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Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

MCG said:
Will it "die" or will it be relegated to the role of operational readiness test, leaving FORCE as the only fitness test?

That would be up to other elements or CJOC, but the CANARMYGEN states:


Its at least dead as a yearly fitness eval.
The major thing I do not like about this is;
No reward system, therefore many members will continue to do the bare minimum.

What I do like;
If you do not pass the test, you dont go to the boards. (just trying to see how people are going to swing that one)

On that note;
IT is a very easy test, if you are doing the minimum amount of PT at your units, passable. It seems from my perspective, people werent doing well, unable to do certain things, and found loopholes around the old express. I was not a fan of that either, but this new system seems to be a step in the right direction.
There are easy ways for COs to provide incentives under the new system.  All it takes is a bit of leadership.

For example:  Were I a CO, I'd offer all the NCMs a day of short if they could beat my times in all the tests, and a second day if they could also beat the RSM.  For the officers, I'd offer negative incentives: if you don't beat the CO acros the board, you're getting extra duties.

Make things competitive between sections in a workplace.

Get cheap & cheesy dollar store trophies for each test and award them to the top performed for the year.
dapaterson said:
There are easy ways for COs to provide incentives under the new system.  All it takes is a bit of leadership.

For example:  Were I a CO, I'd offer all the NCMs a day of short if they could beat my times in all the tests, and a second day if they could also beat the RSM.  For the officers, I'd offer negative incentives: if you don't beat the CO acros the board, you're getting extra duties.
dapaterson said:
For example:  Were I a CO, I'd offer all the NCMs a day of short if they could beat my times in all the tests, and a second day if they could also beat the RSM.

So, if the RSM (who is an NCM) beats the CO, s/he gets a day of Short Leave?

dapaterson said:
Make things competitive between sections in a workplace for those who obtain the highest number of pass results on FORCE.


dapaterson said:
Get cheap and cheesy dollar store badges to wear on our uniforms and award them to the top performers for the year.

TFTFY, too. 
dapaterson said:
There are easy ways for COs to provide incentives under the new system.  All it takes is a bit of leadership.

For example:  Were I a CO, I'd offer all the NCMs a day of short if they could beat my times in all the tests, and a second day if they could also beat the RSM.  For the officers, I'd offer negative incentives: if you don't beat the CO acros the board, you're getting extra duties.

Make things competitive between sections in a workplace.

Get cheap & cheesy dollar store trophies for each test and award them to the top performed for the year.

Great suggestion, but very highly unlikely.
upandatom said:
Great suggestion, but very highly unlikely.

Why not?  Short Leave has been granted for lesser accomplishments thousands of times.
Haggis said:
So, if the RSM (who is an NCM) beats the CO, s/he gets a day of Short Leave?

Yes, I'd give the RSM a day of short.

As for your other "fixes" - somewhere, I still have my old warrior badges.  If someone decides to "lead change" by adding another cheap and tacky bauble...  :facepalm:
Sheep Dog AT said:
You can still do BFT's.  They just won't count.

I'm an Armour Crewman and firmly believe in my kit carrying me not vise-versa, plus I figure if god wanted to carry things on my back then he would of put a pouch there to carry it in!
dapaterson said:
There are easy ways for COs to provide incentives under the new system.  All it takes is a bit of leadership.

For example:  Were I a CO, I'd offer all the NCMs a day of short if they could beat my times in all the tests, and a second day if they could also beat the RSM.  For the officers, I'd offer negative incentives: if you don't beat the CO acros the board, you're getting extra duties.

Make things competitive between sections in a workplace.

Get cheap & cheesy dollar store trophies for each test and award them to the top performed for the year.

Excellent, however we're already down to three days-per-week PT because we supposedly need all hands on deck and can't afford to give anyone fives days a week of PT.

If we need to be at work for an extra two hours per week, what the chances of getting a whole day off once per year?

As well: anyone who's done the FORCE test has completed the survey on the test's implementation, how easy it was, etc. Included in that survey was a question on what sort of rewards should be offered for a successful FORCE pass.  I believe they were:

1. Bonus (money)
2. Short leave (how long? Half day? Full day?)
3. Extra PER points
4. Free merchandise/memorabilia
5. Uniform badge/medal/pin

I assume the long-term goal, once the FORCE test is implemented and EXPRES and BFT are gone, is to create some sort of reward system or incentive.
ARMY_101 said:
Included in that survey was a question on what sort of rewards should be offered for a successful FORCE pass.  I believe they were:

1. Bonus (money)
2. Short leave (how long? Half day? Full day?)
3. Extra PER points
4. Free merchandise/memorabilia
5. Uniform badge/medal/pin

I assume the long-term goal, once the FORCE test is implemented and EXPRES and BFT are gone, is to create some sort of reward system or incentive.

CF members should get absolutely nothing for passing the FORCE test.
ObedientiaZelum said:
CF members should get absolutely nothing for passing the FORCE test.

Agreed. The incentive of retaining one's job should be enough.  Fitness is a requirement for the job, and one that's not very onerous.
ObedientiaZelum said:
CF members should get absolutely nothing for passing the FORCE test.

But...... I've already designed the badge!
dapaterson said:
There are easy ways for COs to provide incentives under the new system.  All it takes is a bit of leadership.

For example:  Were I a CO, I'd offer all the NCMs a day of short if they could beat my times in all the tests, and a second day if they could also beat the RSM.  For the officers, I'd offer negative incentives: if you don't beat the CO acros the board, you're getting extra duties.

Make things competitive between sections in a workplace.

Get cheap & cheesy dollar store trophies for each test and award them to the top performed for the year.

I am not a fan of the everyone gets a prize for passing FORCE.  Like the XPRES you will still have most members completing the minimum.

I like the idea of competition between members and sections.  Here at CFNES the Commandant has two challenges:  For those who get exempt receive a day of short leave and another day of short leave if you can beat his standings.  A day off work?  Hell yeah, I will push myself for that!

From what I can tell, there isn't an exempt on the FORCE test.  I guess I will just strive to beat the Cmdt.