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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

The best part about conspiracy theories is that one assumes govts are working “the long game” when it’s pretty obvious that every single govt has been trying to make it to the next election.

Most of us here have been in the CAF and see how bureaucracy works within one govt department. I’m not convinced that the rest of the GoC is magically that much better that it can sustain a years-long “long game”.

All of your examples have been happening before the current Trudeau govt, and not only in Canada. I remember being told that our “national pride and morale” were being destroyed in the 1990s.

And the 80s. And the 70s.

That sounds like the long game to me.
In the local newspaper (Kitchissippi Times in Westboro Ottawa) it was announced that the Stella Luna Ice Cream Shop has closed its operations on Wellington St. The reason I put this in here is that the owner's sister had donated money to the convoy, some people found out and they had to shut down for a bit because the staff was getting death threats. The lady apologized and the shop re-opened but the damage was done and obviously it never recovered. I really liked going to that place and I just cannot understand people going after staff of a business with death threats.

WTF is wrong with people.

Its our inability to recognize and appreciate that people are allowed to exist who do not believe all the same things.
In the local newspaper (Kitchissippi Times in Westboro Ottawa) it was announced that the Stella Luna Ice Cream Shop has closed its operations on Wellington St. The reason I put this in here is that the owner's sister had donated money to the convoy, some people found out and they had to shut down for a bit because the staff was getting death threats. The lady apologized and the shop re-opened but the damage was done and obviously it never recovered. I really liked going to that place and I just cannot understand people going after staff of a business with death threats.

WTF is wrong with people.

Not to disagree with you, FSTO. But, "death threats" were not mentioned in the article.
The print edition mentioned the threats. The paper is in my recycling and I'll check to confirm the claim when I get home.
It would be totally expected nowadays that this would be the case. Literally every news article that tilts left or right results in threats now.
They weren't called Nazis for because they were being loud and obnoxious, they were being called Nazis BECAUSE THERE WAS PEOPLE FLYING LITEARL NAZI FLAGS AT THE PROTEST.

This is just absolute hogwash on par with stolen US election claims. What evidence do you have to corroborate ANY of this? It's nothing but fantastical conjecture.
I worked at Robson and Burrard which is protest central for Vancouver, every protest will attract idiots and people not even related to the cause being currently protested. I have seen communist flags at many protests and the communists are just as bad as the Nazi's, except we seem to tolerate them and their death count far more. You have no idea who that person was and whether they were just an asshole, a real wannabe Nazi or a agent provocateur. Now if you saw a dozen skinheads with Nazi flags, then it would be real for sure. But that is not what we saw. For the most part, these people had no real idea how to protest, because it's the first time in their lives they done so and that in itself is significant. If you watch the professional protesters, they have it down to a science and know how to get maximum effect with minimal people. So I am sorry a whole bunch of average Canadians who have never protested before, felt the need to travel thousands of kilometres to make your life inconvenient.
I worked at Robson and Burrard which is protest central for Vancouver, every protest will attract idiots and people not even related to the cause being currently protested. I have seen communist flags at many protests and the communists are just as bad as the Nazi's, except we seem to tolerate them and their death count far more. You have no idea who that person was and whether they were just an asshole, a real wannabe Nazi or a agent provocateur. Now if you saw a dozen skinheads with Nazi flags, then it would be real for sure. But that is not what we saw. For the most part, these people had no real idea how to protest, because it's the first time in their lives they done so and that in itself is significant. If you watch the professional protesters, they have it down to a science and know how to get maximum effect with minimal people. So I am sorry a whole bunch of average Canadians who have never protested before, felt the need to travel thousands of kilometres to make your life inconvenient.

For certain. And this is what scared the leadership.
For the most part, these people had no real idea how to protest, because it's the first time in their lives they done so and that in itself is significant. If you watch the professional protesters, they have it down to a science and know how to get maximum effect with minimal people. So I am sorry a whole bunch of average Canadians who have never protested before, felt the need to travel thousands of kilometres to make your life inconvenient.

It sounds like you've talked yourself into a pretty lucrative retirement job: Protestor Training! ;)
There are definitely people with post-nationalist worldviews in our governments.

Assuming they're able to co-ordinate a lot of their efforts is a stretch. Certainly they can co-ordinate some, simply by sharing their views and information.

As I've pointed out with respect to other conspiracy theories, there's no need for a conspiracy theory where Adam Smith's "invisible hand" will do - people following their own inclinations will undertake and achieve things, which might look centrally planned and guided to a high degree, but are not. Get enough people putting their thumbs on the scale, and it tilts.
In the local newspaper (Kitchissippi Times in Westboro Ottawa) it was announced that the Stella Luna Ice Cream Shop has closed its operations on Wellington St. The reason I put this in here is that the owner's sister had donated money to the convoy, some people found out and they had to shut down for a bit because the staff was getting death threats. The lady apologized and the shop re-opened but the damage was done and obviously it never recovered. I really liked going to that place and I just cannot understand people going after staff of a business with death threats.

WTF is wrong with people.
This story was just before Xmas. No love lost with that business. The owner shit on her local customer base who decided to no longer patronize her establishment. She went on Tucker Carlson to whine which didn’t help. But she sure got a lot of encouragement from as far as Australia but those people weren’t her customers. She tried to rebrand with her son but no one was buying that. Looks like her bank street location might not last until April either.

There are plenty other stories from people that worked there about a toxic workplace as well. Not to mention them driving out another local business.

I won’t shed a tear. Actions have consequences.
This story was just before Xmas. No love lost with that business. The owner shit on her local customer base who decided to no longer patronize her establishment. She went on Tucker Carlson to whine which didn’t help. But she sure got a lot of encouragement from as far as Australia but those people weren’t her customers. She tried to rebrand with her son but no one was buying that. Looks like her bank street location might not last until April either.

There are plenty other stories from people that worked there about a toxic workplace as well. Not to mention them driving out another local business.

I won’t shed a tear. Actions have consequences.
The other business leaving was in the story. I'm not as intune with the place that you are. I just liked going there for the ice cream and toxic workplace or not, staff of any business do not need to take abuse for the actions of the owner. Its like the people who yell at the grocery till or the gas station attendant. Its just wrong to be like that.
This story was just before Xmas. No love lost with that business. The owner shit on her local customer base who decided to no longer patronize her establishment. She went on Tucker Carlson to whine which didn’t help. But she sure got a lot of encouragement from as far as Australia but those people weren’t her customers. She tried to rebrand with her son but no one was buying that. Looks like her bank street location might not last until April either.

There are plenty other stories from people that worked there about a toxic workplace as well. Not to mention them driving out another local business.

I won’t shed a tear. Actions have consequences.

Regardless, small businesses are failing alot these days due to multiple factors which may not be related to political leanings:

Regardless, small businesses are failing alot these days due to multiple factors which may not be related to political leanings:

Not wrong. But they themselves have pointed to the fallout from that.
This story was just before Xmas. No love lost with that business. The owner shit on her local customer base who decided to no longer patronize her establishment. She went on Tucker Carlson to whine which didn’t help. But she sure got a lot of encouragement from as far as Australia but those people weren’t her customers. She tried to rebrand with her son but no one was buying that. Looks like her bank street location might not last until April either.

There are plenty other stories from people that worked there about a toxic workplace as well. Not to mention them driving out another local business.

I won’t shed a tear. Actions have consequences.
She donated $250... That was good enough reason to ruin her livelihood?

They "forced" another business to move because the landlord failed to follow the rules of the tenancy agreement and allowed a direct competitor to move in. That's not on the gelato shop, that's on the landlord for ever having signed an agreement with the other shop in the first place.

I haven't followed directly, but I suspect that she "whined" to Tucker Carlson after the boycotting/destruction of her business over a donation. I suspect if your livelihood was threatened by activists you'd complain to anyone that would listen as well.

What happens when your preferred cause is vilified? Will you just roll over and take it because "actions have consequences"?
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She donated $250... That was good enough reason to ruin her livelihood?
a question for her I would suspect. Was it worth it?
They "forced" another business to move because the landlord failed to follow the rules of the tenancy agreement and allowed a direct competitor to move in. That's not on the gelato shop, that's on the landlord for ever having signed an agreement with the other shop in the first place.
Yes. And actively supporting a cause that prevented many other neighbouring businesses from opening. Also as brought out food regularly for the convoy. Her choice but as I mentioned her consequences. The locals clearly are not in a forgive and forget.
I haven't followed directly, but I suspect that she "whined" to Tucker Carlson after the boycotting/destruction of her business over a donation. I suspect if your livelihood was threatened by activists you'd complain to anyone that would listen as well.
It was PR stint after she was outed.
What happens when your preferred cause is vilified? Will you just roll over and take it because "actions have consequences"?
Again, she shit on the locals. They are voting with their wallets. She picked the wrong wagon to hitch herself to.
Yea, again, conspiracy theories. One of the convoy protestor's lawyers tried to bring this claim up at the inquiry, got shut down, and subsequently sued for his false accusations about "false-flags"
Surprising it got shut down. When the claim was agaisnt the very government in question.
Where did that case go?
Dude, I'm referring to the implication that the PM purposefully fomented the situation for his own political gain; I'm not denying that any of the things that happened happened.
He should be charged with trying to instigate a riot. His words were used to try and inflame an already tense situation to support his position.
You have no idea who that person was and whether they were just an asshole, a real wannabe Nazi or a agent provocateur. Now if you saw a dozen skinheads with Nazi flags, then it would be real for sure. But that is not what we saw. For the most part, these people had no real idea how to protest, because it's the first time in their lives they done so and that in itself is significant. If you watch the professional protesters, they have it down to a science and know how to get maximum effect with minimal people. So I am sorry a whole bunch of average Canadians who have never protested before, felt the need to travel thousands of kilometres to make your life inconvenient.
What in the actual hell does this have to do with me? See below.
Not sure I see the distinction you're trying to draw tho. You're simultaneously saying people were "calling them nazis" because of the nazi flag, yet "[not] disparaging the entire group"? I'm not tracking.
I'll say it again then.

And to be clear, this is ALL I am saying.

@YZT580 implied (in the original post that this is a reply to) that the reason the protestors were being branded as "Nazis" (and racists) was because they were "loud and obnoxious".

I countered, stating that the reason the government and media associated the convoy protestors with "Nazis" was instead because of an actual Nazi flag (and a Nazi swastika drawn on an upside down Canadian flag) as well as several Confederate flags seen at the protest.

That's. Literally. It.

I am not stating the opinion that because there was one Nazi flag there that the whole group were Nazis.

I am not claiming their was more than one Nazi flag there.

I am not claiming whether or not the guy with the Nazi flag was a legitimate supporter of Nazism, or just a provacateur.


Or put more clearly, just in case, because no one seems to be listening to me:

Government A says that Group B are assholes because of X.

@YZT580 comes along and says "Government A says that Group B are assholes because of Y!"

I come along and say "Actually @YZT580, it wasn't because of Y, it was because of X."

And then you all came along and start shouting "Oh, so YOU (@Lumber ) think that Group B are assholes because of X?!"
Confederate flags does not mean Nazism for one thing. Perhaps 2 instances of symbols being shown and one of them might have been referencing that the protester felt the government was acting like Nazi's (whether you agree or not, a swastika drawn on a flag could be referenced either way) I will agree it's a piss poor way to show it if that is what they meant. You also typed your statement in All Caps, so I was assuming you believe a significant number were Nazi's or Nazi's wannabes.

So to be clear, you are not accusing a significant group of them being nazi's and pointing out that 1, perhaps two carried such symbols for whatever purpose is unknown to us?

Perhaps I got my posts mixed up, but I believed that you were there and felt inconvenienced by them?