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FULL Time Or Reserve


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Hi guys long time reader first time poster. I recently was up to the recruiting center to fill out a file transfer request as I moved back to my home from the NWT. While there myself and the Recruiter were talking about how the trades I had requested were closed until at least April 2011. She then suggested If I was interested the reserves may be quicker to get into. I do not know which would be better for me. Can anyone advise if it is easy to go from Reserves to Full time reg force or is it a difficult thing to do? Is there a waiting period before you can?
It all depends. It could take months, or up to or over a year. It's impossible to predict.

With that said, an application to the reserves may take some time as well, as you may or may not be accepted to one prior to April 2011.
I knew the whole process takes awhile. I was kind of asking if it was easy to go from reserves to reg force. Cause the recruiter advised me that i had to pick one or the other. My file is complete I think I may have to write the test and such again because it has been over a year since I began the process
mattteed1 said:
I knew the whole process takes awhile. I was kind of asking if it was easy to go from reserves to reg force. Cause the recruiter advised me that i had to pick one or the other. My file is complete I think I may have to write the test and such again because it has been over a year since I began the process

If I'm not mistaken, you will have to complete a Component Transfer from reserve to reg force and that may take a while. Most of the training you complete as a reservist may have to be re-completed as a reg force member.
Check out some of the threads here on the Component Transfer (CT) process:  Occupational and Component Transfers

It's not always that easy and as Nauticus said, you may find yourself doing some (or all) training again.  If you want Regs, then wait for it.  Many Reserve units aren't hiring until April either.

Ask yourself this question:  Am I looking for full-time or part-time work?
Nauticus said:
If I'm not mistaken, you will have to complete a Component Transfer from reserve to reg force and that may take a while. Most of the training you complete as a reservist may have to be re-completed as a reg force member.

On that note,  I have recently opted for Reserves and chose the element of Air.  Not only because it's a very cool element, but because all training done within the Air Forces IS the Reg. force training.  Therefore, if I decide to component transfer after all my training is done, I won't have to retrain.  Even basic training is the full 13 weeks and you are amongst reg. force members. 

mattteed1 said:
I knew the whole process takes awhile. I was kind of asking if it was easy to go from reserves to reg force. Cause the recruiter advised me that i had to pick one or the other. My file is complete I think I may have to write the test and such again because it has been over a year since I began the process

The only time you ever have to re-do this is if you are looking to re-muster to a different trade that you did not qualify for the first time.  You should be good to go on that one.

All that being said, there is also opportunity for full time employment within the CF Reserves.  It's called Class B.  But these positions are not always easy to come by.  I am currently Class A and entitled to work 14 days a month.  That number can change as well. 

I LOVE IT!!  You won't regret what ever decision you make!  CF Rocks!
I would recommend monitoring the reserve employment opportunities website.  It gives you an idea of what is out there and perhaps what you need to get there.

tfly said:
On that note,  I have recently opted for Reserves and chose the element of Air.  Not only because it's a very cool element, but because all training done within the Air Forces IS the Reg. force training.  Therefore, if I decide to component transfer after all my training is done, I won't have to retrain.  Even basic training is the full 13 weeks and you are amongst reg. force members. 
Really? I wasn't aware of this. Good to note!
Thanks for all the imput. I do want to be reg force full time. I was just inquiring because I thought the reserves might be faster to get into as well as be beneficial. I think by taking your advice I will just wait for Reg Force. By the way I appreciate all the information on this form. Thanks everyone for posting