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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

That’s some pretty dumb stuff to say by text.

In other news, James Bauder wants some sort of Convoy 2.0 in Ottawa around the weekend of Feb. 18-19 2023. That’s exactly a year from when the occupation got cleared out of downtown.

Probably safe to guess that a close eye will be kept on this.

That’s some pretty dumb stuff to say by text.

In other news, James Bauder wants some sort of Convoy 2.0 in Ottawa around the weekend of Feb. 18-19 2023. That’s exactly a year from when the occupation got cleared out of downtown.

Probably safe to guess that a close eye will be kept on this.

There are a lot of lessons learned on both sides.
That’s some pretty dumb stuff to say by text.

In other news, James Bauder wants some sort of Convoy 2.0 in Ottawa around the weekend of Feb. 18-19 2023. That’s exactly a year from when the occupation got cleared out of downtown.

Probably safe to guess that a close eye will be kept on this.

Make a grand statement. Play like you’re organizing one.

Then don’t go.
I honestly think that the cabinet ministers thought their PINs would never see the light of day.

Now they know they thought wrong.

Their texts are clear examples of the cavalier disregard they have for anyone other than themselves and their privileged cabal…
The next thing you’ll know we’ll be told we should cancel Disney+ subscriptions…
There are a lot of lessons learned on both sides.

Definitely. If they want to show up and march around downtown for a while like any normal Ottawa protest, have at ‘er. If they intend anything more than they, they’ll hopefully also have noted and learned from how the subsequent ‘rolling thunder’ protest went when they tried to block off Rideau Street.

Ottawa experiences a lot of protests and is generally very tolerant of them. This crew, like any, should be allowed to toe the line so long as they’re acting lawfully, but will likely not be given any benefit of the doubt beyond that.
I honestly think that the cabinet ministers thought their PINs would never see the light of day.

Now they know they thought wrong.

Their texts are clear examples of the cavalier disregard they have for anyone other than themselves and their privileged cabal…
You should see the PIN's that went around DND/CAF amongst seniors. It was disgusting.
Well, the authorities may have lost the old automatic allegiances of some people on the right, but they've picked up a bunch on the left.

Late to the party but immediately thought Gestapo CT Stasi.
Give the War Museum some grants to acquire and retain "runners" and you'll always have some tanks on hand in Ottawa.
Definitely. If they want to show up and march around downtown for a while like any normal Ottawa protest, have at ‘er. If they intend anything more than they, they’ll hopefully also have noted and learned from how the subsequent ‘rolling thunder’ protest went when they tried to block off Rideau Street.

Ottawa experiences a lot of protests and is generally very tolerant of them. This crew, like any, should be allowed to toe the line so long as they’re acting lawfully, but will likely not be given any benefit of the doubt beyond that.
Yeah, pretty straightforward. Don't poop on the streets, steal food from the homeless shelter and beat up security guards, harass people shopping, block roads and highways and generally be a menace and it is fine.

Not really optimisitic we won't see more of 'Stick it to the Laurentian Elites' 'Take off your mask you Sheep!' etc etc.

'Sir, this is Shoppers Drug Mart.'
You should see the PIN's that went around DND/CAF amongst seniors. It was disgusting.
Anybody who doesn’t think that emails/PINs won’t eventually hit the public, is not very bright…or just plain arrogant.
Tinfoil hat hypothetical

So what happens if it turns out JT was one of the MP's that China covertly funded? Given stories like this one, it may not be as far-fetched as some want to believe?

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was forced to defend his party's fundraising methods in the House of Commons Tuesday after media reports emerged revealing he attended a fundraiser with a Chinese businessman who went on to donate $200,000 to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation"

Given how sketchy this entire situation is, it may be unresolvable since the party in power could be the one that benefitted the most from covert Chinese funding and simply decide to cover this whole mess up. I mean, what are they gonna do, be honest with us? Tell us that in fact the Chinese did help them? They don't seem interested in really coming clean and telling us anything, it seems like they are actually more focused on bringing up other controversial topics like gun laws to bring heat off of the situation and trying to move past and dismiss it.

Maybe it is just tinfoil, but you would think if it was, and maybe it is, and the LPC are truly interested in "transparent government" wouldn't we already have the answers and know exactly who was foreign funded? That's super messed up. And there's nothing everyday Canadian's can really do about it.

What would the repercussions even be if this turned out to be the case, if anything?

How do we potentially deal with a party holding power if we know the way they came to that power was partially threw foreign funding by one of our biggest adversaries? And how will this effect our relationship with our Western allies if proven true and the party refuses to leave?

I realize this might be pretty far-fetched but at the same time the lack of transparency on this topic is pure conspiracy fuel.
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The Head of CSIS contradicts what the CSIS report said. The report said no need for the EMA from what I read a few days ago. Now the head of CSIS says he recommended it to JT in a meeting.
Again no action for those who attacked a Construction camp working on building critical infrastructure in Western Canada or the same people who laid out booby traps and road hazards that the RCMP had to get through to attend the destruction. Funny, all we have seen is a illegal use of the EMA which should be the last resort. I also find it funny that the Heads of all others involved said they did not require the EMA from the federal government. Yet the head of CSIS said different, I wonder how other things they get wrong from his advice.
The CSIS report (on record) says no, but the CSIS Head says yes, thing gives citizens reasonable uncertainty as to what was going on…did the CSIS Head counter the Service’s own assessment to ‘do the PM a solid?’ One can’t help but at least ask the question…

The whole thing stinks and Canadians have a right to be concerned.
The CSIS report (on record) says no, but the CSIS Head says yes, thing gives citizens reasonable uncertainty as to what was going on…did the CSIS Head counter the Service’s own assessment to ‘do the PM a solid?’ One can’t help but at least ask the question…

The whole thing stinks and Canadians have a right to be concerned.
But you and I know most Canadians won’t be concerned.
They’ll shrug their shoulders and say “the government does what it wants”
The CSIS report (on record) says no, but the CSIS Head says yes, thing gives citizens reasonable uncertainty as to what was going on…did the CSIS Head counter the Service’s own assessment to ‘do the PM a solid?’ One can’t help but at least ask the question…

The whole thing stinks and Canadians have a right to be concerned.
As I mentioned in another thread, so long as this government only really offends 30% at a time and everyone else remains silent about it, they will keep getting away with more and more.
Instead I would argue that Lucki isn't the RCMP's friend....
Oh, it wasn’t Lucki who isn’t the RCMP’s friend…it was apparently just her notes that aren’t the RCMP’s friends.

What a load of codswallop that article is…”in notes prepared for Cmre Lucki to present to cabinet…”

So did she herself actually say what her notes said? 🤦🏻