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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

A close friend of mine drives for OC transpo. He said they've been discussing joining and getting involved with the protest. I doubt they would use their work buses but it sounds like their management has been pretty shitty to them over the covid experience and they want to be heard.

He also mentioned they've heard rumors of trades and farmers getting involved.
Makes sense ;)

Convoy protesters hope to garner national sympathy by terrorizing locals​

OTTAWA – Freedom Convoy organizers say they are asking the citizens of Ottawa to be a little more understanding towards their tactics in bullying, law-breaking, and psychological warfare as they hope to garner more national sympathy.

Leaders carefully explained the subtle nuances on why their rights and freedoms require them to hold the city hostage.

“We know that citizens of Ottawa have families and young kids like we do,” said one of the leaders blaring his truck horn. “The sleep deprivation of locals will surely convince the nation of our position.”

It’s PER season, most of the CAF is unavailable.
I'm going to take a tactical pause here and blow everyone's mind.

Leaders in the CAF reviewing PERs can actually save time, energy, and effort correcting spelling mistakes themselves and typing reworded sentences how they think it should be worded.
A close friend of mine drives for OC transpo. He said they've been discussing joining and getting involved with the protest. I doubt they would use their work buses but it sounds like their management has been pretty shitty to them over the covid experience and they want to be heard.

He also mentioned they've heard rumors of trades and farmers getting involved.
I'm starting to get the feeling that the longer they wait, the harder it is going to be to end this.
I'm going to take a tactical pause here and blow everyone's mind.

Leaders in the CAF reviewing PERs can actually save time, energy, and effort correcting spelling mistakes themselves and typing reworded sentences how they think it should be worded.


Shocked Pop Tv GIF by Nightcap
Great point. Not sure why these symbols of hate aren't already banned.
Because everytime we've banned stuff, the opposite happens. Drugs, gun violence.... The bigger problem is the Left has weapons weaponized being a Nazi as anyone who they don't like. A Toronto Maple Leafs logo could also end up as a hate symbol in some parts of the country, slippery slope.

We have freedom of expression here, if you want to wave a Nazi or Hamas flag, go for it. Makes it easier for me to see who the douchebags are and rest assured most other folks are going to freely express that same sentiment to the Nazi/terrorist idiot.
Great point. Not sure why these symbols of hate aren't already banned.
You make great points, we should ban any symbol someone could possibly consider a symbol of hate. That would include the symbols of the USSR, Communism, Communist China, The Union Jack, The Canadian Flag, Conservative party logo, Liberal party logo, NDP logo, etc.

It isn't the business of the government as to what symbols people choose or choose not to own. I fear the day that the government decides it knows better than its citizens and decides to try and take away their ability to think and express themselves.