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Fmr GG Becoming PPCLI Col-in-Chief

I'm not sure I could think of any ways in which Mme Clarkson could have demonstrated her worthiness for the position more clearly.

Congratulations to both the PPCLI and herself.  :salute:
Excellent news-finally a CANADIAN as Col-In Chief of a Regiment instead of some foreigner.
Meridian said:
Interesting, and my apologies for throwing off topic, but Im sure others would be curious... how does one go about becoming an ADC... and do you have perhaps a highlight you could share pertaining to Her Excellency (are former GGs still referred to that way?) during her time in Office w/respect to the military?


I was selected. First by my career manager as a suitable candidate and then by the GG and her staff after two days of tests and interviews. The tests were basic staff duties/bilingualism tests but I think I clinched the deal in the swimsuit competition.  ;)

My time with Mme Clarkson was perhaps the greatest two years of my career so far. I was worked like a rented mule but at the same time Mme Clarkson and Mr. Saul treated me (and the other ADCs) like their son and went out of their way to teach us and include is. For example, I was often invited to have dinner with them and their friends/guests and I was never made to feel that I was just a servant at those functions. However, the greatest part of that job was easily the events involving the military. During scheduling meetings she would unequivocally accept any invitation from the military of the Legion to events unless there was a major conflict with a state visit or something like that. She took her role as CinC very seriously and made a point of giving up every Christmas to visit soldiers overseas. Here are a few examples of her devotion to the CF:

1) During the GG's Circumpolar State Visits to Russia, Finland and Iceland, there was a scheduled stop in Turku, Finland for a two day break. This was just after a very hectic 10 day visit to Russia where the GG often attended 8 events a day and rarely slept for more than 6 hours a night. The two days in Turku were a well-deserved rest before kicking off on the even more hectic 18 days in Finland and Iceland. On the morning of the first day in Turku, I got a call from NDCC saying there had been an incident in Kabul and two soldiers had died. This was Sgt Short and Cpl Beerenfenger. I told the GG this and without hesitation, she said: "We're going to Germany to meet the wounded and dead as they pass through on their way to Canada." I was a little surprised by this as she hadn't had 24 hours off yet and getting to Germany wouldn't be easy. Anyway, we managed to get a Learjet from the Finnish Air Force and we flew down to Germany at o dark stupid. The GG then stood on the apron for two hours in the dark and in the rain while the caskets were transferred from the Luftwaffe Airbus to ours. She then spent some time talking to the wounded soldiers before we got back on our Learjet and returned to Turku. 12 hours after our return the Finland-Iceland portion of our trip kicked off.

2) The GG made a point of visiting with every family of the four Patricias killed at Tarnak Farms. I remember sitting in Pte Smith's parents place near Tatamagouche while the GG chatted with Smitty's mother for hours. We also visited Green's family near Mill Cove, NS on that same trip. The GG didn't have to do this but she insisted.

3) Finally, there is the great relationship and rappore she developed with all soldiers she met. She remembered people and talked to them wherever she went. On New Year's Eve in Kabul I put $250 on the bar in the JR's on her behalf and she basically partied the night away with soldiers. She wanted to meet every soldier in Julien, Warehouse, and TV Hill and I think she came pretty close. There was also the time when she visited HMCS Winnipeg in the Gulf and made a point of touring every part of the ship and handing out SWASMs to sailors and airmen at their work stations (sorry if I got the term wrong).

She is a very impressive person and will make an outstanding Col in Chief.

Truly a class act, and a success story,

She took time to for a private audience to present my dying brother in law with his OMM. I met her in Camp Julien at New Years 03/04 and told her how much that meant to my sister, and she immediately recalled the circumstances under which the medal had been presented some six months before.

I wish her well.
a78jumper said:
Excellent news-finally a CANADIAN as Col-In Chief of a Regiment instead of some foreigner.

Ahhh...here we go...we descend into the depths yet again... ::)
Hardly, I just strongly feel there are a number of distinguished Canadians out there that are more than capable of being a Colonel-in-Chief of a Canadian Regiment or unit. Why do we have to import?
I, for one, believe that the Regiment has upheld tradition while moving forward.  The selection of a former GG, the Queens Representative in Canada, is an excellent transition from the old guard towards the new and Lady P's endorsement just seals the deal.
    Having the good fortune to meet both of these outstanding women on separate occasions I couldn't agree more with the new CiC.  Simply put... Bang On!!
Mortar guy said:
... but I think I clinched the deal in the swimsuit competition.  ;)

She is a very impressive person and will make an outstanding Col in Chief.


Hahaha. Solid.  How many ADCs per GG usually?

And thanks for taking the time to spell out some of her finer (and less reported/spun) accomplishments.  The MSM always seemed to somewhat belittle her, and I'm sure that learjet trip to them would just have been another example of her incapability at sticking to budget (sigh).
I was kinda hoping for Lady P's hotter niece...
  She attended a Unit function in Calgary in 95 -- never saw her attend another...

BTW I think that the choice made was an excellent one.

3rd Herd said:
One word: Tradition

I can think of a lot of outdated but none the less quaint military "traditions" that have thankfully fallen into disuse. Many insisted for years that it was tradition that women be excluded from many roles in the CF for eg.  It is time Canada moved on from its subservience. I think it is great that Britain has a Royal family, some would argue they are the world's richest welfare recipients, and I do recognize it as part of our past, but any future CinC's of Canadian Regiments should be Canadian, as was this thoughtful intelligent choice of AC as that of the PPCLI. To those involved with the decision, well done as well.

The GG normally has 4 ADCs but Mme Clarkson was twice as busy as her predecessors (approx 700 events per year vice 350) so she had 5. There were always 2 on duty, 2 conducting recces/planning (because we always went everywhere she went ahead of time) and 1 planning/on leave/as 'emergency back up'.

My time at Rideau Hall and my subsequent tour to Afghanistan have taught me that the MSM are rarely more than 10% accurate in their reporting and are usually heavily biased.

As for the learjet, the Finnish Defence Forces did not charge us for its use although we did give the crew a couple of bottle of really nice vodka.

Thanks for piping up here MG.  I thought of you right away when then announcement was made on Bn Pde.  (And it's really no surprise that you are envious of we Patricias...)

The immediate reaction of many on pde was "what the F***?"  It's sad that many less informed are tainted by the "scandals" portrayed by the media.  I'm confident the naysayers will warm up to her in short order.

I had the pleasure of meeting her as GG when she visited us in Kosovo, and presented us with our KFOR medals.  Very classy lady.

If there is any negative to this at all, it's that we no longer have a "Patricia" (Princess, or Lady) as our Colonel in Chief...In fact, I'm not sure how we are going to officially refer to her.  Madame Clarkson, I suppose.  (Others, correct me if I'm wrong...)
Like the Countess is Lady Patricia, I am sure that the Regiment will find a Formal term of endearment....equally I am sure that the "Colonel" will be delighted to have such an honour bestowed on her.....

Just a Guy
Adrienne Clarkson as the colonel and chief how can you people be in favor of this this is a very upsetting day to be a PRINCESS PATRICIA I am very upset about this and I know several members who are also not in favor of this decision, its always been a royal who has served this position but i guess so much for tradition? this is a very prestigious honor and I give my congrats to the former governor general but I will never be in support of this and look forward to a day where a royal once again assumes this position, and lastly to the countess mount batten of burma thank you for honoring us as our lady p for all these years it has truly been an honor to have you as our colonel and chief you will never be forgotten we give you our love and appreciation and wish you all the best you are truly one of the greatest people who I have ever met your kindness and love of your soldiers is what made us make it through tough times and lastly again thank you lady p
I'm surprised (but not entirely) by some people seeming HUGELY opposed to a "non-Royal" becoming the Colonel-in-Chief.  Isn't this sort of like Canada taking its constitution back from the UK?  I'm all for tradition, but there's also a case to be made that, since Captain Andrew Hamilton Gault was a Canadian (albeit raising a regiment to fight with the Empire in WW1), it wouldn't be entirely out of line having a Canadian Colonel-in-Chief. 

How long has Canada had a Canadian Governor General, as opposed to someone from the old country?  I'm pretty pro-monarchy, but I don't think we're any weaker or worse off with a Canadian GG - same-same with Col-in-Chief.

As for the scandal-based opposition, I'm thinking I'm not the only one on these boards thinking that we shouldn't believe EVERYTHING we see/hear/read in MSM.  Whoever is PM has a pretty big say in what the GG does, and where they go show the flag as head of state.

Finally, based on MG's anecdotes (thanks for sharing), she's seems pretty supportive of the CF as a whole, and the Patricias in particular.
I'm quite positive that similar conversations occurred when Canada decided to appoint a GG that was not a Brit. "Oh the horror of that" could be heard issuing from every corner of the staid traditionalists across the country.The House of Lords could be heard all the way to Prince George muttering expletives about those damn upstart colonials.  We seemed to have got over it quite well.  We'll get over appointing a Canadian to a C-In-C to one of our own regiments.

As for the Madame Clarkson missing the requisite name of Patricia, a few of us that carry the name Patricia (for either being named after the Regiment or Lady P - myself after the latter) will gladly afford Madame Clarkson the use of our names.   

OT: I'm in correspondence with a lady named Patricia whose father was a member of the PPCLI in 1914. Her father was so proud of his regiment that he named his daughter after it (as many PPCLI fathers do).  At 79, she'd love to adopt a few of the lads/lassies and write to them.  I've suggested to her to contact the Regt Assoc but if anyone wants to write to her directly, drop me a PM and I'll pass on the info. 
lylepenny said:
Adrienne Clarkson as the colonel and chief how can you people be in favor of this this is a very upsetting day to be a PRINCESS PATRICIA I am very upset about this and I know several members who are also not in favor of this decision, its always been a royal who has served this position but i guess so much for tradition?

The difference between the old soldier and the 'new' soldier. As several including myself have have pointed out we where never a "royal" regiment and this in the realm of regimental history and tradition this makes perfectly logical sense. Maybe they should reissue the regimental handbook from the dinosaur days and then hold literacy classes. ;D