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favorite horror movie


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I saw the new Dawn of the Dead on DVD.  In my opinion it was the greatest and the scariest horror movie I've ever seen.  I wanna know what your folks' favourite horror movie is.
I laughed my *** off throughout Dawn of the Dead, as I do every "horror" movie, i guess reality has me, and won't let me experience flicks as the director wants me to...
the ring was my favorite i think...

has anyone seen the new exorcist? the new beginning or whatever it's called..? if you have.. is it worth seeing??
When it comes to horror, I just love watching Stanley Kubrick's version of "The shining." The book by Stephen King kept me up at night; but Jack Nicholson as a psycho killing his family...disturbing yet awesome!

"Here's.....JOHNNY!" ;D
Personally, I find "IT" the scariest movie ever made.... something about clowns, man...

My favourite horror movie would probably the Care bears Movie...

Okay lame joke

28 days later is an excellent little flim.  As is Shaun of the Dead.  I'm a big fan of zombie movies for some reason, I loved the original Night of the Lviing Dead in all its cheeziness.  Oh and you can't forget about Psycho or the Birds.

infamous_p said:
the ring was my favorite i think...

has anyone seen the new exorcist? the new beginning or whatever it's called..? if you have.. is it worth seeing??

I saw the new exorcist, I thought it was great, not like the original, far from it, but the demon you'll recognize >:D
Now the original Exorcist was about the closest I've ever coming to wetting myself (cmon, I was like 10  :'() "Your mother's in here, Karras. Would you like to leave a message? I'll see that she gets it!" Demon to Karras The Exorcist...shiver
infamous_p said:
the ring was my favorite i think...

I'm not a big fan of scary movies and the ring  is th reason why. That movie scared the shit out of me! I was obviously fine after I got out of the movie theatre, unfortunatley my girlfriend wasn't. She made her dad sleep on the sofa so she could sleep with her mum the night we went to see it.

Yeah 28 days later was a really good movie. I didn't know anything about it, when I asked my friend to tell me what it was about, all he said was "blood puke." Fits perfectly!
Shaun of the Dead was also a really good one. The main character had a really good comedy show over in Enland a few years ago. Its called "Spaced." For those of you with the ability to download sutff, I would highly recomend this show!!!
I'm not a big fan of horror movies either.  The reason:  I watched a movie called The Entity when I was around 12 or so.  It was supposed to be based on a real story and it scared the living shit right out of me.  I still think about it and shiver.  Not to go too far off topic but the scariest book I've read is probably between Stephen King's Gerald's Game and Whitley Screiber (sp?) Communion.  I'm afraid of aliens!
Read "the Devils of D-Day", but only if you agree not to hate me for suggesting it.

Don't go see "Event Horizon"  .  Same reason.

The Ring was very good, not saying believable or any of that, but a great thriller. Had same effect on my girlfriend as I think it did on many other guys chicks. Scared the daylights out of her!!!

The Ring 2: Wasn't AS scary, but still a good shocker to make you jump a few good times. The storyline is good because you can see how everything comes together etc....

The Shinning was, amazing. IT scared the bajezuz outta me when I was a kid, I was terrified of clowns for ages after that.

You guys forgot 1 major one for anyone born around my time, JAWS!!! I grew up on the great lakes and that movie half ruined the water for me! Even though as a kid I knew there were NO sharks in the lakes, still couldn't go anywhere I couldn't see my feet/the bottom/not go into murkey water...

I've read is probably between Stephen King's Gerald's Game and Whitley Screiber (sp?) Communion.   I'm afraid of aliens!
You should see the MOVIE Communion, absolutely out of this world freaky! Fire in the Sky is another good one! Really crazy stuff. I'm going to look for this Gerald's Game you mentioned, I like Stephen King.

For a great cheesy classic occult/demonoligy horror flick, try The Gate, part one is best, part two is well, more B-moviesh but ok.

Another one that really absolutely seriously terrified me as a child was a movie called "Dolls"... About well, demonic dolls that are brought to life by an evil warlock and witch. Kinda B-movie, but it had me terrified as a kid of even the outline of barbiedolls at nighttime.

I rather liked the first Ginger Snaps movie also, quite gorry. Not the second though, complete cheese.

Here's a neat horror movie made recently about a platoon of soldiers from England who engage werewolves in a remote area of forest in England and are trapped! It was a very good english/european made flick, I suggest it to anyone who likes the gorry werewolf/realistic looking werewolves/special effects. It's called Dog Soldiers...

Bad Moon also very good for special effects (another werewolf one), and of course the classic American Werewolf in London.



PS> Anyone have any good suggestions for good horror/supernatural novels to read?
PPSS> A suggested book on futuristic army/military stuff (pure sci-fi though) is called On My Way to Paradise, published back in the 1970's but absolutely mind-blowing. Gets into the mind over matter thing and soldier mentality etc...
Not so much a Horror movie but an incredibly disturbing movie nonetheless.
Caled Battle Royale

Battle Royale is based on the shockwave novel by Koushun Takami, which is a bestseller in Japan, and which has become very controversial in a very short time (and it is really easy to understand why). The plot is relatively simple (a class of junior high school students are forced to kill each other on a desert island, the last survivor wins and can go back home), but it is this simplicity that makes its strength. No need for a very long prologue before we enter the main act. Each of the 42 pupils involved in this "game" are not volunteers (no one would be..,), and of course they are forced to kill their best friends /girlfriends in order to survive this horror. The personalities and characteristics of each of the participants are of course very contrasted and even if there are some cliches, well, the worst has been avoided. There are even quite "realistic" (even if it is very difficult to judge what can be realistic with such a plot) moments. The transcription of the inner thoughts of the characters, which is one of the strengths of the book, is averagely well retranscripted. Takeshi Kitano plays a "teacher" (whose name is ...Kitano), leading the operation of surveilliance of this "game". It is very difficult to give an objective comment on this movie. Violent. Ultra-Violent. And bloody. This is for sure. The book has to be read for a more complete description of the hesitations and fears, but the movie restranscripts very well the book is the sense that it is all "absurd". There is no real meaning to this violence. The students know this, but it can not be avoided. It is quite sad that the movie dropped an essential background element of the book (the story in the book takes place in an imaginery Japan which would have not lost WWII, and the movie takes place in a slightly modified modern Japan), but I guess that making this happen in the "real-world" shows that there is no need to go to an imaginary world to see to what extreme behaviors humans are capable of.

Highly disturbing. Rated R-15 (forbidden to under 15), very, very violent, but nonetheless interesting.

I tell ya this movie would have put the wind up me if I watched it when I was 15
The Shining is not only the best horror movie, but one of the best movies of all time. Just an awesome movie! I could watch it over and over and never get sick of seeing Jack Nicholson's slow slide into insanity.  >:D

Battle Royale is a great movie too, if you can find it, rent it, you'll be glad you did.

I'm also partial to zombie movies (duh), more for the entertainment value than the "scare" factor. If you haven't seen The Return of the Living Dead (1985), I recommend it! Freaking hilarious. Dawn of the Dead and Shaun of the Dead were both awesome...28 Days Later was good too...
Pte (R) Joe,

I think the English (Scottish?) werewolf movie you're referring to is called Dog Soldiers. Another good one!
  Ever since I was 12 I took my parents old VHS of  "The Texas Chainsaw Massacer"  and well, when I saw the Re-Make I Loved it, mostly due to the memmories and respect I gained from the passed films.  My Girlfriend at the time Bit my Finger throughout the entire movie at times she was scared, it was purple with teethmarks by the end... I know it may not be the scarist movie, but add the creepy factor and it's wicked in every way! I hope they remake the entire series!
The Ring scared the living shit out of me, when I watched it, I just shut off the part were Sumara comes out of the TV to kill the guy. How about the Ring 2, what the hell type of ending was that, if you go to watch it, your all gonna be like, thats a pretty easy way to kill her why didn't anybody think of that before.

The original Halloween was a good movie.

How about Scary Movie, with Special Officer Doofy, "I told you not to disturb me while I'm cleaning my room"
On the topic of books, anything by Dean Coontz is good. Also the Bachman books are nuts, Rage is perhaps one of the best things I've ever read. Geralds Game was great book also. Watch the stand if you never want the flu again.
What are you talking about Ring 2 was good, it was quite lame. Same as 28 Days Later, The Forgotten, The Village and Exorcist New Beggining. The Village and Exorcist have my tie for worst movies of 04