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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Thinking the EA just saved the government a billion dollars on payouts?

Appears you're right.

I don't see anything wrong with the police being excited about hurting the protestors. 2/3rds of Canadians supported violence being used after all. They even wanted the army called in. The police were just getting themselves psyched up for what the citizens wanted from them.

It's a sad commentary. But it's true.
In the “while I do not support the convoy protesters stayed goals and methods, I wonder how things like this seem legitimate?” department:

So private court case, defendants not advised prior to court hearing, no discovery, etc. and as written, seems to imply that the 24-hour period granted by the Courts for defendants to make case to the plaintiff(s) to secure reasonable funds for living expenses and legal representation was not provided. Interesting times.
I think the article is being a bit dramatic. I'm certainly no expert on civil law, but injunction hearings are typically ex parte (a defendant doesn't get to argue against - much like an application for a search warrant on the criminal side). I can only assume that, once served, you can go to court to argue against it.

The plaintiffs didn't "win a lawsuit"; they got a court order that intends prevent the assets from being dissipated, hidden, etc. before final adjudication of civil suit.

According to the Internet, this is only unprecedented because it is first time a Mareva injunction has been used in relation to cryptocurrency; otherwise, they have been used numerous times to freeze assets prior to final adjudication.
Bill Blair said the federal government will continue to implement never-before-used powers under the Emergencies Act as long as they are required to help end the illegal blockade of the national capital.

The final protestors are being rounded up, so the EA should be shut down in a few weeks, right?

But in an interview with The West Block’s Mercedes Stephenson, Blair gave no timeline or criteria on when those measures could be lifted, saying that a “threat still exists.“

Pretty ambiguous wouldn't you say? So long as "a threat is out there" we need the emergency act in place.
I’m sure that what Bill Blair ‘meant’ to say was “the EA will continue as long as Parliament votes for its continuation, through as many ‘Continuations of Declaration’ as the Government puts to Parliament for voting, per s.21 of the Emergencies Act - Revocation, Continuation or Amendment of Declaration.

ie. government respecting Parliament’s representation of the Canadian citizenry.
I don't see anything wrong with the police being excited about hurting the protestors. 2/3rds of Canadians supported violence being used after all. They even wanted the army called in. The police were just getting themselves psyched up for what the citizens wanted from them.
Certainly bad form to do or say it publicly. It might be similar to psyching up for the big game in the locker room or making sure everybody is on top of their game for what might be before them, but police are supposed to be the impartial servant of the law and defender of public safety.
Certainly bad form to do or say it publicly. It might be similar to psyching up for the big game in the locker room or making sure everybody is on top of their game for what might be before them, but police are supposed to be the impartial servant of the law and defender of public safety.
To ensure I understand what you’re saying, do you mean that the bad part of this was that they said it via a means that was (eventually) accessible by the public? For me, my concern is that it seems to indicate a cultural issue, especially when one of the images is that of jackboots stomping citizens - I can’t be the only person associating the image of jackboots with Nazi soldiers…
Anyone who said they have ever been in a fight as a group or otherwise that in this thread says they have never talked with bravado or negative terms about the people on the other side is completely out of touch. Especially from any combat arms types.

The comments are stupid, offensive, dumb. But they are from kids about to go into having things thrown at them ranging from potentially jugs or piss to people trying to light them on fire. They would have been briefed on the seizure at coutts, the axes in BC, and the unknowns.

It’s bluster and nonsense. Harmful to the public image. Stupid. Completely worthy of conduct charges and a quick resolution.

But it’s also entirely not shocking. And anyone who says otherwise is sheltered and has never stepped into the unknown.

Old ladies and walkers, peaceful protest or otherwise.

They like overtime. They have been asked to do something operational for the first time in years. Some of them are nervous.

Take 8 hours of pay from them and move on
Lol you’re taking the piss now

But In the conduct measure guide they are referred to as “sanctions- forfeiture of pay” 😎
Oh you solved that? You’ve made it so they won’t make the other side “less” so they can use force against them and do the nasty things we ask them to do from our couch’s? You solved scared young people talking big?

And sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. These are musical ride members. They have their own reputations- which isn’t being real go getters and bat swingers.

That isn’t to say you couldn’t be right. I shouldn’t be so dismissive.
Oh you solved that? You’ve made it so they won’t make the other side “less” so they can use force against them and do the nasty things we ask them to do from our couch’s? You solved scared young people talking big?

And sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. These are musical ride members. They have their own reputations- which isn’t being real go getters and bat swingers.

That isn’t to say you couldn’t be right. I shouldn’t be so dismissive.

It's a work in progress, we're pretty terrible (you'll hardly find someone more critical of the CAF here than me). You know what didn't help us though? Normalizing that behavior and passing it off as kids being kids, or kids being scared of something.

The kids you're referring to are adults who are professionally trained, federal law enforcement officers. Officers who are expected to be the example of good citizens and who make life or death choices for themselves and especially for the civilians on the other end of their hollow points. Call me naive but when I think of the RCMP I think the best and brightest we have to be officers. I compare them to the CANSOF of the CAF.

Honestly if the musical ride members "have their own reputations" then maybe they should take their horses and go put on a parade instead of dealing with other human beings, especially in such a volatile environment. But like I said, Canadians wanted violence so we can hardly get upset when the police talk about giving them what they're asking for.
It's a work in progress, we're pretty terrible (you'll hardly find someone more critical of the CAF here than me). You know what didn't help us though? Normalizing that behavior and passing it off as kids being kids, or kids being scared of something.

The kids you're referring to are adults who are professionally trained, federal law enforcement officers. Officers who are expected to be the example of good citizens and who make life or death choices for themselves and especially for the civilians on the other end of their hollow points. Call me naive but when I think of the RCMP I think the best and brightest we have to be officers. I compare them to the CANSOF of the CAF.

Honestly if the musical ride members "have their own reputations" then maybe they should take their horses and go put on a parade instead of dealing with other human beings, especially in such a volatile environment. But like I said, Canadians wanted violence so we can hardly get upset when the police talk about giving them what they're asking for.
I don’t know if I’d consider the RCMP as the CANSOF of policing. Parts of it yes. But I compare the RCMP to the CAF. It’s the CAF of policing. It has its high speed low drag units and groups, it’s average police officer and yes it’s slack and idle mouth breathers.

Every organisation has its screw ups and problem children. Even the elite ones. They just screw up at a more elite level. (Someone I know in an elite org once told me that).
Anyone who said they have ever been in a fight as a group or otherwise that in this thread says they have never talked with bravado or negative terms about the people on the other side is completely out of touch. Especially from any combat arms types.

The comments are stupid, offensive, dumb. But they are from kids about to go into having things thrown at them ranging from potentially jugs or piss to people trying to light them on fire. They would have been briefed on the seizure at coutts, the axes in BC, and the unknowns.

It’s bluster and nonsense. Harmful to the public image. Stupid. Completely worthy of conduct charges and a quick resolution.

But it’s also entirely not shocking. And anyone who says otherwise is sheltered and has never stepped into the unknown.

Old ladies and walkers, peaceful protest or otherwise.

They like overtime. They have been asked to do something operational for the first time in years. Some of them are nervous.

Take 8 hours of pay from them and move on
I generally agree with you. My anger at this was more from the perspective of firstly INFOSEC/OPSEC and my second issue was the "strategic corporal" effect.

Needless to say, the Canadian Security Establishment both Military/Police need to get a lot better at this.

If they were troops under my command and given the gravity of the situation on the ground, I would consider it an aggravating factor when I decided on what disciplinary steps to take.
... And to be honest I’ve never seen anything like it so I don’t know what the hell any one means when they mention something.

A lot of that going around these days

Some right wing, crypto fascist commentators

Meanwhile, in Jacinda's paradise

WHERE IS REALITY HIDING amidst all these claims and counter-claims concerning the protest encampment in Parliament Grounds? In an excruciatingly post-modern political moment, reality seems to have gone AWOL, leaving behind only a noisy collection of competing narratives.

To make matters worse, the state itself, supposedly the supreme arbiter of what is and is not politically real, is refusing to do its job. Even though it is his sworn duty, the Commissioner of Police, Andrew Coster, has made it frighteningly clear to the public that he lacks both the will and the means to assert the state’s authority. The New Zealand Defence Force, meanwhile, holds itself aloof from the fray. Jacinda Ardern and Christopher Luxon, powerless to intervene, look on ineffectually. The crisis deepens.

Ask yourself: what does it mean when tow-truck drivers, asked to assist the Commissioner of Police, refuse? At what point during the last decade did citizens begin to tell themselves that they had no obligations to the society in which they live? That nobody had the right to tell them what to do – not even the Police? What business is it of theirs if the people of Wellington, their neighbours, need their help?

It has been reported that at least one towie openly declared his support for the protesters encamped on Parliament Grounds. Entirely understandable. The occupiers don’t accept that their government has the right to require their vaccination against Covid-19. Nor do they believe that they owe their fellow citizens even the slightest co-operation in the fight to limit the harm of the virus. That tow-truck driver recognised kindred spirits when he saw them. Andrew Coster and Wellingtonians could go fuck themselves.

"They don't think like normal people" said an acquaintance years ago.

And that is where we are now.
That’s a stupidly-titled article by-line. I’m not a fan of Trudeau’s contribution to the melée, but this title is foolish demonization. Too bad Mel Lastman wasn’t alive, then we could blame it on him, since he funded the TPS Mounted Unit when he was mayor of Toronto…