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Ex Eastern Grizzly / Dundurn, SK

Do you have a set date on this?

I'm really hoping it is during one of the weekends our BMQ course is out there, I would love to see some of the stuff that is gonna happen.
Joonrooj said:
Do you have a set date on this?

I'm really hoping it is during one of the weekends our BMQ course is out there, I would love to see some of the stuff that is gonna happen.

Usually, if you are on a Course, you will be well removed from any of what they may be doing.  You may catch a glimpse of some driving by your course, and hear them firing miles away, but it is highly unlikely you will be able to "spectate" at any of their 'events'.
Joonrooj said:
Do you have a set date on this?

I'm really hoping it is during one of the weekends our BMQ course is out there, I would love to see some of the stuff that is gonna happen.

Greybeard said:
  Deployment dates have changed since May 2006, and remain 10-17 Mar 2007.  Troops have had ten months to seek time off from their civilian commitments, which should have been long enough. 

Its right there in his post... ;)
And no you probably won't be able to participate as was said above, you are untrained and therefore (nothing personel to untrained troops) of no use to troops on ex, except maybe for manning and range barriers required....
cdnaviator said:
I'm glad YOU told him.......

Not  problem.  Not trying to step on anyones toes or anything though...
241 said:
Not  problem.  Not trying to step on anyones toes or anything though...

No no...thats not what i meant.....if I had been the one to say " go back and read" or " search"...there would be a thread on how nasty i am  ;D

Its a joke, you missed it
I believe there is a schedule of events on the 41 Cbg hq website....Check it out troops....
cdnaviator said:
No no...thats not what i meant.....if I had been the one to say " go back and read" or " search"...there would be a thread on how nasty i am  ;D

Its a joke, you missed it

Yeah I kinda figured that was what you ment, I was just covering my backside just in case.