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favorite horror movie

Although not a big horror flick fan, I was just a kid when "Jaws" WAS THE MOVIE to see.  Only flick ever to give me nightmares. 

As for the scariest scene I've watched (definitely not the scariest movie!!), the final scene of "Friday the 13th" where the surviving character is in the canoe, no music to give you a hint, and the "dead, rotting guy" jumps out of the water and grabs her.  Scared the s**t out of me.

Cheers FDL  :cdn:
I really enjoyed "Black Christmas". Rent it if you can, the ending is awesome!

"Signs" was an awesome flick. Not necessarily horror, but had quite a few freaky parts.

"Shaun of the Dead" was fantastic, a nice spoof.
i don't really have one. they make me laugh. well thew new ones anyway. i did like Shaun of the dead it was hilarious
The Ring - Good - Not much makes my skin crawl, but it did.

The Grudge - Same sort of thing - But with Buffy.

The Shining - I liked it, but it didnt scare me. There's something about that chick who played Jack's wife that I can't take seriously after she played Olive Oyle in Robin William's Popeye.

My top 3
HollywoodHitman said:
There's something about that chick who played Jack's wife

Jack Nicholson's character (Jack Torrence) is essentially the reason to watch the movie, especially when he snaps near the end (creepily convincing.) :o
I dont really get scared at movies...and my friends hate it because there all screaming and im laughing uncontrolably at them !!...but if you guys wanna see a good movie watch "Saw" I bet by the end you'll never figure out who did it!!!

The Ring 2 was actually pretty lame, I was laughing at alot of parts, not to mention laughing at the girls in the theatre that screamed every time Samara came on screen. Like the time she rose out of the bathtub... wasn't scary, but girls were shrieking like it was the end of the world. Oh yeah, and at the ending after she gets out of the.. yeah... and closes the.. well you know if you've seen it... and then goes to jump off the whateveritis, all the girls were like crying or screaming. I was crying, but because I was laughing... did anyone else notice Rachel's horribly stiff nipples?  :o The only time that I did so much as gasp was with the dead body in the beginning... I had my head rested on my friend's shoulder... she was wearing a fur-lined jacket. When I gasped I took in the biggest chunk of fur ever, I was gagging through most of the movie trying to get it out.

Another movie that I enjoyed was Urban Ledgends 2. Pretty good, kept me on the edge for quite some time.

And now, for the worst thriller/suspense/horror movie EVER! Wishmaster. Dear God...  :'(
The ending of the ring 2 was stupid. It didn't explain much to me, plus how they killed off Sumara was lame.

Even though its not a horror movie, you should all go watch Hostage, I garauntee you, that you will not be dissapointed.
Darkness was pretty creepy. Not really scary but creepy. It wasn't advertised much on tv(at least not here) but a friend and I decided to give it a try. All I could think about for the longest time while flicking light switches was 'turn out the lights'...which doesnt sound creepy unless you can actually hear the voice they used....shivers...and the pictures of the aunts...I had a hard time driving home alone that night!
Why hasn't anyone mentioned the EVIL DEAD trilogy?!  ;D

Good.. bad... I'm the guy with the gun.

Patrick H. said:
Good.. bad... I'm the guy with the gun.
"Give me some sugar, baby."

Hell yeah, I'm surprised too...though Army of Darkness is more of a "hilarious" movie (like Shawn of the Dead) than Evil Dead 1 and 2.
The only good horror movies were the ones made in the 60s through 80s now they relie on visual effects to much the plots are just terible .. having said that

George Romero's zombie movies are great .. besides dawn of the dead remake .. it was funny as hell hope land of the dead (2005)summer will be good though

Did Georgo Romero make the movie 'zombie', It is set on an island and it is pretty graphic, I love that one.I thought the ring was scary, so was the grudge. I love old school slasher flicks hehe. Any good horror movie is fine with me.If a movie makes me sleep with a light on for a couple nights, it's a good one hehe >:D
I just saw "House of Wax" and it was a big piece of poop so dont bother seeing it!
Hedgehog18 said:
George Romero's zombie movies are great .. besides dawn of the dead remake .. it was funny as heck hope land of the dead (2005)summer will be good though

Romero didn't do last years remake of Dawn of the Dead.

camochick said:
Did Georgo Romero make the movie 'zombie',

I don't think he ever made a flick called Zombies either, but I could be wrong.
-"Saw" is one of the best horror movies to come out in the past five years. Really well written.
-John Carpenter's "The Thing" from 1981. It's set in the Arctic and involves a space creature that can turn itself into any living thing. Carpenter creates a real sense of creeping menace.
-The original "Texas Chainsaw". Don't know why it's necessary to do a remake of this- or any other classic horror flick- i.e. "Psycho", "Dawn of the Dead".
-"The Blair Witch Project" was great when it first came out.
Blair Witch Project was the biggest scam...ever. The producers or whatever must have been laughing their heads off all the way to the bank. Not scary in the least, not entertaining...just horrible. Two hours and the rental price I will never get back.
Hellraiser 1&2, Pinhead is one of the most original characters in horror.  And his lines (and voice) from the first movies are the best, sophisticated yet dark and disturbing.  "Your suffering will be legendary, even in Hell!"  Pinhead Hellrasier 2.

Also surprised no one has mentioned anything from the Nightmare on Elm Street series.  Number 1 and 7 (Wes Cravens New Nightmare)were by far the best of the series.  Freddy is just plain menancing in these flicks, no cheesy one-liners.  Also the idea was quite original in its concept at the time (still is in my opinion).

As was mention DARKNESS also had a very eery feel and over creepiness to it.  The aunts or whatever they were, resembled Cenobites from the Hellraiser series and just added to it.  The fathers decent into madness was excellent to watch, the bit were he was digging in the living room and he say to his wife to explain his actions "The larva, there in the walls" just floored me.  I almost burst out laughing, if i had not been so creeped out by the rest of the movie.

It seems every one here thought The ring was scary.  I thought it was just plain messed up, until Samara walked out of the tv. That was definitely a WTF moment, were I thought now that is freaky.  Unfortunately I saw the american version first, I liked the original much better.  I made sure to see Ju-on first before i went and saw the American version.  Ju-on much creepier in my opinion.
If a movie makes me sleep with a light on for a couple nights, it's a good one hehe

Watch the Amityville Horror, I was sleeping with the light on for a few nights afterwards. By far the best horror movie I've ever seen.
The Amityville Horror wasa  great remake... It had great actors and the screenplay was done by the same person who remade The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in 2003 (Scott Kosar) he realy knows how to get under your skin and scare you! Utterly Fantastic! Great Vancouver Actor aswell! (Ryan Reynolds)