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food in your cadets

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GGHG_Cadet said:
That FTX at Rattlesnake had too much food, I swear I had to get a guard up to get my cadets to stop taking all that candy, they were going to get some pretty crazy sugar highs.

Hahaha... I know.. My RSM was dumbfounded at how much food was there.. he "survived" off those little cakey things..

I dont know why there was soo much food
? whats wrong with IMPs..?
At our corps FTX's we all have to eat IMP's. Noone is special. Even our officers eat with us, but somehow they manage to get Timmies in the morning. One year a cadet brought a kitkat bar out in the field, and he ended up chasing a racoon in his boxers at 2 oclock in the morning...
Scott937 said:
You may not be aware- some echelons have a flying kitchens, where they, surprise surprise cook the food. If you are being specific to your unit, then say so, because you sounded, mmmmm less informed when you make a generic statement like that.
I was referring to the echelon at my unit as the cadet that made the statement is from my unit.  Post edited to be more specific anyways.
3rcr_macfarlane said:
At our corps FTX's we all have to eat IMP's. Noone is special. Even our officers eat with us, but somehow they manage to get Timmies in the morning. One year a cadet brought a kitkat bar out in the field, and he ended up chasing a racoon in his boxers at 2 oclock in the morning...

2642 corps has always been like that nothing too speical maybe something here and there but not all the time, ya about the timmies they always send someone out to get one for the officers..
Zedic_1913 said:
I was referring to the echelon at my unit as the cadet that made the statement is from my unit.   Post edited to be more specific anyways.

Roger, Out
it all depends on were my corp is camping. we always have imp's at least once each time we are In the Field. usually it is all we have. we have boxes of them. i always try to get the macaroni and cheese. i also like the spagetti and meatballs but i  have not seen them around lately.
Snack foods? How slack  :P
In my glorious cadet career I've experienced:
In the field - IMPs every time except once when we ran out so we had cold campells clam chouder
Provincial biathalon- mc donalds for breakfast every morning for the athletes and 1st class chalet pancakes for staff like me 8)
operation future eagles (flight ground school weekend)-meals in the officer's mess at 17 wing, the high point of my cadet career.

I personally feel that IMP's/MRE's are the onyl thing you should eat in the field but maybe that's just because when it comes to survival my squadron's hardcore  :threat:
C/Sgt Kessler said:
Snack foods? How slack   :P
In my glorious cadet career I've experienced:
In the field - IMPs every time except once when we ran out so we had cold campells clam chouder
Provincial biathalon- mc donalds for breakfast every morning for the athletes and 1st class chalet pancakes for staff like me 8)
operation future eagles (flight ground school weekend)-meals in the officer's mess at 17 wing, the high point of my cadet career.

I personally feel that IMP's/MRE's are the onyl thing you should eat in the field but maybe that's just because when it comes to survival my squadron's hardcore   :threat:

Pssssh yeah, cause eating in an officers mess is hardcore ::). On that note, who really cares? i'll eat anything if it's there infront of me (be it filet Minon or a a squirell:P) corps get there food in different ways, fresh, IMPs or what have you, i'm sure in anycase it's better than starving ,so you should consider yourselves lucky you're getting a free lunch.

Kesseler, hardcore is a term that is obsolete in my opinion. If you actually wanna brag about how crappily you got it at your SQN or corp, then go ahead. This constant cock fight about who can outsuffer who is moronic.

In my experience, food is food when you're in the field. Eat it up or, if not, i'm sure there are others (myself included) that would love to take your share.  ;)
Just remember kids; any moron can be uncomfortable/unhappy in the field. The smart ones find comforts.  :salute:
rmc_wannabe said:
Pssssh yeah, cause eating in an officers mess is hardcore ::).

Ground School, despite the name, has little to nothing to do with the ground. The only "field" it's done at is the airfield.........

Other than that totally agree.
it all depends on were my corp is camping. we always have imp's at least once each time we are In the Field. usually it is all we have. we have boxes of them. i always try to get the macaroni and cheese. i also like the spagetti and meatballs but i  have not seen them around lately.

Christ, Hutch!!! You forgot RANGER STEW!!!

When we go up to Fort Mayne, our ex-CO's farm up near Georgetown, he always cooks for us cadets. It is the BEST possible food one can have in the field.
rifle_team_captain_13 said:
Christ, Hutch!!! You forgot RANGER STEW!!!

When we go up to Fort Mayne, our ex-CO's farm up near Georgetown, he always cooks for us cadets. It is the BEST possible food one can have in the field.

oh ya and for the last meal everytime we go to georgetown (3 times a year) we will have ranger stew. every other place we do camping it is IMP's.
Canadian Sig said:
Just remember kids; any moron can be uncomfortable/unhappy in the field. The smart ones find comforts.  :salute:

I wasn't aware such things existed.  :o
C/Sgt Kessler said:
I personally feel that IMP's/MRE's are the onyl thing you should eat in the field but maybe that's just because when it comes to survival my squadron's hardcore  :threat:

Humph. If you think having meals supplied to you in any fashion constitutes "hardcore survival", you're in for a shock if you ever get lost in the woods.  ::)
thats Wat survival classes like snares and edible plants and rabbit skinning are for.......if you really want hardcore survival that bad, no one is stopping you from getting yourself lost in the bush, there a lot of it in this beautiful country of ours.

O and when we go to Trenton we eat in the officers mess i think, and when we are int eh bush, the officers cook our meals.....good wholesome meals......

(Too many IMP's give you gas)
The IMP's arent the best thing for your health..I mean..Land sakes, some of the packages are marked "with added msg"::)

We always try to feed our cadets a freshly made food at least once per ex.

Anyone want a package of Crunchy Cereal Type 3?  I have about 23 packs now *nerd*
crunchy cereal type 3? that is the best part of the breakfast. why haven't you eaten them?
Oh I have...just no one else but my WO and I like it so we grab the ones that are left over at the end of exercises.

I'm taking some to school tomorrow because I am SO pro!
Kyle Burrows said:
Oh I have...just no one else but my WO and I like it so we grab the ones that are left over at the end of exercises.

I'm taking some to school tomorrow because I am SO pro!

ya there is me and my RSM that i know of that love that type. it is one of the only things that are good cold ,hot, wet, or dry.