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family history


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Well I have arrived with some good news  and this should lighten up the forum. I had just heard from My grandparents, and it turns out that there are two members of my family that served in the military.YES!!!!!
As a matter of fact my grandmother served in HMCS Navy. amazing
I cant believe after all of these years of knowing her I didn't know that she served in the Navy. AND THEN...get this
My grand father served in PPCLI OMG I didn't know that my family had so much military history this is great. I am going to my grandparents wedding and so they said that they have some things that they want to give me I think that it is parts of my grandfathers uniform.He was Veteran BUT he isn't alive anymore. I really hope that there are some neat stories that my grandma can tell me.

 It feels great to know that you have some  background in you're family.
But now that we are talking about it i have also had allot of family in the military over the years.

dads side-


great grandpa ( B.E.F. Sgt when war ended)
great great uncle thomas (C.E.F)
great great uncle Robert (B.E.F)
2 other great great uncles that were KIA (B.E.F)


Great grandpa ( joined RCASC in 1930's when he moved to Canada. at the end of WW2 he was the RSM of the RCASC)
Grandpa (flight engineer on Halifax's and Lancaster bombers)
3 of my grandpas cousins
1 in the RCN
1 in the Tor Scots (Was at dieppe)
1 in the Cameron's of Ottawa. (landed at Juno 1st or 2nd wave)

Moms side-


great grandpa- (mentioned in dispatch B.E.F.)
other great grandpa ( B.E.F. I believe he was in the service corp)


Papa- ( RN 2 different ships he was on were torpedoed and sunk by U-Boats. one by the Japanese, and one by germans)
Nana- (served in the RAF)

i don't know to much about my moms side of the family. they moved from great Britain and did not keep contact with there family there.

Wow, mine were on opposing sides ;D

Mom's side:
WW1- Great grandfather - 92nd Bn C.E.F

WW2- Great Uncle - RCN -KIA( died of pnuemonia on the boatride home..think of the irony)

Dad's Side:

WW1- Great Grandfather- Officer in the Italian army (apparently served in africa  ???)

WW2- Grandfather- Sailor in the Italian Navy
My great uncle was a "Wireless air gunner" (No idea what that is)
my other great uncle was in training with the army at the end of WW2
my grandma was in the ladies auxiliary
my cousins in reserves

My grandpa got kicked out of PPCLI for running a illegal gambling operation in the '50's   8)
Apparently I have 2...yes TWO Brig Gens in the family and one major, thats all i know so far......(brig gens were indian army and major was Malaysian air force)
Seems like I'm the only one reading this thread who DOESN'T have a bunch of family who were in the military...

Dad's side

Dad was an air force weapons tech in the Cold War ('75 'till around '80 IIRC)
Grandfather was still studying to be a doctor when WW2 ended
No info about WWI
Cousin is in basic training, PRes

Mom's side

Uncle was in the CAR, (that's what I was told... at least he has the para badge) retired as a WO+ some years ago. He went on a bunch of tours, but I never got much of a chance to talk to him about them. (He always lived too far) He's now in Iraq working for a private company supplying the US forces.
Mom was in for some years, though I always forget what she did. (In the late 70's, as she met my dad in the Forces.)
Grandfather was too young to be in WWII (He was born in the '30s)
No info about WWI either
Cousin is an army cook (RegF)

Why oh why do I have such a non-military family? Sure being French-Canadian doesn't help... Though I seem to recall people talking about my great-/great-great-uncles being in the military (WWII)

Funny I'll be the first officer on both sides of the family (AFAIK)... Well, hopefully I will be.
No family history? ur kidding me rite?
Here's mine

Mom's side...nothing...Closest is a distance cousin who was in the Royal Hong Kong Police (which i would consider being if they still had the Queen's cypher as their capbadge)
Dad's side...nothing...maybe my great great great great...great...great...grandfather's brother was conscripted into Emperor Cheng Cheong Cheung's Imperial Army some thousands of years ago.

You see? "I" am the one that has no family history in the military
Father - retired Artillery Colonel
Uncle - Army Air Corps WW2
Grandfather - USN Lt - Civil Engineer WW1
Grandfather [maternal side] Infantry EM WW1

One famous ancestor on grandmother's [fathers side] was Vice Admiral Sir Edward Vernon, the Washington's named their new estate after him.
My military family tree includes 36 souls: one Hong Kong Vet (survived 40 months in the HK coal mines), one motorcycle DR who was presented a Commendation from F-M Monty, one who died in the gas attacks at Ypres.  My 50ish great-grandfather returned to Canada from the N. Vermont railyards under the veil of darkness, died his hair red (from gray) and enlisted in the Cdn Railway Troops.  Be proud of you military heritage it parallels the exciting history of Canada.
Future Unknown said:
My great uncle was a "Wireless air gunner" (No idea what that is)

A "Wireless Air Gunner" or WAG was a WW2 RAF/RCAF aircrewman who was trained as both a radio operator and an air gunner.    Relatively speaking a small number of WAGs were produced in comparison to other aircrew trainees and most were posted to Coastal Command.   My uncle was one too, posted to an RAF squadron that flew on ASW patrols out of India.

My Dad was also RCAF -- an aircraft instrument mechanic with 419 squadron RCAF groundcrew based in Middleton St. George in England, 1942-45

Another Uncle joined the RCA during WW2.   Being fluently bi-lingual he was made an orderly room clerk.

One grandfather was in the Austro-Hungarian artillery during WW1,   During WW2 he was a civil defence warden in Montreal.   My other grandfather was a draft-dodger from the Czarist Russian army.
Mom's side:
Great grandpa- Medic WW1
Grandpa- Pilot WW2

Dad's side:
Great Uncle- PPCLI (In Korean War)
Grandad- PPCLI (Korean War)
Dad- Reserves, 3 PPCLI, Airborne Regiment

Step mom:
Her dad- Armoured soldier WW2
Moms side:
Grandpa in the Navy, served on two frigates. One was the Cobalt.
Great Grandpa was in the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders (16th B.) in WW1.

Dads side:
Dad was in the C Scotts for about 25 years. Was the Drum Major in the band.
Granpda was in the Navy. Dont know to much about him, but I need to find out.
Great Uncle served on the HMS Cape Howe. He went down with the ship when sunk by U-28 in 1941.
Great Grandpa was in the Boer War and was a Vice Admiral. He was known as Prothero the Bad.
Great Great Uncle was also a Vice Admiral. He was known as Prother the Good. Dont know to much about what he did.
Only my father's side of the family has military experience, as far as I know that is.

my grandfather was an Lt. Col (or equivalent) in the Irish Revolutionary Army during the Irish revolution and subsequent civil war.  I could be mistaken but I believe he sided with Eamon de Valera during the civil war but I could be mistaken.
My great uncle (i believe) was an Air Commodore with the RAF during WWII. 
My father was also in the RAF for about 5 years during the 60s. 

Cousin is in the army reserves
Brother is in the (ch)air force
Dad was a reservist in the early 70s
Two great uncles in the RCN in WWII
one great-great-grandfather was a Lt. in the Russian White Army...fled after the revolution
one Great-great uncle was at Ypres
Father: 1 Bn The Parachute Regiment - '45-'48 Palestine
Father's Brothers: Royal Army Service Corps WW2
                        RAF Transport WW2
Father's Father: Capt The Devonshire Regiment WW1
                              Land Defense Volunteers  WW2
Father's Mother: Major Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps

Mother's Brother: The Life Guards - '48-'51 The Inter-German Border
Mother's Father: RAF - Fitter WW2

Father in Law: RCN -Stoker WW2 (all his brothers also served, one in the South Saskatchewan Regiment WW2)

Great uncles served in Royal Scots Fusiliers, Royal Artillery and Royal Tank Regiment WW1.

Grandfather (paternal) - Served in the Navy in WWII as paymaster on a ship (or some such position - having to do with money).

My maternal grandfather tried to enlist for WWII but was rejected due to poor eyesight, partial deafness, and bad feet. I inherited the bad feet but they've held up well so far.
Father - PO1 - 291 Comms Research - RCN

Mother - NWT Bush Pilot/Nurse - Flew a Lanc on its way to the museum.

Uncle - Sgt -AVN Tech - RCAF

Maternal Grandfather - Corporal in the Weirmarcht

Paternal Great Uncle - JU-87 "Stuka" Pilot
Seems lot's of us have military in our histories. Makes sense, with 2 world wars behind us.
My family:

Dad: Paratrooper, 1 Canadian Parachute Battalion, 1943-45, fought in Europe.
Granddad: Cavalry trooper, WW1.
Uncle: RCAF in WW2, waist gunner until injured, then did some kind of radio work attached to the Army in North Africa and Italy.
Uncle: RCN in WW2, On a Corvette in the North Atlantic.
Uncle: Infantry, fought in Korea.
Mother in law: RCAF in WW2, radio operator, Newfoundland.

And then, of course, there's me!
In my family, there is no such thing as military traditions (quebecers). My uncle was in the navy and I'm in the army.

For all of you guys how have a great military heritage, it's all good stuff and nice to see.

Hopefully, I,ll manage to "enroll" the kids...
Dad - RCN MARS and then Seaking Navigator
Aunt and Uncle (maternal) - Royal Navy
Grandfather (paternal) - RCAF WW II
Grandfather (maternal) - RN WW II (sunk three times)
Greatgrandfather (maternal) - WW I British Army
I recently found out that one of Dad's great uncles was RCR in the Boer War.

