Provided they are still running the test at CFLRS as they have for a while, the test in the first week will set the baseline. There are bare minimums that must be met in order to stay with the course. I believe you have a basic minimum of push-ups, sit-ups and hand-grip, but you cannot fail the run. If you get above a certain score on the run, but fail to meet the minimum required to stay on course, they will send you to Warrior Fitness Training. There you will know the meaning of perseverance as you are run for 2 PT sessions a day in order to get yourself to a full pass of the PT test. If you are unable to meet the basic requirements of the full PT test after 90 days, you are released.
To give an example, I will give you my situation:
I got to BMQ (weighed 325 lbs) and did my CF Expres Test. Needed (to stay on course): 19 push-ups, 19 sit-ups, 75 kgs on hand-grip, 6.0 beep test. Scored: 19 push-ups, 25 sit-ups, 135 kgs on hand-grip, 4.5 on beep test. I was sent to WFT.
In the period of 60 days, I managed to get my P/U and S/U up to 25 and 30, respectively, and was able to pass the hand-grip with one hand (I think my total test on record was 161 kgs...), but the shocker was that I ran a 6.5 on my beep test.
I then joined a platoon, and got injured and got better and got on another platoon... Needless to say, I spent a full 9 months at BMQ. Notable, though, is that when I did my last CF Expres Test (it was at BMQ, I have now only ever done the FORCE test since) and I scored pretty close to the same... 25 p/u, 30 s/u, 156 hand-grip, and (believe it or not) a 7.5 on the run. On my graduation day, they let me jump on a scale to see how much weight I'd lost. I checked in at just under 245 lbs. I had shed over 80 lbs in 9 months.
Anyways, back on point. The point is, try to get your fitness up to snuff as soon as you can. The better shape you are in will dictate the harder BMQ is on you. I loved the program, but hated the PT, and I think it was because I had let myself get so badly out of shape. Had I been more fit and in better shape, I probably would have had no issues with regards to PT.
Also, to note, I am unsure if the PT testing is done the same way now, and if the WFT program still exists in the same format. Maybe if there is anyone on here who is an instructor or recruit at CFLRS, they can shed some more light?
Hope some of what I said helps.