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Field Operation Allowance

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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Hatchet Man,
Read the question...

I heard in an O-Group point this week that some field untis were going to be given an allowance, along the same line as sea pay/jump pay. I'm just wondering if anyone is "in the know" on this.

I haven't heard anything official about this yet, but it has been talked about, esp bantered about at the mess. Having members of designated units draw full time field ops pay would definately decrease the workload for the clerks, and possibly save $$ as the monthly rate can and would be less then the cost of 30 days continous duty.

Current daily is $16.41 X 30 days=492. 30
If you gave all army pers $120 a month and encouraged more/longer field deployments. I would imagine the savings could be larger.
If I were to set this up, you would not collect this pay while deployed overseas, and you'd have to be deployed on fd ex something along the line of 4 weeks a yrs to qualify. Or something like that.

I personally think it is a good idea.

We weren't given an amount or a start date, but with highers "managment of expectations", i can't see it in the O-Group if it wasn't past the rumor stage.

Thank's for the answer though, i thought i blanked out  or was halucinating when i heard about extra money
I heard this as a O-group point today. It was also ststed that FOA was to increase for those who did not qualify for the monthly rate. Here is the funny part. I work at a CF training center where I deploy for two weeks at a time every eight weeks which is more than some field units. I however, am not entitled to the monthly allowance because technically I am not in a field unit. Oh well, I am sure I will be back in batallion somewheres in a couple of years.

Don't you know that by starting this thread, you are alerting many of our wives to the fact that FOA even EXISTS?

MODS! MODS! Remove this thread!  MODS! MODS!


Armymedic said:
Hatchet Man,
Read the question...

Current daily is $16.41 X 30 days=492. 30

I personally think it is a good idea.

Thats it? still only $16 and change, not to make ya's drool and want to enlist down here, but we have two tiers of FOA.

The first for more harsh conditions, basically living in the field (sleeping in swags or on the ground) and eating rat packs is $42.87 per day, the second tier is also living in the field but with a few more creature comforts such as fresh rats, cots to sleep on etc, this is $25.15/day.

Its a real bonus here, and adds up fast if out in the J or desert for any time over just a few weeks.

So 10 days of T1 = $428.70, that $1286.10 for 30 days, all on top of ones normal salary.



PS $1AUD = 76c US
TCBF said:

Don't you know that by starting this thread, you are alerting many of our wives to the fact that FOA even EXISTS?

MODS! MODS! Remove this thread!  MODS! MODS!

I've never understood why so many guys get uptight about their wives (or girlfriends or spouses or whatever) finding out about FOA or other overseas pay (foreign duty, hazard, etc.) or any of the other 'perk' money.  

My missus and I had an easy understanding about this - any extra pay was mine to dispose of as I wished because it qualified as 'sanity pay' - money I spent while away to maintain my sanity (usually pizzas, movies, and booze :D, if available!) and to buy presents for her and the family (if the opportunity existed or was practical  ^-^ ).  

Quagmire said:
just a reminder, .FOA is heavily taxed unlike TD.

1.  Yes incidentals here too are not taxed, and the FOA is taxed the same % as your salary, but thats still an extra $1000, and its still a bonus for putting up with the heat, humidity and the sometimes insane conditons experienced here.

2. Hey Cent, TCBF is only being tongue in cheek, so chill out!


TCBF said:

Don't you know that by starting this thread, you are alerting many of our wives to the fact that FOA even EXISTS?

MODS! MODS! Remove this thread!  MODS! MODS!


I'm all over it! Too late! She's looking over my shoulder! Dagnabit Tom! If you hadn't called me she'd never have read this!
I can tell Wesley really misses the cool, comfortable winters in Dundurn or Wainwright or Shilo.....
A friend of mine onboard claimed (key word here) that once when his wife looked at his pay statement and saw "Sea Pay" and the appropriate amount she was livid..he had never informed of her of such a thing.  In a calm and collected voice he informed her that he never saw the need do discuss his "pay deductions, for food at sea and the like"....nothing like calm under fire...
Centurian1985 said:
I've never understood why so many guys get uptight about their wives (or girlfriends or spouses or whatever) finding out about FOA or other overseas pay (foreign duty, hazard, etc.) or any of the other 'perk' money. 

My missus and I had an easy understanding about this - any extra pay was mine to dispose of as I wished because it qualified as 'sanity pay' - money I spent while away to maintain my sanity (usually pizzas, movies, and booze :D, if available!) and to buy presents for her and the family (if the opportunity existed or was practical  ^-^ ). 

Good on you and your missus.  Many look at it as a bonus for staying home with the kiddies, with full remote privileges, while mister is out swanning it, getting a fabulous farmers tan in Suffield, or all that great winter camping in Wainwrong.
Wesley H. Allen said:
Thats it? still only $16 and change, not to make ya's drool and want to enlist down here, but we have two tiers of FOA.

The first for more harsh conditions, basically living in the field (sleeping in swags or on the ground) and eating rat packs is $42.87 per day, the second tier is also living in the field but with a few more creature comforts such as fresh rats, cots to sleep on etc, this is $25.15/day.

Its a real bonus here, and adds up fast if out in the J or desert for any time over just a few weeks.

So 10 days of T1 = $428.70, that $1286.10 for 30 days, all on top of ones normal salary.



PS $1AUD = 76c US

That's it.....I'll get my imagration papers in order    ;D

As for the FOA being placed perminatly for field units, it's been in the works for a while. I first heard of it about 4 years ago.

We'll see what happens soon enough.

Kat Stevens said:
Good on you and your missus.  Many look at it as a bonus for staying home with the kiddies, with full remote privileges, while mister is out swanning it, getting a fabulous farmers tan in Suffield, or all that great winter camping in Wainwrong.

Seriously?  Bonus pay for them when they got hot showers and food on hand all day, plus the car, all the creature comforts, and access to the big account? They needed a bonus because they have to stay home with the kids??  Holy cow, more power to you; if my missus had that kind of attitude about my work we'd never have made it past year 5! :P
Hands up everyone who ever came home from a long FTX and got this: " Glad you're home, these kids have been driving me nuts.  You bond, I'm going out."  or something similar.
Isn't there a line in 'Tha Odd Angry Shot" something like "It ain't no picnic back here either!"

I remember one of the guys getting a divorce, and one of the wives told the soon to be ex-wife that she could get some of his pension money.  Her lawyer didn't know that.  This was CFRS Cornwallis in 1986.


*minor thread hi-jack*

Pension and divorce is a topic I am unfortunately too familiar with. Rules regarding pension division vary amongst employers and to complicate things CPP has its own set of rules. Pension allocation can also change upon re-marriage after recipt of pension starts.

A lawyer who didn't know that should not have been doing a divorce.
the not telling the wife about FOA, AIRCREW ALLOWANCES, SEADUTY, etc is almost standard practice from the day the allowances were invented.
I worked at a AREA HQ in the 1990s and there many Officers and NCOs who would go on TD for extended time periods and they  would always have me process their claim and hold on the cheque till they came back from what ever trip they were on.  Standard practice in the office was to mail the cheque home or to where ever instead of keeping it for more then a week.  i had more then one major and above come to me and demand I hold on to the cheque no matter what till they were back in the office to personally take delivery of the cheque.
did not want wives or in some cases husbands to see it.

Back in the day most times claims were paid out in cash, ever wonder why? easier to deal with then writing 100s of a cheques in a day and easier to hide the cash from a spouse.

You don't hide cash - you spend it.

Either that, or it goes into the "secret" Sparkasse Bank account used only during Leopard gun-camps at Bergen-Hohne, and their all-inclusive rec runs to Hamburg.


35 mm film canisters used to hold a whole bunch of DM5 coins..... My missus used to wonder why I took loads of film on Fallex, and never took a picture...