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Favorite Military Film

521, there were russians, east germans and cubans in the movie.

I seem to remember a airborne drop in the movie too.   If they were in airliners, an thats how they got into the states, how did they bring vehicles an helicopters in, hmm.

Anyways, for the soviets entering Afghanistan

"The invasion of Afghanistan was launched on Christmas eve, not a major Muslim holiday, but a time when the Western governments were not prepared to react. Soviet advisers disabled equipment, blocked arms rooms and prevented a coordinated Afghan military response. Soviet airborne and Spetsnaz forces seized the Salang tunnel, key airfields, and key government and communications sites in Kabul. Soviet Spetsnaz soldiers killed President Amin. The Soviet ground invasion force crossed into the country, fought with a few pockets of Afghan military resistance and occupied the main cities while the Soviet government installed their Afghan puppet regime. "


And the rest of the soviet troops(armour, infantry, etc) would have just drivin through a border an into Afghanistan and flown in once airfields were set up.
To go more in depth into the movie (since i own it) the cubans came in on airliners and dropped into the rocky mountains, from colorado to the mexico border. This secured a corridor for the Nicarugan and Cuban armies to sweep into the US. The Soviets came through Alaska down through Canada and were supposed to link up with the Nicarugan and Cuban armies. The only soviets you would have seen are Soviet advisers to the Cuban Armies.
I still think that "Saving Pvt.Ryan" has been the best authentic WW2 Movie to date and only have two complaints.
#-1 On the Beach,the Ammo Box's floating.

#-2 Smashing the Mortar Rounds on the side of the crator to arm them and then throwing them. ???

But over all it was A 1 and at the ending I cried.
in saving private ryan the obstacles to destroy the landing craft are also backward. in the movie they have a slope rising towards the sea, in real life the slope went up towards the beach to cause the landing craft to be lifted up and detonate the mine that would be placed at the end of the log.

A bridge to far
we were soldier
black hawk down.... these are my favorates.
I can't say I have a #1 favorite, but here's a short list.

Empire of the Sun
Saving Private Ryan (D-DAY 60th Anniversary Commemorative Edition  is out now)
Band of Brothers
Blackhawk Down
Three Kings
Hunt for Red October
I forgot, one of my favs that should be near the top of the list is No Man's Land
A few Aussie flicks off the top of my head..... The Desert Rats, 40,000 Horsemen, The Odd Angry Shot(too right Slim), Breaker Morant, Gallipoli, The Lighthorsemen, The ANZACs, 1915, and My brother Jack.

Rent em and check em out.

Also try A Midnight Clear a US flick WRT the Battle of The Bulge



footnote to the OAS.

The Odd Angry Shot was filmed at Gan Gan near Nelson Bay, north of Newcastle on the NSW coast. Gan Gan was a trg area which was recenly sold off for development.

My first scorpion sting was at Gan Gan. Its a thing one doesnt forget. Quite the place. Also our GMV ran over a 2 metre long King Brown snake, the 2nd deadliest in the world! Nice place.
My faves are;
-Major Payne
-We Were Soldiers
-Full Metal Jacket
-Good Morning Vietnam
-Saving Private Ryan
and many others

lol too many to think of

My favorite movie must be Full Metal Jacket..  It's a good movie, even in french..  that's not every day you can see a good war movie in french!  ::)
Hamburger Hill
Rainbow Six (not a movie yet, they're talking about 2006-7, but I'm sure it will be a blast!!!)  :mg:
FMJ again
Saving Private Ryan was definatly (spl?) a good movie
All Tom Clancy's movies are good, I think we can rule that as a fact!!  ;)

I think with all the movies listed in here, we can have a big war video store!!  :warstory:

Is it you John Wayne? Is it me? - Pvt Joker, FMJ
You're hardcore, you're f.....g hardcore!!!  -Animal Mother talking to Pvt Joker, FMJ
"Private Pile, whatever you do, don't fall down. That would break my f.....g heart!" - I love the way Hartman uses several different tones of his voice to say that.

Hamburger Hill, many people have listed it as one of their top favorites, I havn't heard of it before. Has it been released on DVD?
fmj quote

whats ur excuss?
sir, excuss for what sir?
im asking the f*****g questions here private do you understand?
sir yes sir
well thank you very much, can i be in charge for awhile?
sir yes sir
are you shook up? are you nervous?
sir I am sir
do i make you nervous?
sir what?
were you about to call me and asshole!?!?!?

Ghost778 said:
I liked star ship troopers. I really liked the philosophy behind it.
has anyone seen number 2 yet?

Read the book instead. Only about 250 pages.

The movie was so bad that it got disowned by Heinlein estate.

Funniest Starship Troopers quote: (makes more sense if you know Canadian military history)
"We always trotted everywhere at Camp Arthur Currie. I never did find out who Currie was, but he must have been a trackman." :)
ITs too bad that the guy who made Starship Troopers didn't stick to the book. The technology is there and it could have been soooo good!

Also, the mobile infantry tactics involved jumping around in powered armour, constantly on the bounce to avoid being hit...completely ignored by the movie, they just took 'modern' soldiers, gave them nukes and stronger assault rifles, and marched them to be willing cannon fodder for the aliens.  :skull: :skull: :skull:
But the red hair Dina Meyer (Dizzy Flores) and Denise Richards (Carben Ibanez) were stunning.
RoyalHighlandFusilier said:
Ghost778 said:
I liked star ship troopers. I really liked the philosophy behind it.
has anyone seen number 2 yet?

Read the book instead. Only about 250 pages.

The movie was so bad that it got disowned by Heinlein estate.

Funniest Starship Troopers quote: (makes more sense if you know Canadian military history)
"We always trotted everywhere at Camp Arthur Currie. I never did find out who Currie was, but he must have been a trackman." :)

Thats the point of the movie, they hired B actors to make a purposely over-the-top political satire. I loved the movie, non stop laughs.
Good God...

I was curious...I read the Book Starship Troopers many times and of course saw the movie. As Ive said before, the movie doesn't do the book justice. Unfortunately, I had this bit of hope that the second movie would be somewhat bearable. Please, PLEASE, if you value your life, don't waste 92 minutes of your life watching it; it's time you'll never get back. :'(
I finally remembered the name of that flick with Danny Glover and Gene Hackman:  BAT 21
(stumbled across it in the video store today)

Lots of bargains on military movies these days ...
Another (TV) movie for sale in stores like Zellars etc... is Dieppe.   Some parts of it get pretty tedious, but the actual beach landing was pretty bloody, and this was before Saving Private Ryan.

Also, Apocalypse Now Redux was just on the history television, uncut with no commercials with a running time of about 3 hours and 20 minutes.   Very good movie though, especially if you have seen the "Hearts of Darkness" documentary of the making (lots of guerilla filmmaking, the loaned helicoptors had to fly off to fight Phillipino rebels at points, Cuppola almost shot himself many times...)

Needless to say, I had to take a quick bathroom break at some point.   They really need intermissions on non-stop showings   :o