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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

-A paralyzed down town core for 3+ weeks.
-A dumbfounded government that looks incapable of handling this.
-Police with a black eye over how its handled so far (perhaps unfair ridicule).
-Ability to raise $10M in a week.
-Copy cat protests across the country including shutting down an international trade routes (another one started an hour ago in Cornwall, only one lane open).
-Copy cat protests in other countries where the Canadian flag is being used as an icon for anti mandates.
-The need to call in police from the other side of the country.

If people would have taken this more seriously this could have been summed up before it started, or mitigated a lot of damage and drama.
I agree. This is SOMETHING. But it could have been far more positive. For the reasons you listed and for other other reasons as well.

This is only ending one way.
Some people in positions of authority really wanted this to turn into a mess and put it on display.

If the organizers (whoever they are) had had even a modicum of sense in their demands (e.g. end/reduce mandates as opposed to "overthrow the government"), someone in authority might have met with them. The mess is the result of too many "leaders" and too many conflicting demands.
Some people in positions of authority really wanted this to turn into a mess and put it on display.
Poillievres’s “keep going” tweets clearly shows that and Bergen’s “make this a PM issue” clearly shows that.

Trudeau doesn’t care. He is not running again. So for him he’ll do as much damage as he can on his way out.

The CPC should never have hitched their wagon to this.
Poillievres’s “keep going” tweets clearly shows that and Bergen’s “make this a PM issue” clearly shows that.

Trudeau doesn’t care. He is not running again. So for him he’ll do as much damage as he can on his way out.

The CPC should never have hitched their wagon to this.
He's totally running again.

CPC seem intent on handing him victory on a silver platter.
He's totally running again.

CPC seem intent on handing him victory on a silver platter.
Possible. But my gut feeling is that he isn’t. Freyland is being groomed and shielded from all this.
Ambassador bridge clearing going good so far. Slow march. Advance. Stop. Advance stop. No arrests.
There is no time to run a LPC leadership contest in a minority. He's running again.
I can see that if the CPC keeps shooting itself in the foot. I really really don’t want Trudeau again. But I want a Polievre less after his recent shenanigans. I hope they get a leader that makes sense.
You mean the police can do their jobs and not crack skulls?

Amazing! The tactical genius!
Yes. There seems to be fewer protestors now. So not as many that want to take this as far as some were saying they wanted to.
Yes. There seems to be fewer protestors now. So not as many that want to take this as far as some were saying they wanted to.

Incredibly impressive. Seems like enforcing the law can work.
It’s far from over. But glad to see what needs to be done get started.
Agreed, I am glad there isn't any fireworks.

This has all the hallmarks of something that could become a protracted campaign. We shall have to see.

My hope is it doesn't.
So what's stopping them from coming back in a few days once the dust settles?
I am quite certain they will post a large number of Officers at the crossing to ensure it remains clear for the time being.
I am quite certain they will post a large number of Officers at the crossing to ensure it remains clear for the time being.
that and the fact that most protesters don’t want arrests or charges on their record. Especially in Windsor where crossing the border is likely an important part of their lives. Not being able to do that on a permanently basis might be an issue for some.

So once the soft protesters leave you only have the hardcore ones left.

But Windsor is probably much easier to deal with than what is happening in the NCR.
that and the fact that most protesters don’t want arrests or charges on their record. Especially in Windsor where crossing the border is likely an important part of their lives. Not being able to do that on a permanently basis might be an issue for some.

So once the soft protesters leave you only have the hardcore ones left.

But Windsor is probably much easier to deal with than what is happening in the NCR.
Completely agree.