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From bears to bullets - New uniform proposal

I am a little hesitant to take this guy seriously. Personally i like to see people succeed, but this guy strikes me as someone living in a fantasy world and he is trying to make it real.  Hockey gear + custom plastic molding + flashlights strapped to hear = costume for next halloween. Dont get me wrong, realize your dreams people, but if your dream involves wearing a helmet that looks like a bear head, and a clock on your .... umm... well...yeah...
Just my opinion.

There is no denying he is a bit nutty, but he does have several successful patents under his belt.
True enough, that he is intelligent and driven enough to get a patent completed. My hat is off to him on that.
The part that disturbs me is how fast and how focused his talking is. Even when he shows off the clock, there is little hesitation. I have met a few people that present themselves like this fellow, and most, as well tend to be driven individuals, but what drives them is the fantasy that is in their heads. Some succeed, others end up working the rest of their life on getting their propetual motion machine patented. And cant understand why the 'free energy machine' wont work when the patent inspectors show up.
To be fair I wish him luck. In his excentric methods, there needs to be people who think outside the box, and he is certainly doing that.
An earlier post questioned why there is a "clock" dangling between the legs...Maybe it was just a typo. I'll let you decide what other word it could have been.

I apologize.
no, there's actually a digital timepiece on his codpiece. Think about it, when you're in the field, and every inch of your body has this equipment on it, how are you going to read a wristwatch? so he did the logical thing, and found a way to mount it somewhere on the suit where it would be visible in many different positions.

And, since I know someone is going to bring it up, yes, he could have put it in the helmet as a HUD, but that's getting a little ahead of his stage of development, besides, having any amount of a hud with moving, blinking characters would be distracting to the user.
Personally, I happen to think the little mousy fell out of the spinning wheel in his head. Whats next, the Combat Bra?
You know what really caught my eye, anyone read an articvle in the maple leaf about 5-6 months ago about the kid, 17 years old I believe,from St. Albert that created the new body armour.  Supposidly weight 18lbs and was standing up to shots from high powered rifles.  I'd like to see what happened with that.


The first video is the testing of the Ursus v1 and v2 suits.

The second video is of the inventor being interviewed in his new suit.

I think he may be onto something with his new suit, certain parts of it, (360 deg ballistic protection and a/c in the helmet) anyway.

The general consensus was that Galileo, Copernicus and Da Vinci were nutbars in their day.
Imagine this stuff in CADPAT :D I bet there wouldn't be any more stupid people asking stupid questions when on the way to/from work taking public transit  >:D
sober_ruski said:
I bet there wouldn't be any more stupid people asking stupid questions when on the way to/from work taking public transit  >:D

little boy on bus: "Mr.Robot-man, why are you on the bus instead of your rocketship."
In that case you can "accidentally" press that bear/mad somalinians defense gas button  :blotto:
and quickly subcome to the fumes due to the fact that the helmet is force fed air from the outside using high volume fans...lol
Lost Cargo said:
and quickly subcome to the fumes due to the fact that the helmet is force fed air from the outside using high volume fans...lol

I find it odd that there would be no air filters, unless they are to bulky...
Just saw a bit on the inventor and the suit on Discovery channel.
Kooky but some good ideas. I have the inclination to think of the suit as a demo platform. Sort of like the concept cars that come out every year in Detroit auto shows.

RN PRN - agreed.... he's bolted on those little electronic memopad key fob onto the suit so the soldier can leave a final message to his kin..... dumb / smart idea

and others
davidhmd said:
(Darth Vader Voice) Yes, this will be very useful in crushing that pesky rebel alliane... now where can we find a death star to go with it.

Seriously though, could be the beginning of a very useful piece of kit!

The northern alliance is on our side  :D!
On a piece of kit this complicated, wouldn't it be best to keep it as simple as possible? Either get rid of all this other stuff or keep it as optional mods... most of it's bound to break anyway