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Epilepsy (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter MuayThaiFighter
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Go see the Medics, what would happen if you had a seizure in Astan during a fire fight? You section would be short handed and at risk do to a medical condition that you did not seek help for, sounds kinda selfish to me, wanting to potentially risk your buddies lives so you can go on tour... But that's just me (maybe)...
I just wanted to thank you guys again for your input. I have been irresponsible, its just been hard for me to go ot he mir you know... Im starting  a Lav gunner course soon, and theres tonnes of training coming up in the next two months. So I will go to the mir and get it treated. But I think i will wait until my course will finish, and then start before summer leave.
You really shouldn't wait you should go in first thing in the morning.
I don't think you have the "choice" of when you get to go to the MIR.

You are required to go to the MIR.  I believe failure to do so will
result in negligence or something like it. (key word is I believe)

I would suggest going tomorrow.

You are not a Doctor.  You have not gone through several years of University and Medical School to get a degree in Medicine.  You can do all the research you want, but you will not be able to properly diagnose yourself.  Your likelihood of misdiagnosing yourself are fairly good.  You would do yourself and everyone else the greatest favour by going to the MIR.

As for the Gunnery Crse.  Think about it.  What would happen if you had a seizure on a Live Range?

See the Doctor.  Your problem may not be anything as serious as you imagine, or it could be even worse than you think.  See the Doctor.
Pte S6 said:
I just wanted to thank you guys again for your input. I have been irresponsible, its just been hard for me to go ot he mir you know... Im starting  a Lav gunner course soon, and theres tonnes of training coming up in the next two months. So I will go to the mir and get it treated. But I think i will wait until my course will finish, and then start before summer leave.

..........and hope you don't have a larger seizure while you're traversing the turret and squeezing the firing switch. That turret can make a revolution pretty darn quick. Quicker than you may recover. What then? If you don't go right now, you're being selfish and unreliable.

I will go so far as to say that anyone reading this board, that may know you, has a responsibility to report you to the CofC before you, or someone else gets killed.
So I have my Medical Exam on July 23, and I was wondering what forms or letters i should have before i go?
I have a mild form of Epilepsy that is controlled with medication, which doesn't impede me in anyway. I don't get sleepy, my meds don't effect my body at all (liver, etc), I can work in any condition, my epilepsy isn't brought on by blinky lights or lack of sleep. I haven't had a seizure since January 15, 2008 and I have my license. I pretty much don't have epilepsy that's how mild it is. But like i asked, what kind of recommendations, letters, forms, etc, will i need to bring to the medical?

PS. For my vision (I wear glasses for everyday life and driving) what forms will i need from my Eye Doctor?

I'm new to the sight and I have tried to search, so if i am starting a useless thread can a mod or someone direct me to the thread that's specific to my topics. Thanks :)
I'm not rendering an official opinion here, but my experience tells me that any type of seizure disorder and service in the CF are not compatible.
"Pretty much don't have" and "taking medication to control" are not the same thing.  You have a condition you have described to us and named, and you are being treated for it.  While any number of people here may predict your chances, none of us are practicing medicine over the internet.

If we told you you're "good to go" we'd be lying out of ignorance regardless of the result because we are in no position to examine your medical file or condition.  If we told you "don't bother", you'd still apply to try and prove us wrong.

Only the Recruiting System can give you the definitive answer you are seeking.
How many times does one have to read "We can't tell you, go to the Recruiting Centre!" in the same thread before it sinks in? We are NOT friggin' doctors here. We can't diagnose anyone over the internet, or anywhere else.



Milnet.ca Staff
Just a quick question, I know it may be disappointing in the end. I know I may have to just wait and see.. but does anyone know anything about Epilepsy and the joining/being accepted? I got a letter from my Neurologist yesterday, and the class of epilepsy has been dropped to generalized epilepsy. I'll be seizure free 3 years in March, and I currently have my licence. Anyone have any views/experiences/know of anyone with it trying to get in/have got in/been turned away?

Thanks in advance!!
In my experience, you are likely to be turned down. There are a couple of questions yet:

Are you on medication that you have to take daily?

Are you likely to suffer a seizure without your medication?

Apply anyway. The worst that can happen is they say no.
ModlrMike said:
In my experience, you are likely to be turned down. There are a couple of questions yet:

Are you on medication that you have to take daily?

Are you likely to suffer a seizure without your medication?

Apply anyway. The worst that can happen is they say no.

Thanks for the help.

I was on medication that I take daily. I have  been taken off of it since about November and haven't had any issues; except feeling much better.

I have applied, and just waiting to hear back!
It is great that you applied.

But do not rest you're hopes no being accepted. The odds are against you on this.
Rider Pride said:
It is great that you applied.

But do not rest you're hopes no being accepted. The odds are against you on this.

Definitely, which is why I applied for my schooling next year and see where it goes. I've only had about 4 in the span of two years ago, and come March it will be 3 years seizure free!
I guess we will just see how it turns out and not get my hopes up!
Thanks everyone! :)
VanessaD said:
Definitely, which is why I applied for my schooling next year and see where it goes. I've only had about 4 in the span of two years ago, and come March it will be 3 years seizure free!
I guess we will just see how it turns out and not get my hopes up!
Thanks everyone! :)

Vanessa - You may want to see about getting an EEG done to get something recent and concrete.  I'm not sure if epilepsy can ever be considered as 'cured' but if an EEG with the associated tests comes back clean at least that's one more thing in your back pocket.
Since there's a range of good input elsewhere as well, stand by for a merge....

Milnet.ca Staff
Milnet.ca Staff
Strike said:
Vanessa - You may want to see about getting an EEG done to get something recent and concrete.  I'm not sure if epilepsy can ever be considered as 'cured' but if an EEG with the associated tests comes back clean at least that's one more thing in your back pocket.
Thanks! I will definitely look into getting a recent EEG done. It's been well over a year, and I have had clear EEG's in the past. A recent one would be a good idea, and my neurologist has said that there shouldn't be a problem - but it is up to medical to decide on!

milnews.ca said:
Since there's a range of good input elsewhere as well, stand by for a merge....
Thank you very much for creating the merge, I did a search but many things came up with the word epilepsy in the forum and non directly stood out, or maybe they just weren't shown because they aren't as recent.

First post, please bare with me if I have misplaced this topic in the wrong discussion form. My question is this, should I wait and hold out to see what happens in a few years? I wasn't born with epilepsy nor is a illness that is in my family, past or present. Only me. I still have an application going with the Army, this is the only thing that is holding it up. I know all the cautions of why they "declined" my application. Its still open due to me getting tests done still. On meds and all that. I have been told I could grow out of this, which is what I'm hoping. Not banking on it. Ive been clear for about 3years (June). Should I just wait to see what happens over a couple more years, whiling still getting checked up and some tests? Nothing more I want then to serve and wear the flag on my shoulder, just not in my chest. Since I was young, I'm 22 in September, and only had this problem since 15-16 but few in between then and now. Just want pointers and help/guidance to what I should do. I thank you for taking the time to read into this, and have a good night.
