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Fundraising for Army.ca's New Server

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

As some of you already know, there is a plan afoot to move Army.ca to a new server. The details are laid out in another thread but the highlights are as follows:

  • The current server/hosting package is being decommissioned
  • The current server costs $200/month
  • The new server costs $50/month
  • The new server has an initial contract outlay of $1,200 USD - we do not have that much cash on hand, hence the fundraising
  • The new server is has over double the horsepower of the current server

I have added a progress bar to the top of the site, to give things that good old fashioned telethon feel. :) I will keep the total updated as we move forward, and have already received some generous donations from several of our senior members putting us well on the way to our goal. Problem is, it's the same senior members who have been contributing to the welfare of the site for years, and I'd like to see some 'new blood' take an interest as well.

There are lots of ways you can contribute, ranging from subscriptions to buying Army.ca swag or even dropping a little something into the tip jar. It all helps and will push us closer to our goal.

Do you have an email address to sond an EMT to?

Edit: never mind, found it.
Mr. Bobbitt, I suggest that you might want to use spell check once in a while. =D

"Fudnraising for Army.ca's New Server"

Waiting out for the mil points, after correcting the army.ca God.
Title has been corrected on the original post.
Wow, the response is overwhelming! We are almost there folks, thanks to everyone who has taken up the call!
The advice and info I have received over the past few days has been outstanding, well worth $30 and I get a cool T-shirt! Thanks good people. :cdn:
Finally put in for that subscription I've been being lazy about for a while now. I can't see the bar for some reason, but we must be close or over now.
I have learned a lot from the members here since I joined the forum many years ago, which has helped me quite a bit as I presently go through the application process. Subscribing is the least I could do.

Thanks to everyone who supported the site - the response was incredible, and we have reached our goal!

Here are the folks you have to thank for giving us a new home:

Bass ackwards
Larry Strong
Michael O'Leary
NFLD Sapper
Old Sweat
Rider Pride
the 48th regulator

Words cannot express how overwhelmed I am at the generosity of our members. I figured this process would take us through a period of a couple of months, at least - not the span of just a few hours!

I have started the purchase process for the new hosting service, and will begin the technical planning for the move this weekend.

Thanks again!
Mike Bobbitt said:
.... Words cannot express how overwhelmed I am at the generosity of our members. I figured this process would take us through a period of a couple of months, at least - not the span of just a few hours! ....
Hey, you create and maintain a good product, you shouldn't be surprised at a good customer response.

Thanks for all the unseen hard work to keep the Milnet.ca family of sites up!  :salute:
milnews.ca said:
Hey, you create and maintain a good product, you shouldn't be surprised at a good customer response.

Thanks for all the unseen hard work to keep the Milnet.ca family of sites up!  :salute:

What he said.