I disagree completely. These tests are design to provide a decent approximation of actual tasks/movements you can reasonably expected to perform in the course of your duties, and as such, they hold significant physical value. These are not physical fitness tests!. We are not measuring who is the fastest, strongest, fittest person in the forces. These are results-based tests, whose actions and minimum times are designed to determine whether or not you can perform the physical aspects of a career in the CAF.
Off the top of my head, I can think of examples where I performed actual military tasks that are pretty much identical to FORCE test activities.
1. Dragging an unconscious member who is full fire fighting equipment down the flats during a fire = Sand Bag Drag
2. Hauling compressed air diving tanks up and down from the dive locker to the upper decks - Intermittent Loaded/Un-Loaded Shuttle
3. Storing ship (if you're the one near the pallets or on the ladders) - Sand Bags
4. We don't ever run on ship, so we don't really have an equivalent to the 20m Rushes....
Now, since adding in the incentive levels, we can now measure both minimum capability as well as assess fitness level. We just ran our FORCE test and some fairly fit people pushed themselves really hard and still only attained silver.
Just for comparison:
28yo, Male, 5'7", 185lbs
Rushes: 33sec
Sand Bag Lift: 57 sec (this destroyed my quads and gave me trouble on the next two tests)
Intermittent Loaded/Unloaded shuttle: 2min 54 sec (our fastest of the day was 2:31, and I definitely could have done better. I was only "running" for the unloaded part and not "sprinting")
Sand-Bag Drag: 15 sec