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Fighting at St-Jean


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Does it happen?

If another recruit is giving me trouble, can we step outside and settle it or is that taboo?

Are there any consequences if two recruits fight?
That is exactly what they want to teach you on the BMQ, teamwork.  What do you think?  Give your head a shake.
P-Free said:
Does it happen?

If another recruit is giving me trouble, can we step outside and settle it or is that taboo?

Are there any consequences if two recruits fight?

This is no longer the "good old days" you know.   Thankfully the CF does not allow that kind of garbage to happen anymore, that and no blanket parties, code reds, shower parties and other crap/hazing.

Mod Edit

Sorry, turn of phraze, nothing moire all is good. carry on. :salute:

P-Free said:
Does it happen?

If another recruit is giving me trouble, can we step outside and settle it or is that taboo?

Are there any consequences if two recruits fight?

I had a real problem with a roomate on my basic. He would take items from within our roomates kits such as going into others drawers and taking shirts, gas masks, etc when he couldn't locate his own. I called it stealing but he found it offesive when I said that so I refered to it as "borrowing with out asking". This guy was the platoon's pain in the a#$. One day I sat down with him and had a talk with him about it. That didn't help so I had my other 2 roomates sit down with myself and the guy to have a chat. None of that helped so I mentioned it to our instructors who put a little scare into him.
I would have liked to have resolved it without instructors, but in the end the trouble maker really isn't worth your time and worse getting charged with assault over. He was still an odd one, but he seemed to improve.

If you are having problems with him then perhaps others are as well. If they are then maybe you should discuss the issue with them and approach the guy in a constructive and non-confrontational way.

It may sound like the wimpy way to deal with it, but it's the best way to deal with problems nowadays without getting yourself in in a world of trouble.
I would love to say that violence is never the answer......but I know that isn't true and if it were then there would be no need for you to go on basic training.  That being said I would have to agree with Theoat's approach, it is far more mature and you never need to fight with somebody who might be sitting beside you someday when you are in a real rough spot.
No problem. Basic is a course where you can feel built up since the course is so anally retentive and you don't get much time away from your coursemates...some of whom you can't stand.

Turns out the guy I didn't like is likely on my 3's this summer. I can only pray they don't house us alphabetically again..... ::)

Armageddon also has a really good end point there.
I recall on my basic there being a certain individual (from another platoon) who kept picking fights with people, deliberately trying to get them mad so they would start a fight. Now, various stories went around as to what ended up happenning, but the words "charge," "summary trial," and "RTU" came up a lot.

Theoat said:
Turns out the guy I didn't like is likely on my 3's this summer. I can only pray they don't house us alphabetically again..... ::)

They will. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...
Living in close proximity to someone, particularly someone you don't like, for long periods of time, is something you're bound to run into. Try to deal with it maturely. I found in my basic, I alway wanted to beat the crap out of a certain individual who had no drive, no team concept, and a lot of bitching... but the instructors did a pretty good job of keeping us too tired to bother fighting.

Things will generally sort themselves out, and you don't want to end up being charged just because of some thudf**k
we fought. We settled a few things between ourselves, and everyone left the staff out of things. We had a few scraps in Battle School as well, between ourselves, other courses, and civvies.

But that was a different time, it seems. Now, you'd be charged. After all, violence simply has no place in an army that doesn't train for war.
Sig Bloggins said:
I recall on my basic there being a certain individual (from another platoon) who kept picking fights with people, deliberately trying to get them mad so they would start a fight. Now, various stories went around as to what ended up happenning, but the words "charge," "summary trial," and "RTU" came up a lot.

They will. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...

Ahh, the pain I forsee for this summer....with any luck he will be the forth in one room and I will be the first in the next room....but knowing my luck..... ::)  haha
Theoat said:
Ahh, the pain I forsee for this summer....with any luck he will be the forth in one room and I will be the first in the next room....but knowing my luck..... ::)   haha

Well, you can always wait till buddy's up on the roof of the pod screwing in the whips, and... ;D

(Note: that was a joke. Don't actually do that, someone on another course did that and it burnt the guy pretty bad, didn't throw him off the truck the way we've always been told happens though.) :D
I didn't hear of any fights on my course or the concurrent recruit/ocdt courses. That kind of behaviour is just stupid and counterproductive. You're not going to build morale and teamwork with your platoon mates by punching them but you WILL look like an ass and invite charges. I never understood people that start fights - all you're demonstrating is that you're underdeveloped and lack the mental acuity to solve problems without unnecessary recourse to violence.
G-man, not to advocate beating the crap out of everyone on course but, there are some people who are definitely in need of a punch to the head to get them back on track. But I realise that we are a kindler, gentler army now and heaven forbid if the boys get a little bloody now and again. By the way paracowboy I almost choked with laughter when I read your last line. Seems most of the people on this site now just want to sit and sing Kumbaya rather than get down in the muck!
G-man just a quick question were you the one kid in school who took names of kids acting up when the teacher left? I'm betting you were!
Glorified Ape said:
I never understood people that start fights - all you're demonstrating is that you're underdeveloped and lack the mental acuity to solve problems without unnecessary recourse to violence.

Umm...isn't that what the Army does?
2 Cdo said:
G-man, not to advocate beating the crap out of everyone on course but, there are some people who are definitely in need of a punch to the head to get them back on track. But I realise that we are a kindler, gentler army now and heaven forbid if the boys get a little bloody now and again. By the way paracowboy I almost choked with laughter when I read your last line. Seems most of the people on this site now just want to sit and sing Kumbaya rather than get down in the muck!
G-man just a quick question were you the one kid in school who took names of kids acting up when the teacher left? I'm betting you were!

No, I was actually the kid in school busy punching everyone (elementary school, that is). I was both underdeveloped and lacking in the mental acuity to solve my problems without unnecessary recourse to violence, I kid you not. :D

A healthy dose of segregated learning in a full-time behavioural class cured me of that particular ill. I can identify with your desire to beat the crap out of people - I still have the same urges as when I was a kid but I've learned to control them. I've gone the "beat up the annoying guy" route and I've found it rarely, if ever, works. Usually it just generates severe hatred in the beatee and exacerbates whatever problems there were.

Infanteer said:
Umm...isn't that what the Army does?

Ah HA! I knew someone was going to call me on that, which is why I said "unnecessary" violence. It can be argued that a mentally acuitous military will not apply force unnecessarily, a la Sun Tzu's statement to the effect that the most effective warrior is one which can defeat his enemy without force. :D
Glorified Ape: I don't think 2 Cdo was refering to you, there's a post from G-man earlier in the thread...
2 Cdo said:
G-man, not to advocate beating the crap out of everyone on course but, there are some people who are definitely in need of a punch to the head to get them back on track. But I realise that we are a kindler, gentler army now and heaven forbid if the boys get a little bloody now and again. By the way paracowboy I almost choked with laughter when I read your last line. Seems most of the people on this site now just want to sit and sing Kumbaya rather than get down in the muck!
G-man just a quick question were you the one kid in school who took names of kids acting up when the teacher left? I'm betting you were!

Nope, I stayed pretty much out of the limelight in school.  If the teacher left the room, I usually went to sleep.
As for people needing a good kick/punch in the head, I'm all for that, I only wish we could have done that to one or two guys I was on course with.  Ah well you win some you loose some

Glorified Ape said:
Ah HA! I knew someone was going to call me on that, which is why I said "unnecessary" violence. It can be argued that a mentally acuitous military will not apply force unnecessarily, a la Sun Tzu's statement to the effect that the most effective warrior is one which can defeat his enemy without force. :D

Ha, I knew as soon as I read it that you would use "unnecessary" as a caveat.  :D

Try finding a mentally acuitous (where the hell did you get that word from?) military or state or a group of people who agree on where "unnecessary" lies.  :P
Infanteer said:
Ha, I knew as soon as I read it that you would use "unnecessary" as a caveat.   :D

Try finding a mentally acuitous (where the hell did you get that word from?) military or state or a group of people who agree on where "unnecessary" lies.   :P

How the heck did this go from "fighting in st-jean" to using words like acuitous and quoting Sun Tzu ??