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Extra Kit on BMQ ? Cameras, Cell Phones, Laptops..

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Buddy336 said:
I confirm that; but the furry friend was safely taken home by the father the next morning.  What was so great about R186E ?

It was my platoon for all of a week and a half - They're just a great group of people....and not on the furry bandwagon.
When I entered week 0 on Nov 24/08 our staff let us keep our cell phones becasue they said it was a service we already paid and we could use them after 6pm or after "bible" for BUT the staff for the next week 0's that came in did not let them keep theirs but were told they would get them after week 4. It's all just a hit or miss and totaly up to the staff you get. I would say to bring them, and then if you happen to get them taken away, at least you get them after week 4 (maybe, if you earn the privilage back again) Also, keep in mind if you do get to keep them, it is not written in stone. The staff came up and did security checks  before supper on the platoon's floor and some guy had left his blackberry out and cells were restricted for a week after that.
"I've been scheduled to go for my IAP/BOTP at St. Jean for April 10th and I'm trying to get everything together that I need to take.  The joining instructions say that it's OK to bring a laptop (as long as it's not out during training hours), but the MCC at my CFRC said that it might be safer to not bring it, for theft reasons. 

I was wondering what the Internet situation is at St. Jean.  I know from searching that there's a terminal you can plunk loonies into and use for a few minutes, but I can't find any information on if there are any other ways of getting on the Internet - wireless access would be perfect, but outlets I could plug into would be good too.  Can anyone who's been to St. Jean recently let me know if there are other ways of getting on the Internet?....."

While I was in basic, there was no time at all for the first 4 weeks, but the BOTP course is likely different.  Once you get permission to leave the base however, then you can go to Mikes (a restaurant walking distance away) and they had free internet there....and a good breakfast.

Hey guys, I wasn't quite sure what section to post this in, but I think Basic Training would be more appropriate. Also forgive me if this has been posted before, but a search didn't really turn up what I was looking for.

On to the main point then: after talking to some of my friends who are in the Navy, I have started wondering about what kind of things would be good to bring (or not to bring) to St. Jean.

So I was hoping that people who have been there might have some insight on what kind of things they would have liked to have brought, or were glad they did bring, or wish they didn't bring to St. Jean, either for BMQ or BMOQ.

I am of course talking about things other than the basic necessities that one can easily find a list of on the CFLRS website. I have seen some good suggestions before in other threads, but I thought maybe more people would find this helpful if it was all in one place.

I welcome your input!
There is a document you can get (I'm sure someone here'll be able to link you...) called Joining Instructions. It has a list of items you should have with you at BMQ.

If you're talking about other items that are a great help, like Swifter pads for cleaning, like a shaving brush for rifle cleaning, and like a toothbrush for cleaning the crease on your boots, then I'm sure others can help as well.

My two cents, though, is to not read anything further about BMQ. It's a great experience, and I personally think you should go in and experience it fully. Having an insider's look at it, and whatnot, kind of takes away from the fun aspect of it.
If you're talking about other items that are a great help, like Swifter pads for cleaning, like a shaving brush for rifle cleaning, and like a toothbrush for cleaning the crease on your boots, then I'm sure others can help as well.

Yes, that is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about, just things that will make it more, enjoyable, I suppose.

I should mention that I am not trying to ruin the fun of it, I just like being as prepared as possible in general.
Those are your big things.

I'd also recommend one of those rolling adhesive fluff-picker uppers (whatever they're called). Your headdress collects fuzz at an unreal rate...

Also, a small set of nail clippers to keep with you at all times. You'd never know when you find a loose thread on your uniform. Likewise, a razor (just the head) of a Gillet Mach III or something. Keep it on you, as well - again, you'll never know when you find a patch of unshaven facial hair. It's worth it to save the amount of a fine.
Galahad said:
Hey guys, I wasn't quite sure what section to post this in, but I think Basic Training would be more appropriate. Also forgive me if this has been posted before, but a search didn't really turn up what I was looking for.

You are indeed correct in your assumption.  It has been posted before, and in great detail.

Im leaving for bmq on the 18th and am wondering about bringing my laptop. Ive read a few members say its ok to bring a laptop, but today when I asked at my swear in they said that we cant have them in out rooms and that they must stay in a *cubbie* unlocked and he recommended against bringing it due to possible theft.

I would like to bring it, but I really dont like the idea of it being in a public place unlocked ...
This has been discussed, use the search function next time. In short, you will not have access for it for your indoctrination period. It will be "locked" but that room will be open to other members of the platoon as well.
I did use the search function for the word 'laptop' it only returns 30 posts and none talk specifically about this. I find it hard to beleive that only 30 posts contain the word 'laptop' but thats what got returned.

how many people are in a platoon ?
updatelee said:
I did use the search function for the word 'laptop' it only returns 8 posts and none talk specifically about this. I find it hard to beleive that only 8 posts contain the word 'laptop' but thats what got returned.

how many people are in a platoon ?

Guess it's not that important then; and,

More at the start and less at the end.

I know neither one of those is what you want to hear, I just feel like being silly right now ;)
Where were you on the forums when you searched?  If you use the simple search box in the header, it only searches the forum area you are currently in.  You must be in the appropriate board, or use the main search page.

When I searched for "laptop" within the Basic Training board, I received a lot more than 8 hits.
NFLD Sapper said:

At CFLRS it will be closer to 60. But that's DEFINITELY here on the forums somewhere, and is irrelevant at this point anyways.
I would listen to your recruiter.  Unless you are drivng yourself and can leave it secured in your car.  Mind you, you won't be able to get to them for the first 4 weeks anyways.

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