The carbon tax has had a negligible effect on the inflation of the cost of living, doubly so when compared to how much of an effect outside factors have had. So, sure we could get rid of it, but it would not change the situation your friends are in, and if we had never had it in the first place, we still would be where we are.
This is true because you say so?
Nope, big nope. Its alot more of a multiplier and cascading effect than you realize. I felt the pain myself.
One small example I went through
-I average 35-50 customers a year freezer meat orders (I make about 10-15G a year from this)
-Customers very satisfied with the product
-Summer is rolling around, my customers are mostly urbanites that travel 2-6 hours to get their orders (Yes that far)
-I ended up with 3 meat order customers
-I follow up with my other regulars as to what happened
-Example of some of the reasons
---Gas is too expensive to make the trip
---We can't afford meat anymore
---We have to choose between hydro, heat and food
---We can only afford to buy Costco sale beef
---I have to sell my house, can't afford anything
I am but one example of many, many businesses that feel the pain of the carbon tax. You, yes YOU make all these assumptions that its other factors (there are a FEW not many), However you seem happy to offer up explanation after explanation. Your tone deaf. End story.
I am only touching the tip of the ice berg on Trudeau's carbon tax. Just about all of his policies are a colossal failure and waste of money. Everything they touch is a boondoggle and prime example of mismanagement. Printing new money doesn't help. Continious waste of public funds. Extra elections when he said he wouldn't do it. Never answering in parliament for his actions. How long of a list do I need to make?
The government should be doing what they can to enable Canadians, not further hinder them.
The ship is sinking with an incompetent Captain and too many people are making excuses for him. Enough.