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family history

All that ones that I know of(had other family members serve, just don't know to much about it though)

Great Grandfather(dad's side): WWI - Royal Engineer, British Army
Grandfather(dad's side): WWII - Bombadier in Lancasters, RAF
Grandfather(mother's side):WWII, Canadian Army
Dad: Vietnam - Airborne Ranger, US Army
Cousin: Ex Infanteer, MCpl(I think) now Major in the Air Force
Brother: Infanteer, 2PPCLI

Not an outstanding military background in my family, but its something. (this is all i know anyways, our family really doesnt like to discuss it.)

Moms side:

Great grandfather: worked on Lancaster bomber / Avro arrow. (he still has the blue prints for one of them framed in his house, dont know/ remember which one though.)

Dads side:

Grandfather/ his 2 brothers: fought with germans when they occupied his country of Estonia. was captured by Russians when they came rolling through, my grandfather witnessed the execution of both his brothers (he actually had to shoot one of them to prove he wasn't a German spy) and to say the least, Hates all Russians and germans with an extremely deep passion, even though on our dads side our family tree has been traced back almost 500 years of pure Russian until my great grandfather moved to Estonia, but thats a tad off topic.

edited to add

Immediate family: Dont know if it should be considered, but my brother was a military contractor for the US army, he went to the middle east, africa, europe in armoured convoys because he also did "research" and thats the extent of my knowledge on his "research ". He now works for the canadian government i think it was a lvl 4 security clearance he told me he had, i dont get to talk to him a whole lot, and he doesnt really say a whole hell of alot about his job.
delavan said:
In my family, there is no such thing as military traditions (quebecers).
what do you mean no military tradition?
beg to differ
Are you talking about your family?

Service in pre WW1 Cdn Militia - Capt (85thCMR)
Service in WW1 - LCol (R22R)
Service in WW2 - Col (Sub defense minister)
Service in WW2 - Lt (2Fd RCA)
Service in WW2 - Capt (3RiverTank)
Service in WW2 - Flt Lt (RCAF 401 Sqn)
Service in post war RCAF (RCAF 438Sqn)
Service in post war RMR
Service in post war Service Corp
Service in post war CME

and that's only part of family peddigree.

Quebec has a long history of military service to Canada.
I know that my Grandpa on my dad's side worked on military ships during WW2, not to sure about what he was doin' in WW1 but he had atleast one friend who got gassed at Ypres and survived it, although he apparently foamed at the mouth everytime he tried to talk because of the stuff.

My Grandma and my Grandpa on my mom's side both severed in WW2, my grandpa as a sniper and my grandma as a nurse/orderly (something to that effect).

Dad's Side :

-Great grandfather served in the Bulgarian army with the German side during ww2 and was a combat engineer, i remember when he was explaining to me how he used to blow up Russian trains.

- Theres me  ;D in the Canadian army and i am planing to enroll my kids to make a big military history in my family...

Mom's Side :


Wolf  :cdn:
OK here goes...

Maternal Side:
Grandfather Curtis: Despatch Rider, served from 1939-1946, England and Northern Europe (still going and riding Harley's!!);
Great Uncle: Edward Curtis; RCA 1940-1945; Killed in logging accident 1947;
Great great Uncle: Charles Douglas Sobey; 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles; Killed 31 Oct 1917 at Passchendaele, body unrecovered however is memorialized plaque panel # 32 at the Menin Gate (Ypres) Memorial.

Paternal Side:
Great-Grandfather Maj Carmen Wightman: served from 1914-1945; died 1978. Interestingly, served for a time as Leon Trotsky's guard during his internement at Amherst Internment Camp (CBC Story link below ref him and a run-in with a Russian counterpart attmpting to bayonet Lenin during this time)
Grandfather Ralph Wightman: Provost/RCOC; 1940-1974; served...all over the place, the Home-front, England, Holland, Vietnam etc
Grandfather's First Wife (Helen): Nurse; Killed 14 Oct 1942 during torpedo attack of the SS Caribou in the Cabot Staright;
Grandfather's second wife (Muriel): CWAC, they met during VE Day celebrations in Amsterdam and were married there on the canal 1 week after meeting before repatting to Canada. Still together...still dancing.
Father Ralph: 911 Boy Soldier served 1965-1993;
Brother Roland: PPCLI (1999-2003), currently fire fighter serving at 8 Wg Trenton;
Husband: RCR (1984-) 84-85 2RCR, 85-95 3 Cdo CAR, 95-97 2RCR, 97-2003 CPC Trenton, 03-04 2RCR, 04-present CTC Infantry School;
Me: as per profile

And I won't get into the vast multitudes of cousins etc....
Of course, not falling into the Military category (possibly) there is always my great-grandfather to the 8th power, Edward Wightman, who was the last "witch" to be burnt at the stake for "heracy" in England way way back in 1610...good link below:
http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~sam/edw.html   :-[

Father: Captain, 3rd Anti-Tank Regiment, RCA
Grandfather: Pte, The Royal Green Jackets
Great Uncle: RSM, The Royal Scots (not sure which battalion)
Cousins:  Both LS, Royal Navy

BTW, I had a Dutch great uncle who was in the SS. What does that get me for points? :o