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EV's, Gas/Oil, and The Future- another swerve split from- JT Hints Boosting Canada’s Military Spending

Meanwhile, 'Sunshine and Unicorns' braces for Hurricane Trump...

'Drill Baby Drill' will likely see prices plunge for oil and gas products, which will hit Canada right in the bank account.

Canada braces for Trump 2.0 as the former president takes the lead in U.S. presidential race​

Experts say a second 4-year term could be fraught with tensions over trade, defence spending​

Pretty much everything around us was planted, at some point, by older people.

This is also true for all the problems we face. If you're going to claim the successes then you should own the problems too. With nearly a quarter century in, I can now see so many of our problems in the CAF that are directly descendant from decisions made by past leaders. And this is equally true for things broken across society as well. And unfortunately, I can see the same myopia that was a problem then ruling the day now.
Just talking to a crew member of a barge getting worked done on it at VDC. They are US based, they come up here to get Feedstock and take it down the West Coast. Now with western Canada having some abilty to export crude and LNG overseas, the US may have less say in the price they offer us.
Back when we had the standard "blue box" I'd sort all our recycling by type...glass, metal, paper, box board, cardboard, etc. Now we have a large, wheeled bin and they have us put everything together so the truck can lift and dump the bin without a human having to touch it.

I have ZERO faith that the material is properly sorted and re-cycled once it reaches the transfer station.
The logic we were told at our former county was contractors were having trouble retaining employees in light of the rate of pay, work environment, WSIB claims, etc. I can't say I want to jump in and out of a truck a couple a hundred times a day, year-round, bend down and hoist stuff for whatever they were being paid.

I should have clarified that we put out a small bag once a month, back there, not here. It still feels wrong to put organics in the garbage but here we are. I don't want to manage a compost pile - we have enough problems with critters.

If we're being honest, there's no value to recycling beyond metals (and maybe glass).
I agree, which is why smaller municipalities struggle with it. There needs to be a market and high temperature plasma incineration is Kryptonite for most politicians.

You sorted. You can be sure that most people didn't bother and probably just tossed it in the trash. Which is why municipalities have decided to spend on sorting themselves.
Waste stream studies at our last municipality showed low uptake for green bin participation (I forget the percentage) - the so-called 'yuck factor' is claimed by many residents surveyed.
Boomerism is a state of mind.
What state would that be??????
And Child56 has it in spades.
Spades I was taught smarter then that. I prefer a 320 excavator. as Scrooge Mcduck said "work smarter, not harder" or are you talking about the bridge game, never learned how to play that? I was to busy working a job since I was 11 years old.
I was referring to his ignorance of how much the economy has changed and devolved over the last 30 years.
Please enlighten me over how our economy has changed and devolved over the past 30 years? I am actually curious what this is all about?

Love how y'all need to deflect and change topics.
An article from "The Guardian" wow that is such a credible article. An article that says nothing but yaaa someone got paid to write it.
You sorted. You can be sure that most people didn't bother and probably just tossed it in the trash. Which is why municipalities have decided to spend on sorting themselves.
I know where I live we went to a recycling program. It seemed good at first, well it was sold to residents that way.
it started out with the small blue bin similar to the hand baskets at the grocery store. But people complained they were not big enough and the wind blew the cardboard around. They wanted to recycle more products.

A couple of years later we get this great large blue bin program, along with yard waste disposal.
We paid a higher fee for the recycle bin in the name of recycling. Two years later it is found out that there is no customer to buy, use or recycle over 75% of the material we were told to recycle. It ended up in the dump. The other 25% ish was being sent to larger plants and most of it was being burnt, dumped or shipped over seas to be burnt. It worked out that 10 maybe 15% of the material being recycled was actually getting a small chance to do so.
As for the yard waste program, we set it out they collect it, take it to the waste station and burn it in a pile. People were under the impression it was all being recycled by compost.

Recycling has to have a customer, most things can not be recycled in the sense to be reused unless a purpose built plant is made to do so. That takes lots of money and clients to do so.
Waste to fuel is a good process for now until we figure it out cheaper and better.
I know where I live we went to a recycling program. It seemed good at first, well it was sold to residents that way.
it started out with the small blue bin similar to the hand baskets at the grocery store. But people complained they were not big enough and the wind blew the cardboard around. They wanted to recycle more products.

A couple of years later we get this great large blue bin program, along with yard waste disposal.
We paid a higher fee for the recycle bin in the name of recycling. Two years later it is found out that there is no customer to buy, use or recycle over 75% of the material we were told to recycle. It ended up in the dump. The other 25% ish was being sent to larger plants and most of it was being burnt, dumped or shipped over seas to be burnt. It worked out that 10 maybe 15% of the material being recycled was actually getting a small chance to do so.
As for the yard waste program, we set it out they collect it, take it to the waste station and burn it in a pile. People were under the impression it was all being recycled by compost.

Recycling has to have a customer, most things can not be recycled in the sense to be reused unless a purpose built plant is made to do so. That takes lots of money and clients to do so.
Waste to fuel is a good process for now until we figure it out cheaper and better.
lesson from Sweden, said it before: burn it in a centrally located incinerator and pipe the heat into neighbouring buildings. In the summer use the same heat to generate electricity for air conditioning
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lesson from Sweden, said it before: burn it in a centrally located incinerator and pipe the heat into neighbouring buildings. In the summer use the same heat to generate electricity for air conditioning
To many that is not acceptable
One element out here is that our waste dump for Vancouver is in Cache Creek a 385km trip, Vancouver spent $150m to send garbage there and to the US. So if you can divert even 15% of what goes to the dump, you will save a lot of money. Filling up some of the open pit mines with single type garbage is likley to generate a potentiel recovery in the future.
that is because they believe the alarmists who preach doom with any change from horse and buggy notions.
I'm confused. Are the guys who want everybody driving EVs the same as "alarmists who preach doom with any change from horse and buggy notions."? Hard to keep track with all the straw men and red herring flying around here.
Meanwhile, at Tesla, the bloom is off of the EV rose it seems....

Tesla plans pivot away from EVs​

Tesla is at a crossroads. As demand for electric vehicles slumps and its profits plunge by 45%, Elon Musk is betting on humanoid robots, autonomous taxis and artificial intelligence to revive growth — a strategy that may test investors’ patience. Despite Musk asserting on a post-earnings call Tuesday that “the value of Tesla overwhelmingly is autonomy,” the timeline for the pivot is uncertain. The company now intends to unveil its robotaxi in October, two months later than planned. Musk has also revised his robot timeline, saying they will “hopefully” be available to customers in 2026.
  • Tesla shares fell 11% on Wednesday.
  • The new timelines put “investors in something of a holding pattern,” writes Bloomberg, also noting that a factory project in Mexico is on hold until after November’s U.S. presidential election.
  • A bright spot for Telsa has been sales of batteries, which doubled to $3 billion in the last quarter.
Seems that EV slowing sales has impacted EV battery demand, specifically the “significant worsening of the EV market context and the impacts this has on the entire supply chain." This has resulted in the halt of construction on $2.7Billion EV plant near Kingston, Ontario.

Seems that EV slowing sales has impacted EV battery demand, specifically the “significant worsening of the EV market context and the impacts this has on the entire supply chain." This has resulted in the halt of construction on $2.7Billion EV plant near Kingston, Ontario.

Well, that didn't go as planned did it? ;)

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lesson from Sweden, said it before: burn it in a centrally located incinerator and pipe the heat into neighbouring buildings. In the summer use the same heat to generate electricity for air conditioning
Do we want to be green or make the mess disappear, because you can not do both.
If we recycle then the majority of the "recycled" material is not suitable due to cost, no customer or more expensive then raw stock.
If we covert waste to energy, then we have to deal with the emissions from those incinerators, including gaseous and solids. (Sweden and many European countries do not include these incinerators as part of their emissions emitting)'.
Do we want to be green or make the mess disappear, because you can not do both.
If we recycle then the majority of the "recycled" material is not suitable due to cost, no customer or more expensive then raw stock.
If we covert waste to energy, then we have to deal with the emissions from those incinerators, including gaseous and solids. (Sweden and many European countries do not include these incinerators as part of their emissions emitting)'.
try being logical. We need heat in our homes and offices. In order to provide heat one must burn energy. Solar and wind are both not dependable and battery storage is totally impractical. We are currently burning carbon based fuels to obtain sufficient heat; that isn't going to change over the foreseeable future. We are taking acres of valuable farmland and using those acres for landfill; thus reducing our food output. Taking the tons of garbage and producing heat becomes a win-win. You are saving farmland and you are reducing your fuel consumption. All one must do is get some celebrity to endorse the process and problems are solved.
try being logical. We need heat in our homes and offices. In order to provide heat one must burn energy. Solar and wind are both not dependable and battery storage is totally impractical. We are currently burning carbon based fuels to obtain sufficient heat; that isn't going to change over the foreseeable future. We are taking acres of valuable farmland and using those acres for landfill; thus reducing our food output. Taking the tons of garbage and producing heat becomes a win-win. You are saving farmland and you are reducing your fuel consumption. All one must do is get some celebrity to endorse the process and problems are solved.
When dealing "green energy" people are not logical. The government investment in solar, wind and tidal power has not even come close to breaking even dollar wise and especially environmental foot print wise. Influencial People still believe their is a currant case to keep pouring money onto it and forcing it upon society.