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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

And what substantial evidence do you have that your narrative is true? Census, petitions, in depth interviews with everyone? No, you have none. You have an opinion based on your personal bias's and those who you agree with. I'm simply applying your rules to my own opinion.
So the shepherds of good hope didn’t have an issue with scumbags assaulting a security guard and demanding food?

Are businesses open or closed right now in the core?

Are the local schools open?

Hey the mall is closed too.

People living there don’t feel safe and certainly are starting to lose patience.

Or the disabled that can’t get to their services and in some cases access to their source of food

Or the the homeless people that volunteers can’t get to. You probably live in southern Ontario and don’t understand how cold it is here right now.

I would post plenty of articles and feeds and what not but you already have your head in the sand.

People there want them gone. I could care less what you think you think you know.

But hey, guess what, parliament just resumed so I’m not sure how effective this whole thing is right now.
Thanks for beating me to finding a news story, this the event I mentioned. I'm confident everything I posted will be confirmed as the stories come out.

I have made an effort to warn members of this forum about some of the stuff that unfolded and is still unfolding. This is genuine and if you can get past my bad mood this morning I think you may thank me for warning you later.

Did anyone else on the forum besides Kat Stevens go and support this event? I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of crickets and not many others are willing to admit they were supporters very soon.

I think you are making a big mistake admitting what you supported at this point. But let's see how this plays out and the forum can make up their own mind without my bias from having literally lived through this thing.

If you are in a CAF leadership position, please wait a few more days to analyze the evidence of what happened before you show any support for this thing.
Thanks for beating me to finding a news story, this the event I mentioned. I'm confident everything I posted will be confirmed as the stories come out.

I have made an effort to warn members of this forum about some of the stuff that unfolded and is still unfolding. This is genuine and if you can get past my bad mood this morning I think you may thank me for warning you later. I am doing this to give the forum an insight on what will likely soon be international news and some of thing you will be associated with if you supported this event.

Did anyone else on the forum besides Kat Stevens go and support this event? I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of crickets and not many others will be willing to admit they were supporters very soon when more comes to light. I think you are making a big mistake admitting what you supported at this point. But let's see how this plays out and the forum can make up their own mind without my bias from having literally lived through this thing.

If you are in a CAF leadership position, please wait a few more days to analyze the evidence of what happened before you show any support for this "protest". I really think you may respect my advice in the coming days.

Are you issuing veiled threats towards individuals who decide to express support for other individuals exercising Freedom of Expression ?
I am not issuing threats to anyone.

I am just explaining what I saw. I'm just one person. I genuinely hope I am wrong and these things were all just horrifying coincidences.

Kat Stevens: I have no personal issue with you. I assumed when you said "Did you actually watch it? Because I did" you were implying you were at the event. If that's not the case I will gladly edit my post and take that back. I don't know you and don't want to imply you were at something if you weren't.

On that note; mods/admin please feel free to delete anything that doesn't have to do with the protest. My apologies if I overstepped any boundaries.

I saw some pretty concerning things happen in Ottawa and my post is simply to give advance warning to forum.

If I am wrong about anything I posted, I will gladly retire from this forum. If anything I posted turns out to be "fake news" I will step down from posting here and apologize.
I am not issuing threats to anyone.

I am just explaining what I saw. I'm just one person. I genuinely hope I am wrong and these things were all just horrifying coincidences.

Kat Stevens: I have no personal issue with you. I assumed when you said "Did you actually watch it? Because I did" you were implying you were at the event. If that's not the case I will gladly edit my post and take that back. I don't know you and don't want to imply you were at something if you weren't.

On that note; mods/admin please feel free to delete anything that doesn't have to do with the protest. My apologies if I overstepped any boundaries.

I saw some pretty concerning things happen in Ottawa and my post is simply to give advance warning to forum.

If I am wrong about anything I posted, I will gladly retire from this forum.

I suggest you are too close to the fire and are emotionally invested at this time. Step back, take a breath and relax.
Thanks for beating me to finding a news story, this the event I mentioned. I'm confident everything I posted will be confirmed as the stories come out.

I have made an effort to warn members of this forum about some of the stuff that unfolded and is still unfolding. This is genuine and if you can get past my bad mood this morning I think you may thank me for warning you later. I am doing this to give the forum an insight on what will likely soon be international news and some of the thing you will be associated with if you supported this event.

Did anyone else on the forum besides Kat Stevens go and support this event? I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of crickets and not many others will be willing to admit they were supporters very soon when more comes to light. I think you are making a big mistake admitting what you supported at this point. But let's see how this plays out and the forum can make up their own mind without my bias from having literally lived through this thing.

If you are in a CAF leadership position, please wait a few more days to analyze the evidence of what happened before you show any support for this "protest". I really think you may respect my advice in the coming days. I am going to tone it back now if you think I'm completely out to lunch that's fine with me.
You realize that some of us have been harping on this for two years now! The problem is people like you don't seem to understand every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Society exists on a Bell Curve and some of us have been warning since March 2020 that Government Interventions would have consequences.

Increased civil disobedience is a consequence of Government intervention.

Inflation is a direct consequence of Government intervention.

Supply Chain issues are a direct consequence of Government Intervention.

The debate we should be actually having is are these Government interventions still worth the cost in the face of these other pressures 😉
I am not issuing threats to anyone.

I am just explaining what I saw. I'm just one person. I genuinely hope I am wrong and these things were all just horrifying coincidences.

Kat Stevens: I have no personal issue with you. I assumed when you said "Did you actually watch it? Because I did" you were implying you were at the event. If that's not the case I will gladly edit my post and take that back. I don't know you and don't want to imply you were at something if you weren't.

On that note; mods/admin please feel free to delete anything that doesn't have to do with the protest. My apologies if I overstepped any boundaries.

I saw some pretty concerning things happen in Ottawa and my post is simply to give advance warning to forum.

If I am wrong about anything I posted, I will gladly retire from this forum.
At least twice I said I was referring to the PRESS CONFERENCE that was aired on twitter, I watched all 45 minutes of it. You went and, first, made an assumption based on your comprehension of what I wrote, and secondly, went and made it an attack on my character based on your faulty comprehension. I really thought I was a better communicator in the written form, something I need to work on, I suppose.
If anyone wants to continue showing support for this vile hateful racist crap, please speak up, tell us it was just some "freedom fighters" and I will gladly continue to post first hand accounts, videos, and recordings of exactly what you stood up for and what you're now defending. You will find yourself aligned only with far-right conspiracies.

Knock it off. You don't speak for everyone, and not everyone who presents evidence to the world is interested in presenting a balanced view. It's not the first movement to be hijacked by assholes (TEA Party, BLM). Not everyone is guilty by association.
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You realize that some of us have been harping on this for two years now! The problem is people like you don't seem to understand every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Society exists on a Bell Curve and some of us have been warning since March 2020 that Government Interventions would have consequences.

Increased civil disobedience is a consequence of Government intervention.

Inflation is a direct consequence of Government intervention.

Supply Chain issues are a direct consequence of Government Intervention.

The debate we should be actually having is are these Government interventions still worth the cost in the face of these other pressures 😉

I'm going to step back for a bit and maybe come back in a few days when I've cooled off.

I actually agree that a lot of things have led us here and we have a big problem. I am not debating that.

My final words on the "protest" is that members of this forum should very weary of supporting this thing until more details come to light, my view is definitely very biased right now. Mods / Admin please delete anything you feel may have gotten out of hand or doesn't relate to what's happening.
I'm going to step back for a bit and maybe come back in a few days when I've cooled off.

I actually agree that a lot of things have led us here and we have a big problem. I am not debating that.

My final words on the "protest" is that members of this forum should very weary of supporting this thing until more details come to light, my view is definitely very biased right now. Mods / Admin please delete anything you feel may have gotten out of hand or don't relate to what's happening.
Even with your parting shot you imply there's support for the goonery here. (Apolitical)Christ on a crutch...