To All who have read previous versions of this. I try to update as the regulations change to make this a useful document. I appreciate comments and suggestions as I feel it only can improve the overall content. Remember this is not any kind of official publication, just me trying to look after my guys & girls
When I first posted this in 2005 may people found it useful, at that time I had a couple of tours under my belt and already lenghty service with the combat arms. I have now been back from Afghanstan for a year, as chief clerk of the TF 1-06 Infantry Battle Group myself and my staff saw first hand how important things like PEN forms, SDB etc are.
Please, please people, take the time to ask questions and fill these things out properly. This document is intended as a guide, use it and ask questions of your admin staff. It does not just apply to operational tours but your day to day service as you never know what may happen.
My son is currently going through BMQ, and hopes to become an infanteer in the regiment I served with and my husband served with. We are very proud of him. Before he left I sat him down and reviewed this document and he said "mom, I don't have a wife and kids yet" and I said "no, but you still have family, you can't put a PO box number as our address on your PEN form, how will the assisting officer find me if they need to?" I know that in the future he will be going somewhere, maybe not to Afghanistan but most likely somewhere like it.
All I can say everyone is, I've seen it from all sides. Lost good friends and watched as things were more difficult for their families than they should have been. Work with your admin staff, educate yourselves on your entitlements and what is available to you and ensure your documentation will stand the test at ALL times not just prior to deployments.
Good luck to you out there that are deploying now and in the future. Hope this may help you no mater where you are; home or abroad - here is the 2007 version
To the staff thank you for the opportunity to post what I feel and hope you do too a useful tool