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Extreme heat in army tanks endangers troops; forces use tank blanket to keep troops from baking

What comes around, goes around.

When it was rumored that DND was going to send the tanks to A'stan, I believe several people offered their opinions as to the +/- of this decision.

Someone noted that heat would be a factor, which has come true. NDHQ should subscribe to ARMY.CA, it could have saved DND millions.
GUNS said:
Someone noted that heat would be a factor, which has come true. NDHQ should subscribe to ARMY.CA, it could have saved DND millions.
They should have. I remember when they were rumoured to go over on here, and there were factors said, such as heat, that were mentioned a few times. Guess we can't change the past though.
geo said:
After writing off some 25+ as BER and intending to rotate the inventory back to Canada for a refurbishment/rebuild he says what?

With little or no reserve, to replace the ones leaving Afghanistan, they will have to pull vehicles from an operational unit OR strip CMTC of their LAVs to get sufficient newer ones....

How long before someone wakes up I wonder?


How many years has this been going on?  50? 60?  It is nothing new.  The fact is, it is now a more serious problem.  When we replaced all our "Deuce and a Halfs" with a smaller fleet of MLVWs, replaced our fleet of M113's with fewer LAVs, reduced our fleet of Leo 1s, and so on and so on, we have created a problem where any BER casualty in a fleet means someone now has to do without.  Once upon a time, we maintained a fleet of vehicles in "War Reserve".  Now we don't have enough to properly/fully equip our Operational Units, saying nothing of our other requirements.  Someone dropped the ball a long, long time ago, and no one has had the "balls" to correct the problem.


From where I sit, it looks like half of DND visits Army.ca anyway.  Someone once mentioned that the CDS even visits from time to time.  ;D 
George Wallace said:
Someone once mentioned that the CDS even visits from time to time.   ;D 
I hope he do. I would like to meet the man  :D
GUNS said:
What comes around, goes around.

When it was rumored that DND was going to send the tanks to A'stan, I believe several people offered their opinions as to the +/- of this decision.

Someone noted that heat would be a factor, which has come true. NDHQ should subscribe to ARMY.CA, it could have saved DND millions.

You give yourselves too much credit.  This was thought of well before the deployment and identified as an issue.  Unfortunately, there was no simple solution available.
Teddy - what air conditioning systems did the Panzers of the Afrika Korps and the Lee-Grants of the Eigth Army have in North Africa? 

Jus' bein' nasty. >:D
Didn't the Sherman family have a strong draft that sucked air into the tank as a result of the radial engine?  >:D
Better yet!... who can tell me what air conditioning system does the leopard 2A6M have? hmm...
Secondary armament for both Leopard models is two 7.62mm machineguns  –  presumably C6s for 2A4s and  German MG3s [5] for 2A6Ms.

  I know casr isn't exactly something that I would call a reliable source, but this stood out to me for some reason.  Once the lease has been agreed upon, are the MG3s going to remain on the 2A6Ms for our use, or would the guns be taken off and replaced by our own C6s?
Kirkhill said:
Teddy - what air conditioning systems did the Panzers of the Afrika Korps and the Lee-Grants of the Eigth Army have in North Africa? 

Jus' bein' nasty. >:D

How many had huge hydralic pumps between their legs and one by the right temple. ;)
midget-boyd91 said:
  I know casr isn't exactly something that I would call a reliable source, but this stood out to me for some reason.  Once the lease has been agreed upon, are the MG3s going to remain on the 2A6Ms for our use, or would the guns be taken off and replaced by our own C6s?

The MG3 / C6 thing was discussed previously.  When Canada 1st got the Leo1s the 1st batch was on lease - and they had the german MG mounts - not ours... so expect the MG3 to come standard with the 1st batch.
What will become of C2's in Afghanistan. any chance of turning them over to Afghan army with German consent of course.
The cost of flying them back to Canada seems prohibitive.
ringo said:
What will become of C2's in Afghanistan. any chance of turning them over to Afghan army with German consent of course.
The cost of flying them back to Canada seems prohibitive.

That must be joke. Please, let that be a joke
ringo said:
What will become of C2's in Afghanistan. any chance of turning them over to Afghan army with German consent of course.
The cost of flying them back to Canada seems prohibitive.

Who said anything about flying them back ??? They will be floated back just like all equipment has from other deployments.
ringo said:
What will become of C2's in Afghanistan. any chance of turning them over to Afghan army with German consent of course.
The cost of flying them back to Canada seems prohibitive.
Most equipment going into Afghanistan are shipped in to Turkey and flown over from there.

WRT the LeoC2s.... many alternatives exist but , Afghans DO have MBTs - however they are older soviet models - not compatible with the C2s - not much of an alternative... also doubt they have the $$$ for the spares to maintain them.

Anyhow.... we can keep the C2s in theatre - refurbish them and,while the A6Ms are being serviced - the C2s can be kept as an "in theatre" reserve - else we can always park em at the entrance to our bases... they make dandy door stoppers ;)
Leopard tank squadron in Afghanistan won't get to use new models this summer
April 5, 2007  By JOHN COTTER
Article Link

MAYWAND, Afghanistan (CP) - Leopard tank troops in Afghanistan are going to have to drive their old battered machines a little longer.

Maj. Dave Broomfield, commander of the squadron, said he's been told that a batch of 20 new modern Leopards the federal government is expected to lease will go to another unit that is training to come to Kandahar.

The decision is good for Canada's armoured corps, but a let down for his troops who are going to have to work the 30-year-old tanks through the heat of the Afghan summer without air conditioning, he said Thursday.

"We will be carrying on with the Leopard C2," said Broomfield, of the Edmonton-based A Squadron, Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians).

"It looks like the soldiers of C Squadron will be getting the new tank. Obviously the guys are excited for the corps, but at the same time there is probably a might bit of disappointment."

A federal cabinet committee has approved the lease of new tanks to replace old models now deployed in the rocky desert west of Kandahar.

The lease recommendation is not expected to be overturned by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Broomfield, a friendly, straight-forward man not much older than his tanks, said his troops will do the best they can with the old Leopards.

Temperatures inside the tanks have already crept up once to 50 C - hotter than a sauna bath, and it is only April. The squadron will be in Afghanistan until the end of August.
More on link
well.... it'll give the tankers some time to get comfortable with the new vehicle before being expected to perform with a vehicle that is only vaguely similar to what they presently have.

Also - they can get to work with the Dymo gun / P Touch - to translate all those german labels into english & french ­­ >:D
geo said:
well.... it'll give the tankers some time to get comfortable with the new vehicle before being expected to perform with a vehicle that is only vaguely similar to what they presently have.

Also - they can get to work with the Dymo gun / P Touch - to translate all those german labels into english & french ­­ >:D

Yeah!  Sure!

I still have fond memories of a friend being told not to touch that switch under the red cover........and after four halon bottles went off and everyone evacuated the tank.....he knew why he shouldn't touch it.  :o
It looks like the soldiers of C Squadron will be getting the new tank. Obviously the guys are excited for the corps, but at the same time there is probably a might bit of disappointment."

I'm sure it is a let down for the boys, but at least there's the solace in knowing better equipment is coming.  I'm sure the Strathcona's crewing the C2's will carry on with what they have in hand. "PERSEVERANCE"  ;D

Kidding aside, they are professionals and I'm sure they'll adapt and get the job done. I'm envious of the incoming 'C' Sqn. though...... What a dandy assignment to have the new Leo's in an operational theatre.

geo said:
Also - they can get to work with the Dymo gun / P Touch - to translate all those german labels into english & french ­­ >:D
I have a better solution: train the users to speak German  >:D

"Sabot, Panzer, tausendfünfhundert, anlegen!"

heh heh ;D