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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

In politics, the time between lowering the bar for something for short-term gain and getting bitten hard by the consequences is pretty shorts - months to a couple of years - these days. That'll have to do as my smug satisfaction for the day.
Unless 66 percent of canadians live in ottawa, i would say you're very wrong sir.
You sure like to use percentages, don’t you?

How’s Trudeau doing with % vaccinated by end-September…..2021. 🥱
You sure like to use percentages, don’t you?

How’s Trudeau doing with % vaccinated by end-September…..2021. 🥱
Good, he reached it in July.

Canada has enough COVID-19 vaccine doses to fully vaccinate everyone eligible in the country, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at a Moncton, N.B., vaccine clinic this morning.

The arrival of five million doses this week will bring the total to over 66 million — enough for all 33.2 million Canadians 12 and older. Children under 12 are not yet eligible to receive a vaccine.

But back to the topic at hand,

Maru’s poll shows that 66 per cent of Canadians support the decision to invoke the Emergencies Act and 67 per cent say it’s time to clear out all protesters in Ottawa, even if it means “people who will not leave may get hurt, or worse.”

His report found that 68 per cent of Canadians believe that any politician who either contributed to or supported the protests should be voted out of office. Wright says some of the most profound change may come to municipal leadership in the cities most affected by the convoys.
People only give credence to polls when it supports their side. And when they can’t win an argument they deflect, add whataboutism and devolve to insults.

The level of discourse in this country is reflected in this very thread.

There was a question earlier about what Canadians are we talking about? Yours? Mine? Other?

The answer to that is yes.
Having Vaccines =/= % vaccinated

But back to the topic at hand,
Political polls are terrible - regardless of who runs them - simply because the language used in the questions are designed to elicit a certain response. You can alter the wording to get what you want and most of the respondents won't even know what was done.

It's done on both sides of issues - so don't think I'm just tarring one side with my brush.
I’d like to see a poll as to “How many Canadians know the four cases under which the Emergencies Act may be used?”

I wouldn’t even give that double digits…
Having Vaccines =/= % vaccinated

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his government was "very confident" that it would meet its end-of-September goal of vaccinating every Canadian who wants to be inoculated.

Canada expects to have enough doses on hand next year to vaccinate every Canadian who wants a shot by the end of September, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

Well, its a good thing he didn't say everyone would be vaccinated then.

Political polls are terrible - regardless of who runs them - simply because the language used in the questions are designed to elicit a certain response. You can alter the wording to get what you want and most of the respondents won't even know what was done.

It's done on both sides of issues - so don't think I'm just tarring one side with my brush.
These same pollsters nailed the last federal election.
Polls are terrible predictors. But they are snapshots in time. There is a reason parties do them, business do them and even Facebook fun “what super hero are you” games do them.

They actually work if done right.
Fine. I’m glad police are finally moving in to attempt to end this.
Who says they are?

I'm watching live streams and its still very much a party right now.

Lots of cops around said party but a party none the less.
Some of the comments here... I don't know what to say...
Ultimately I don't view this as politics, polls, majority wishes or anything similar. This is about respect of the views of Canadians and their rights - All Canadians period. Whether someone thinks the views are right wrong or otherwise is immaterial. That stuff is at the fundamental core of a liberal democratic state.
Note the operative word in "liberal democratic" is liberal with a small l, not democratic.
Just because a majority thinks something does not make it right. Just because something will get you more votes does not make it right.

I am sorry but those that think that are ultimately the largest long term threat to the very survival of any liberal democratic society.
Just because various levels of government have handled themselves poorly for over at least a year does not mean they get to handle themselves even worse in order to try and solve the problems they own a large part in creating.
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