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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Ah there we go. It was Canadian flags the counter-protestors wanted taken down.
And here I thought it was the numerous ‘F**k Trudeau’ signs they wanted taken down for being sooo offensive… 😅🤷🏼‍♂️

I personally observed the counter-protest in Edmonton on Saturday. Was interesting to just observe it for a few hours - get an idea of who is who, who to keep an eye on, who showed up just to be part of it, etc

All other observations aside the guy I was working with & I chuckled a few times as the counter-protesters weren’t really against the truckers or the messages…

They just wanted the truckers to stop honking all the bloody time so the families that live downtown could finally get some sleep. (Absolutely fair enough.)
And here I thought it was the numerous ‘F**k Trudeau’ signs they wanted taken down for being sooo offensive… 😅🤷🏼‍♂️

I personally observed the counter-protest in Edmonton on Saturday. Was interesting to just observe it for a few hours - get an idea of who is who, who to keep an eye on, who showed up just to be part of it, etc

All other observations aside the guy I was working with & I chuckled a few times as the counter-protesters weren’t really against the truckers or the messages…

They just wanted the truckers to stop honking all the bloody time so the families that live downtown could finally get some sleep. (Absolutely fair enough.)
The injunction that that 21 year old got was exactly for that. Stop the honking. The convoy types aren’t exactly endearing themselves to the locals. Add the seemingly non existant leadership at all three levels of government and people will start to take action on their own.
The injunction that that 21 year old got was exactly for that. Stop the honking. The convoy types aren’t exactly endearing themselves to the locals. Add the seemingly non existant leadership at all three levels of government and people will start to take action on their own.
There in lies part of the problem along with police chiefs who are afraid to take action.,
The injunction that that 21 year old got was exactly for that. Stop the honking. The convoy types aren’t exactly endearing themselves to the locals. Add the seemingly non existant leadership at all three levels of government and people will start to take action on their own.
I wonder how a 21yr year affords living downtown like that...
I wonder how a 21yr year affords living downtown like that...
That is a common misconception of that area of town. Centertown and in particular west centertown is one of the poorest areas in the city. Lots of rooming houses, slum lord apartments etc Sure there are high rise condos here and there but a lot of 20k residents there are part of the working poor.
If its like Halifax she's probably a foreign student with very very rich parents. That's about who can afford too now.
That’s a leap. There is enough about her on the internet to show that isn’t the case. I don’t know about her parents though. But she isn’t a foreign student.
That’s a leap. There is enough about her on the internet to show that isn’t the case. I don’t know about her parents though. But she isn’t a foreign student.

It wasn't meant as a slight just a guess based off my observations. Nor does it really matter how shes able to live there.
It wasn't meant as a slight just a guess based off my observations. Nor does it really matter how shes able to live there.
I didn’t take it as a slight. Just trying to avoid a false narrative. That part of town is not full of rich entitled people. It’s quite the opposite. Alta vista, New Edinburgh, Westboro, Rockcliffe, The Glebe. Those are the “hip” expensive places. Upper and middle are mostly in the suburbs and bedroom communities.

Something the rich foreign students are doing is actually buying homes in the suburbs and living there and renting to friends. Once they are done they sell. My brother had Saudis next door to him. I sold my condo in the south end to a student (I don’t think he was a foreign student but his family was in Toronto and his parents were buying for him).
Ya I dont know Ottawa other than how to get from Kingston to the airport and back, by the way I love the Ottawa airport. I appreciate your education on the neighborhoods.
That is a common misconception of that area of town. Centertown and in particular west centertown is one of the poorest areas in the city. Lots of rooming houses, slum lord apartments etc Sure there are high rise condos here and there but a lot of 20k residents there are part of the working poor.
I can think of a lot poorer areas of Ottawa.
I haven't been back since the Wuhan Flu took hold, but I lived in Ottawa a considerable part of my life.
When I was last up - a lot of the downtown area had been being "gentrified"

The counter protest crowds are apparently getting a bigger.

Hopefully everyone stays safe.

Regarding flag opinions.

Veterans 'saddened' by use of Canadian flag by convoy protesters​

The Canadian flag mounted to vehicles and draped over the shoulders of people participating in convoys and blockades is upsetting veterans in this country who say it has no place in this protest.

I can think of a lot poorer areas of Ottawa.
I haven't been back since the Wuhan Flu took hold, but I lived in Ottawa a considerable part of my life.
When I was last up - a lot of the downtown area had been being "gentrified"
There is an odd mix, but based on what I have taken note of, the cheaper housing is located a bit back from Parliament Hill. You want real rough, it's about 4km from Parliament Hill in Vanier (which is also gentrifying).

Hopefully everyone stays safe.

Regarding flag opinions.

Veterans 'saddened' by use of Canadian flag by convoy protesters​

The Canadian flag mounted to vehicles and draped over the shoulders of people participating in convoys and blockades is upsetting veterans in this country who say it has no place in this protest.

You can always could on the Globe to drum up some anti-Americanism anytime they see something they don't like in Canada.

I do appreciate how they dredged up the swastika, and confederate battle flag as well...
I can think of a lot poorer areas of Ottawa.
I haven't been back since the Wuhan Flu took hold, but I lived in Ottawa a considerable part of my life.
When I was last up - a lot of the downtown area had been being "gentrified"
Vanier: has entered the chat.
There is an odd mix, but based on what I have taken note of, the cheaper housing is located a bit back from Parliament Hill. You want real rough, it's about 4km from Parliament Hill in Vanier (which is also gentrifying).

You can always could on the Globe to drum up some anti-Americanism anytime they see something they don't like in Canada.

I do appreciate how they dredged up the swastika, and confederate battle flag as well...
Growing up in the south end, it was Ledbury-Herongate area. It was literally across the tracks from where I lived. A train yard and track separated my community from it. It’s still bad there. But it went from low income public housing to low income/new immigrant area over the decades. When I was a kid you could get beat up and have your bike stolen. Now you might get shot.