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Forces swamped with deployment requests as Afghan mission winds down

Journeyman said:
Few troops make a complete career within CANSOFCOM.

Should they have to go to the BPSO to find another trade once their time in JTF2/CSOR/CFJIRU is done? And if Infantry remains full, do you take these Infantry soldiers, with their additional qualifications and experience, and make them RMS Clerks?

Casey Ryback became a cook ;D
recceguy said:
Casey Ryback became a cook ;D
I knew it! In my initial draft I wrote "...and make them cooks?" I knew that response would show up  ;D
Journeyman said:
Few troops make a complete career within CANSOFCOM.

Should they have to go to the BPSO to find another trade once their time in JTF2/CSOR/CFJIRU is done? And if Infantry remains full, do you take these Infantry soldiers, with their additional qualifications and experience, and make them RMS Clerks?

Not all of them are Infantry......................some are other trades, and some have a hard time passing Career Courses IE: Armoured Soldiers that stay in the JTF2 for instance can't get past the rank of MCpl because they need their DP3 ARCC, and to get Sgt they need DP3 ARPC and if the have been working out side the Corps since they were Cpls then they aren't up to speed on the Armour stuff. A couple of my friends ran in to this problem. I hope there is some way that this gets sorted out, but I don't know of one?
57Chevy said:
                (Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act)

Earlier this year, Leslie, who has had command of the army for four years, was briefly, but widely touted as the potential commander of a peacekeeping mission in Congo. That was before Ottawa turned down a formal invitation from the UN for Canada to lead that operation.

"Oh well," Leslie said when the Congo was mentioned.

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Forces+swamped+with+deployment+requests+Afghan+mission+winds+down/3166798/story.html#ixzz0r8flWOL4

Since Ottawa turned down the Invitation to "lead" the Operation, does that mean that CF will not enter under any other capacity at this time?
Just havn't seen much on the topic lately and just curious on some updates.
You colud always use google and discover things like this:


Technoviking said:
If they count recruits or officer candidates in the stream as "Infantrymen" or as "Infantry Officers", then that's shitty accounting.  It's like saying "I get paid $2000 next week, so therefore I have $2000".
I suspect that the Canadian military has been using the Betty Crocker School of Accounting method since it's inception  when it comes to numbers of personnel .It would explain a great many things in our history