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Funny Pix & Video Thread

Really basic french will be enought

The Day The Earth Stopped Masturbating

Top cover is off, bolt is out, gas tube is off, no magazine applied (unlike the two in the foreground)

Looks to me as though he's checking that he's properly cleaned the barrel before inspection...?

S.M.A. said:
NavyShooter said:
Top cover is off, bolt is out, gas tube is off, no magazine applied (unlike the two in the foreground)

Looks to me as though he's checking that he's properly cleaned the barrel before inspection...?

Same way I saw it. I have inspected my own and numerous other's weapons the same way.

Follow your drills. Seems simple enough.
A new take on the glass half full conundrum.


These 31 charts will destroy your faith in humanity

Does Bible Belt love porn as much as the godless do?

Spoiler Alert!  :nod:


That which people project is not necessarily an expression of that which remains inside.

This simple truth is one that has saved me even more often than relative sobriety in the early hours of many mornings.

It's a truth that's apparently confirmed by figures emerging from a famous hub of pornography. For they suggest that even in the most outwardly saintly parts of America, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

I am grateful to PandoDaily for turning me (on) to an analysis by PornHub, which -- so several priest friends tell me -- is an extremely popular haven for the naked and the nubile.

PornHub took it upon itself as a civil and moral duty to discover whether cities that officially revere religion are more prone to pornographic abstinence than places where mammon, mammaries, and man-love hold sway.

To judge the religiousness of cities, the site used Gallup Healthways Well-Being Index.

It might be hard for some to swallow, but PornHub found that centers of rectitude such as Montgomery, Huntsville, and Birmingham, Ala., are watching more online porn than the heathen hedonists in San Francisco.

The algorithmically minded might posit that the hedonists are too busy performing acts of depravity to watch and fantasize. They might suggest that, in the more devout places, the sins of the mind take the place of the sins of the body.

There are, indeed, religious quarters where porn watching is relatively low: Provo, Utah, for example. But even there, its score of 5.7 videos per capita is higher than overly liberal Boston's 4.5.

It might well be that these figures are perverted by a small number of inhabitants who watch a disproportionately large number of videos of the disproportionate.

Troublingly, PornHub Vice President Corey Price told PandoDaily that those in more holy cities watch 47 more seconds per video than those in godless areas. (Perhaps they're not as used to the formulaic scripts.)

The godly might discover some salvation in the data that shows its porn-watchers are more into categories such as "teen," "amateur," "college," and something called "squirt" (which I don't believe has anything to do with performances by really short people).

(The godless are, allegedly, far more moved by "gay," "lesbian," and "compilation.")

Regional and even international trends in porn-watching are being researched more and more. One recent study mused on the idea that Texas, Wyoming, Missouri, and Colorado are all into "teens," while Iran allegedly has a vast predilection for "gays."

Church and porn, though, can meet in perfect harmony. I have embedded footage of the XXXChurch, which seeks to save even porn stars from a life of carnal iniquity.

I fear, though, that we are all simply tortured beings, looking for true love, temporary love, or even mere minutes of pleasure in order to get us through the thrashings of everyday life.

New Commemorative Pistol

Ruger is coming out with a new pistol in honor of Canadian  Senators.

It will be named the "The Senator."

It doesn't work and you can't fire it..........

jollyjacktar said:

Love the translation of the commentary below.

Event on May 19, with the town of Tobolsk Uvat region occurred on the highway connecting. Watching at normal speed vehicle, the road suddenly thrown out of the trees bear hit.

A severe blow to the bear, repeatedly flip-flop fell by the wayside after a workout. Drew attention to move away from the bear running away as if nothing happened.

Experiences from moment to moment the camera is reflected in the vehicle property damage occurred. After the accident, it was shown that the smoke in front of the vehicle.

Mandatory to Russia due to the in-vehicle camera images of traffic accidents often published on video sharing sites.
In Russia you not hit bear.......bear hit you! And kick up our capitalist tail!

Oh I do miss the Cold War!
Boat For Sale

This is how you sell something!

S.M.A. said:

Comrade S.M.A that is very good show of Soviet fashion! In Soviet Union,  woman does no wear dress. Dress wear her!

Now where is the vodka? I need drink to dispel capitalist pig dog thoughts....say, comrades, what year is it?  ;D
Rifleman62 said:
Boat For Sale

This is how you sell something!

That just made my day.  Love it!