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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

What, because BIPOC haven't been complaining about policing tactics for decades/centuries now?

To convoy participants, welcome to the club, or knee in this case.
Ah, so that makes it right, gotcha, I see where you're at.
Again: you're arguing possible suspension of civil liberties is OK, in order to mobilize a tow truck.
Come up with another solution. Maybe there needs to be legislation. Maybe there needs to be a crown corporation or city service. But until another solution rears its head, EA is what seems to have worked.
Ah, so that makes it right, gotcha, I see where you're at.
Again, so sensitive.

It's not right. I wish police would stop using excessive force on BIPOC but its nice to see its not a race thing. Just a matter of cops being jerks.
I think going forward, parliament should look at creating an occupation act. Something that can allow some of these measures without needing the Emergencies Act.
I think going forward, parliament should look at creating an occupation act. Something that can allow some of these measures without needing the Emergencies Act.
In hindsight, this should be the rational conclusion.

It wont be though, makes too much sense.
I think going forward, parliament should look at creating an occupation act. Something that can allow some of these measures without needing the Emergencies Act.
Hard no. I want the government to squirm and be forced to have inquiries after the fact; lesser legislation encourages use of what should be extraordinary powers. Forcing this sort of awkward situation is a feature, not a bug.
Hard no. I want the government to squirm and be forced to have inquiries after the fact; lesser legislation encourages use of what should be extraordinary powers. Forcing this sort of awkward situation is a feature, not a bug.
So if one cannot find a way to push in a nail with a hand, the next step is a sledgehammer?

Why nothing in between?
...Parliament should buy a towing company. Probably cheaper than a pipeline, and more likely to turn a profit.
Put them on ignore, it makes the experience of the site much more pleasant.

That poster is just a troll, seeking to incite people here so they can brag to their "cool" social media friends about "OwNiNg CoNsErVaTiVeS"...
Put them on ignore, it makes the experience of the site much more pleasant.

That poster is just a troll, seeking to incite people here so they can brag to their "cool" social media friends about "OwNiNg CoNsErVaTiVeS"...
Why are you being so rude to kilted?
Use your imagination, FFS, We're a G-7 country that participates in space programs, not a f*cking Monty Python skit.
You know the truckers might have exposes a gap in legislation where there isnt anything else in the toolbox?
Why are you being so rude to kilted?
I don't think he was referring to me. I don't think anyone who has read my posts could serious think that I am someone who would want to "own conservatives" seeing that I am a card carrying Conservative.

What I am suggesting is an act that would allow one of the 14 jurisdictions to declare a certain area around an occupation (be it Ottawa, a pipeline, or a train track etc) area to be a no-go zone where people would be susceptible to arrest, and it would be prohibited. There would be no provisions to freeze bank accounts.

After this, a small towing Crown Corporation might not be a bad idea.
I don't think he was referring to me. I don't think anyone who has read my posts could serious think that I am someone who would want to "own conservatives" seeing that I am a card carrying Conservative.

What I am suggesting is an act that would allow one of the 14 jurisdictions to declare a certain area around an occupation (be it Ottawa, a pipeline, or a train track etc) area to be a no-go zone where people would be susceptible to arrest, and it would be prohibited. There would be no provisions to freeze bank accounts.

After this, a small towing Crown Corporation might not be a bad idea.
You're right, I falsely attributed the quote to you, my apologies.

While we might disagree on some points, I most certainly appreciate your view point.
I don't think he was referring to me. I don't think anyone who has read my posts could serious think that I am someone who would want to "own conservatives" seeing that I am a card carrying Conservative.
Yes, but he was talking to Brad who was quoting you.

I found that amusing.
What I am suggesting is an act that would allow one of the 14 jurisdictions to declare a certain area around an occupation (be it Ottawa, a pipeline, or a train track etc) area to be a no-go zone where people would be susceptible to arrest, and it would be prohibited. There would be no provisions to freeze bank accounts.

After this, a small towing Crown Corporation might not be a bad idea.
None of this is a bad idea. Would it be available at a provincial level or only federal?
Yes, but he was talking to Brad who was quoting you.

I found that amusing.

None of this is a bad idea. Would it be available at a provincial level or only federal?i
Ideally both. It would be a federal act that could be invoked at either level, similar to aid to civil power in the NDA. As it involves criminal law, or perhaps peace, order, and good government I believe according to s. 91/92 that it would have to be legislated at the federal level.

As for the towing company, I could see a use for it at both levels.
You know the truckers might have exposes a gap in legislation where there isnt anything else in the toolbox?

Yes; they've brought the country to its knees and exhausted the combined brainpower of the entire federal, provincial, and municipal governments of the country. All we need to do is ship a bunch of trucks to the Russia-Ukraine border and keep the air horns blaring.
What I am suggesting is an act that would allow one of the 14 jurisdictions to declare a certain area around an occupation (be it Ottawa, a pipeline, or a train track etc) area to be a no-go zone where people would be susceptible to arrest

We already can do that, with the EA. Apparently the drafters thought it was a power that should be extraordinary. Fools. They did not know the true power of the Dark Side.
Yes; they've brought the country to its knees and exhausted the combined brainpower of the entire federal, provincial, and municipal governments of the country. All we need to do is ship a bunch of trucks to the Russia-Ukraine border and keep the air horns blaring.
I appreciate good sarcasm.

Not a hint of a solution, but entertaining none the least.