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Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations


if youve been sworn in already... if you look at the pages you were given for the one that says PROTECTED A  and you look on the second page, under 2.C.  YOU will see your course number... it looks like soo

C.  CFLRS SAINT JEAN RCT TRG CRSE __________ FROM 18 FEB 8 - 23 MAY 08

this number (_________ is your course number.

If U finally learn how to spell YOU and YOUR, make sure to let us know


case.a said:
its late.  sue me.  I edited it.

Attitude usually lands you (and your peers) in trouble in this environment.  You may want to check it at the door.
DS4000 said:
Hey just a quick question, how long did you guys have to wait to get the call to be sworn in and get the date you start your BMQ??

For me, I did my interview/cfat/medical on a Friday(the 1st) and I got my call the following Monday morning (the 4th)
Keep in mind I had a few things going for me.
Artillery was my primary choice, and its on the "hot jobs" list (means they need people)
The results of my medical were very good
I scored very well on my cfat
I felt the interview went very well.
I am going NCO

Some things that could slow down your process would be

Barely passing your cfat could get you merit listed lower
Something comming up during your piss test or some other medical history problem (if it has been a long time you should contact the person in charge of your file. If you are unsure who is in charge of your file contact the CFRC you applied at)
The trade you applied to could be closed and there might not be an opening until the end of the fiscal year though when you had your interview you should have been informed of this.
Oh and if you checked off alot of things on the substance abuse chart that could slow down the process (or end it)
You plan to be an officer, there are less bmoq's run in a year than bmq's and there is a little bit more competition to get into bmoq

Eitherway when I had my interview I was told to call back in xxxx days if I had not recieved a call.
DS4000 said:
Hey just a quick question, how long did you guys have to wait to get the call to be sworn in and get the date you start your BMQ??

Maybe you should go look here.....
Gahhhhhhhh mine has taken like 7 months or so now, and im not even on the merit list yet :(
Lard of the Dance said:
Case a is hardly the person with the attitude.

Wrong, she has been repeatedly warned NOT TO USE MSN SPEAK but yet she continues to do so.


Gender in the above statment
I was excitied and fixed my mistakes the second I noticed the error. Which was BEFORE i noticed CDN Aviator's Post. 

It is one thing to correct an error, but repeatedly on this site we are met with RUDENESS.  Is it simply impossible to say, take a look at that again please?

Furthermore, this is a FORUM.... not english class.  Having studied english I do value a good sense of the language, but this is not formal, it is merely (atleast the recruit section) a place for young, worried, paranoid adults to seek anwsers and advice.  With all do respect.. RLEAX.

and By the way,  he is a SHE.
You are here because you are on the path that MAY lead you to a career in the CF.  You might as well learn some of what is in store for you now and prepare yourself now and learn how to behave in a professional military manner.  The little tips you may pick up here, may keep you out of the "frying pan" some day down the road.  The attitude you display here, is an indication of the attitude you will likely display when you go on course.  If you don't like the comments or advice you get here, you definitely will not like the advice of an Instructor with Garlic breath spitting out loud 'comments' six inches from your face.

But as I said earlier: "Your call."
case.a said:
  With all do respect.. RLEAX.

You were made aware of the rules when you registered. Is that simple enough for you ?

Milnet.ca staff
well Im sure not everyone will see eye to eye on the subject matter, so we should rather forget it, and move to the actually topic of the post  :)

Anyone else get there calls lately?
case.a said:
well Im sure not everyone will see eye to eye on the subject matter, so we should rather forget it, and move to the actually topic of the post  :)

PM inbound, consider it your last warning.

Milnet.ca staff
I did not mean anything by my statement  ???  I simply meant that rather then myself getting worked up over something I am unable to control, that I was going to drop it, and do my best to follow the rules in future.  I apolagize that my statement seemed to be taken in offense.

Edited to spelling.
Hello everyone.  Got my call today to start BMQ on Feb 25th in St-Jean. 
I'm 26 from Victoria, BC.  Being sworn in on Feb 15th, flying out on Feb 23rd.
Hope to hear from more going out for Feb 25th! :)
Me too, swearing in on the 15th, and going to St-Jean on Feb. 25 (well, on the 24th before 1700 actually). I live about half an hour from the Mega, so it won't be too long a ride.
Desi said:
Hello everyone.  Got my call today to start BMQ on Feb 25th in St-Jean. 
I'm 26 from Victoria, BC.  Being sworn in on Feb 15th, flying out on Feb 23rd.
Hope to hear from more going out for Feb 25th! :)

I have had to decline this BMQ date now due to a family issue, but have been told to expect to get a call to go Mar 24th or Apr 7th, so I am happy that I won't have to wait too much longer.  Have fun to all those going Feb 25th!