy" when I became a Royal. It stuck, and became part of a running gag - hence my screen nickname. My friends started callin me "Injun" or "Half-breed" or "Chuggie" or "Tonto" once they became aware of my metis background.
When I came home to God's Country and became a Patricia, the troops nicknamed me "Iceman" to poke fun at my hair length and resemblance to Val Kilmer. Now, the CO walks by me in the hallway and asks, "How's it going, Iceman?"

Oh, well, could be worse. The troops could insist on calling me by rank. That's never a good sign.
Did I answer your question? I got kinda lost in the explanation. (It happens when you get this old.)
"Okay guys.  Wednesday night was just something I pulled out of nowhere." - Gramps

- Ah, yes.  The cover-up begins.

I also regret giving away my G.I. Joes (as well as the 80s Star Wars toys I had).  I did, however, keep one fully-kitted soldier which is in my bedroom somewhere at my parent's house.

Big Ben

I loved the characters who's 'uniforms' looked more realistic, rather than the ones with colours you could spot from a mile away.  My other favs were:  Muskrat, Flint, Beachhead, Tunnel Rat, etc.
Hey is anybody collecting the new GI JOE comics.There is also  six comics all about snakeeyes.Heres a link http://www.devilsdue.net/
MikeH said:
Hey is anybody collecting the new GI JOE comics.There is also   six comics all about snakeeyes.Heres a link http://www.devilsdue.net/

I don't like the new ones as much; there are actually several different "new" series and I think I picked up all of them on ebay recently.  There is the frontline series, for example - YOJOE.com lists them all. 

They're still better than the 3D comic and of course the Transformers cross-over.  ::)
Absoloutely amazing how a topic I burned off in my head a 3 on a Friday afternoon has spawned different responses.

Its like putting the word bake on an internet search and coming up with porn. Wed night is nothing. its silly like challenging someone to a "break dance fight" (Gramps and AESOP we are all still waiting for that one.) 
Just wasting bandwidth to tell the truth. Although it is an interesting conspiracy theory.

;D Yes very true, Mover1, absolutely amazing how this topic is cool...lol.
I thought I was the only crazy one, still buying figurines for fun...I just bought 2 nice and cool Army figurine from McFarlane, so dammm hot...also to not forget the Spawn, I'm at 6 now...and some new one just came out too, woohoo !!! Hey! Gramps look at Zellers there is some cool new stuff over there and cheap too...I also came up with a huge Texas Chainsaw Massacre Figurine, just tell me if you want it and I can get it for you and ship it in my x-mas break...
There is also new figurine of G.I. Joe but they are not as cool as they use too,  :crybaby:
Well for my favorite one, just look out my name in the forum not hard to guest huh !!!!! :P

The inspiration born of this topic prompted me to surf yojoe.com for old time's sake, and I came up with another site that actually sells all this stuff!  As he looks just like the character, I'm looking for a Snowjob action figure for my buddy's birthday present.

. . . but now I'm interested in getting some of these brilliant figurines:



One time some GI Joes came in and liberated a brothel fillied with barbie dolls.....and the Barbies didn't want to beliberated. They rather sit around the pool and sunbathe rather than go back to G.I. Joes refugee camp and live in a modular tent.

I don't blame them though. Poor Barbie....She can't find a real man..... its either Ken who  is more interested in the Joe's, or G.I. Joe who who is married to his work and gone all the time.
