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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Not much we can do from here. Things are obviously being put into motion.

Meanwhile in Ottawa. Council is a mess. In the middle of this and all this Infighting lol. No wonder the city is upset.

"Strategy" expected from amorphous protest: very little.

"Strategy" expected from GoC: very much.

First met expectations. Second did not. If the GoC is going to play the game against people that don't fit in as if the country is a newsroom or faculty lounge, tempers are going to get a lot shorter at some point.
First, regardless of expectations, if the protest had employed even a little bit of strategic thinking they come out of this ahead and as a potential force in terms of protest movements holding at least a bit of power.

Secondly, lets be honest. You don't expect anything from the GoC.
What was the original reason for going?
To protest the vaccination requirements for truckers. Has this been lifted? Has any headway or timeline been given on lifting these restrictions?
No, in fact the liberal government voted down a motion to make a plan to lift these measures.

They are all in. Same as our Dear Leader. Any sign of weakness on either side is admitting defeat at this point.
You do realise this arrangements are reciprocal right?

The problem when you bring forth the mob, is that one cannot control it.
Plus I suspect some ego's and agendas are opposed to just simply going away quietly.

And don't forget Alinsky's Rule 6

"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

And folks seem to be enjoying themselves.

But, on the other hand, they can't forget 7

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
Would I be dreaming in technicolor if the Feds finally got religious on money laundering because of this?
Would I be dreaming in technicolor if the Feds finally got religious on money laundering because of this?

Canada appears content to be the G-7 miscreant when it comes to money laundering…at least the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recently upgraded Canada from “Enhanced Follow-Up Reporting” (ie. Taken to. Store by parent) to “Regular Follow-Up Reporting” (allowed to go to the store by itself with limited cash)
The Canadian Anti-Hate Network identified patches on one of the vests as belonging to an emerging right-wing militia network known as Diagolon.

Picking fly shit out of pepper here but

So, an owner with a Restricted Possession and Acquisition License can drive to their gun club and back home — as long as the handgun is unloaded, locked up and not visible from outside the vehicle – and everything is legal.

"If you stopped for a McDonalds, that's illegal.

No it's not. But the rules are written ambiguously enough that a police officer may likely think it is and confiscate your firearm requiring a few thousand in court fee's to return it.

Less obvious to most is the apparent body armour displayed in the seizure.
Those don't have any kevlar in them and they don't look to have plates in them so not body armor.
Regarding the protest and Nazi's, In a Q&A period Trudeau accused Conservative party members of standing with people who wave swastikas.

I wonder if he regrets saying it to a Jewish LGBTQ MP.

(apologies, I couldn't find a less immature youtube clip/page- mods may want to remove)

Regarding the protest and Nazi's, In a Q&A period Trudeau accused Conservative party members of standing with people who wave swastikas.

I wonder if he regrets saying it to a Jewish LGBTQ MP.

(apologies, I couldn't find a less immature youtube clip/page)

The last clip, for those who don’t know, is Stephen LeDrew. He is the former president of the Liberal Party of Canada and a strong critic of PMJT.
No worries. Most people know that the Nazi/Confederate presence was very, very small.

As for who stands with who: "There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime."

And most people know what China is doing these days.
The latest from The Line.

We haven't lost our minds, don't worry. We maintain a very healthy skepticism of government claims that lack strong evidence. But this does, generally, align with what The Line was hearing last week about a hard-core element hidden among a larger, frustrated protest movement. If the feds have concluded, as we believe they might have, that there is an organized, anti-government faction at play, then the government could indeed make a case that such a threat would be beyond the ability of any province or local jurisdiction to handle alone. We aren't saying we buy it, and we'd like to see the feds make this case more explicitly. But it's worth thinking about. Is an organized threat to any and all border crossings inherently a matter that only the federal government can manage?
If there's a threat to border crossings, it existed before this started and is likely to exist afterward. Eventually, probably very soon, the government is going to have to figure out how to deal with it long-term using "ordinary" measures. Presumably government has dropped the ball up to now, or they wouldn't need to give themselves "emergency" powers.
The police in Ottawa been solidly not doing their jobs for 3 weeks now, using every excuse in the book.

They have asked for 1800 additional officers and the province and Feds have....not done that.

They contacted tow truck companies, and the tow truck companies balked at the idea of towing the protestors trucks.

So at what point does someone need to step in and do something after the police have tried nothing and are all out of ideas?
I have seen no evidence that the feds and the province have refused to step up to the plate with police resources. Windsor obviously asked and got what they needed in a day or two.

What, I suspect, is the other services were wanting to see a plan before committing their people, and they didn't. OPS went through, what, 2 or 3 incident commanders in the first couple of weeks? Doesn't sound like functional leadership to me. Police leaders in the OPP, RCMP et al are accountable for their people.

I saw an article from TBay that the OPP is shuttling people down from the northwest via their Pilatus.
Not much we can do from here. Things are obviously being put into motion.

Meanwhile in Ottawa. Council is a mess. In the middle of this and all this Infighting lol. No wonder the city is upset.

Yeah, how dare *City councilors attempt to act on the citizens’ behalf.

"It was the board's decision to make, it was made thoughtfully and I'm [counc. Deans] just actually gobsmacked that council, who have very little understanding of the very complex world of police, have decided to use this political ploy to second guess the people that serve on that board."
Apparently Councillor Deans is/was absolutely time deaf as the failed Chair of the Ottawa Police Services Board…zero leadership and a level of arrogance to fellow councillors and citizens alike.

Good riddance!

Regarding the protest and Nazi's, In a Q&A period Trudeau accused Conservative party members of standing with people who wave swastikas.

I wonder if he regrets saying it to a Jewish LGBTQ MP.

(apologies, I couldn't find a less immature youtube clip/page- mods may want to remove)

Clearly MP Lantsman, although a descendant of Nazi holocaust survivors, should have experienced the PM’s accusation of standing with those who wave swastikas, differently…you know, less personally…and meant more in the ‘inclusive, diverse’ way that the PM must have meant as an empathetic, inclusive leader… [/s]

What a disgusting and incredibly disrespectful partisan shot at a fellow member of Parliament.
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Regarding anti-semitism at the protest.

Karina Gould is a Jewish woman. A desendent of Holocaust survivors.

Minister of Families, Children and Social Development of Canada

CPC is trying to thread the needle so they land somewhere between “we LOVE freedom-lovin’ truckers!” and “anti-Semitism? Where? We didn’t see any of that! How dare you say that!” .
Yeah, how dare *City councilors attempt to act on the citizens’ behalf.

Apparently Councillor Deans is/was absolutely time deaf as the failed Chair of the Ottawa Police Services Board…zero leadership and a level of arrogance to fellow councillors and citizens alike.

Good riddance!
Ya, no kidding. If I'm following the flurry of media coverage correctly, she signed up the ex-chief of Waterloo Regional. The Board gets to do that, but she isn't the Board. The Police Services Act gives the hire-fire authority to the Board, but the 'how' is not codified. Most hire consultants/head hunters, set up community committees, etc. (sometimes endlessly, like Toronto) but they are not compelled to.

This is board governance 101. Apparently a couple of other Board members resigned as well. Sounds like some fun factioning going on. Too often, municipal politics in Ontario is like a dysfunctional family TV sitcom.