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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

There are no million people doing this. It's a few thousand vehicles that just keep driving around Ontario. Downtown Ottawa during the week is mostly empty and fills up during the week. And even when it does, it's at most a few thousand people. Even if this movement is 50-100k, it represents a very small minority of the Canadian population. The only way to resolve this is, is to show that there are real and swift consequences, and unfortunately it might come to violence. If the police applied the same amount of force that they used during the G20 protests or the enforcement of the injunction in BC, this wouldn't be so out of control.
There are no million people doing this. It's a few thousand vehicles that just keep driving around Ontario. Downtown Ottawa during the week is mostly empty and fills up during the week. And even when it does, it's at most a few thousand people. Even if this movement is 50-100k, it represents a very small minority of the Canadian population. The only way to resolve this is, is to show that there are real and swift consequences, and unfortunately it might come to violence. If the police applied the same amount of force that they used during the G20 protests or the enforcement of the injunction in BC, this wouldn't be so out of control.
The problem is that we have a shortage of Peace, Order and good government at the moment.
The problem is that we have a shortage of Peace, Order and good government at the moment.
There was a somewhat large counter-protest in Ottawa today. At some point, when weather get warmer, these types of counter protests are going to grown bigger. Biggest fear is that at some point the people of Ottawa will have enough and take things into their own hands since the police are refusing to do their job.
There was a somewhat large counter-protest in Ottawa today. At some point, when weather get warmer, these types of counter protests are going to grown bigger. Biggest fear is that at some point the people of Ottawa will have enough and take things into their own hands since the police are refusing to do their job.
I suspect you aren’t wrong. I didn’t see the counter protest. But I did see that guy a few days ago block a truck and the police had to talk him down.

I guess we’ll see how long it takes for this to be used as a urinal again…
It likely won't be. There were a lot of maroon berets in the disassembly crew shown on the news.
It likely won't be. There were a lot of maroon berets in the disassembly crew shown on the news.
Saw the same video - lot of other berets, too. Let's see what happens now that (what looks like) vets are there.
There are no million people doing this. It's a few thousand vehicles that just keep driving around Ontario. Downtown Ottawa during the week is mostly empty and fills up during the week. And even when it does, it's at most a few thousand people. Even if this movement is 50-100k, it represents a very small minority of the Canadian population. The only way to resolve this is, is to show that there are real and swift consequences, and unfortunately it might come to violence. If the police applied the same amount of force that they used during the G20 protests or the enforcement of the injunction in BC, this wouldn't be so out of control.
I'm certain similar things were written in 1923 during the Beer Hall Pusch: "just a couple of thousand people causing a scene, nothing to see here"
I'm certain similar things were written in 1923 during the Beer Hall Pusch: "just a couple of thousand people causing a scene, nothing to see here"
Federal agencies have been warning the government about the threat from right wing groups. They’ve managed to harness otherwise good people into doing this sort of stuff. Will be a lot of after action reviews for years to come.
To be completely fair and for the record, missed this from the original web site/organizers of Canada Unity earlier this week (text also attached) ...
Glass half full: they're distancing themselves from the original call for an overthrow of the Canadian government.
Glass half empty: document's still out there for now, so let's see how this message percolates through the crowds.


This is the worry. People will start taking matters into their own hands. Glad it went well there.

There were 2000 counter protesters that marched in ottawa today. They made sure to stay away from the protest area which is good. But how long before a mob decides that leadership at various levels aren’t doing their jobs?
See. fifty years from now, this will all be archived somewhere, and some researcher is going to pull out this thread and use it as an example of shitposting, since clearly no police force could ever have let all that stuff through.

barney fife mayberry GIF
There was a somewhat large counter-protest in Ottawa today. At some point, when weather get warmer, these types of counter protests are going to grown bigger. Biggest fear is that at some point the people of Ottawa will have enough and take things into their own hands since the police are refusing to do their job.
Are you talking about Lansdowne Park this afternoon?
I'm certain similar things were written in 1923 during the Beer Hall Pusch: "just a couple of thousand people causing a scene, nothing to see here"
Believe whatever you want. I am in Ottawa and this is how it is. It's a small minority that are just loud. Most blockades at the border in Ontario were under 100 vehicles. Look at the pictures of parliament hill filled with people on Canada Day and then compare to now, they can't even get enough to fill the field in front of parliament. People are just bad at doing subjective analysis. Even on weekends, there just about 1000 vehicles, even if it seems like a lot, it's not compared to the population of Ottawa or Canada. This is pretty much the amount of people that voted for the PPC all in one place.