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Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDG
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Congratulations to all the new people in this thread.

I've been running and working out (not skipping leg days) I've included some stress positions into my workout as I've heard they will be used as punishments during basic. I am by no means the strongest or fastest guy around but I'm trying hard. I wish I could say I was eating better.

I'd like to loose a bit more weight and be in a bit better shape but I think I'll survive in January.

I agree there are some extremely helpful people on this website and almost every question I have had someone has already answered somewhere.

Thanks to everyone.

Dymo, I will be sworn in Quebec City, but I look forward to meet with you at St-Jean! As of what I'd like to fly, for now it is definitely Jets, but I've heard so much about people going in with that idea and then realise that it's not for them and wish to fly other airframes. So I guess I'll see when I'll be there for real haha, but as long as I fly in the military, no matter which aircraft, I will be more than happy and proud!

To answer another question, I haven't received my email and paperwork neither, but I called this morning and the Quebec City recruitment center told me that I would receive that in a couple of weeks. I guess Sergeant Laen is faster than them lol!

As for training, going to the gym at least 4 times a week was already part of my routine, but I must admit I have to work more on my cardio. Started this summer, but I have still room for improvement.

Faraneith said:
To answer another question, I haven't received my email and paperwork neither, but I called this morning and the Quebec City recruitment center told me that I would receive that in a couple of weeks. I guess Sergeant Laen is faster than them lol!

Congrats Faraneith, I'm glad that you were able to pursue your passion and got the trade! We look forward to working with you during BMOQ!

Honestly, I got the phone call for an offer on August 26th, 2016 so it's been a month and I got a little worried. Thanks to Sergeant Laen's assistance yesterday I finally received the offer letter through email.

I would have to agree with what Faraneith said. I would be a lucky man to fly anything in the military. But if the opportunity presents itself through the training process, i cant see myself passing up flying f18's, even though it might not be the most advantageous path to go down in the grand scheme of things, when comparing to fixed wing.
KD18 said:

I would have to agree with what Faraneith said. I would be a lucky man to fly anything in the military. But if the opportunity presents itself through the training process, i cant see myself passing up flying f18's, even though it might not be the most advantageous path to go down in the grand scheme of things, when comparing to fixed wing.

Well good luck to you both whatever you decide to fly!   

A friend did their basic in January as well and recommended bringing some merino wool base layers (you can get some dark colored ones at Costco) - they'll keep you warm and most importantly, dry.  They also recommended hot pockets (not the microwavable pizza treat of our youth but the stuff you can put in your boots and mits) as well as sports tape.

Also, they said to bring a little pharmacy (ie. cough drops, cold medication, pepto, etc...), and to get a flu shot before going.
Going to the gym is great but if you want to  do well at BMOQ then you need to concentrate on running and rucking.  You won't have time to goto the gym until the very ass end of your course but  by that time you're probably in the field most of it anyways.

You'll be doing some circuit training but mostly runs and ruck marches.

If you start falling out of either then the whole rest of your day turns to shit physically and psychologically.  Fit gym guys and girls who had shitty cardio get just as bagged as their chubby counterparts. 

At the very minimum do two runs a week and one ruck.  A fast 5km run, slower 10-12km run and ruck 6km-13km starting at 40lbs and work up to 60-70lbs
Jarnhamar said:
Going to the gym is great but if you want to  do well at BMOQ then you need to concentrate on running and rucking.  You won't have time to goto the gym until the very *** end of your course but  by that time you're probably in the field most of it anyways.

You'll be doing some circuit training but mostly runs and ruck marches.

If you start falling out of either then the whole rest of your day turns to crap physically and psychologically.  Fit gym guys and girls who had shitty cardio get just as bagged as their chubby counterparts. 

At the very minimum do two runs a week and one ruck.  A fast 5km run, slower 10-12km run and ruck 6km-13km starting at 40lbs and work up to 60-70lbs

Thank you, that's great advice! 

I'll start adding ruck walks to my running routine.

What would be a good way to add ruck walks to a routine? I am fearful of just throwing a bunch of weight into any old backpack and going for a walk as I know that they do not distribute the weight properly. The last thing anyone wants is long term back problems or god forbid an injury severe enough to push back start of BMOQ date. Should I be looking to purchase a cheap used ruck with proper weight distribution? Not being an overnight hiker I don't have any sort of backpack with a frame either.

I skimmed the ruck march super thread but didn't see anything regarding types of rucks outside of "there are many types of rucks", and one mention of a "64 ruck".
The BMOQ on Jan 16 2017 is it for English or French platoon?

Because the recruiter told me that I'm supposed to start on Jan 9 2017 on the french platoon. So I wonder which date is the good one?
Fluff said:
What would be a good way to add ruck walks to a routine?
Buy a backpack, put weight in it, put it on your back and walk fast  ;)
I am fearful of just throwing a bunch of weight into any old backpack and going for a walk as I know that they do not distribute the weight properly. The last thing anyone wants is long term back problems or god forbid an injury severe enough to push back start of BMOQ date. Should I be looking to purchase a cheap used ruck with proper weight distribution? Not being an overnight hiker I don't have any sort of backpack with a frame either.

Chances are you're not going to give yourself any lasting super-injuries by carrying a backpack with some weight in it around for a couple weeks. You're tougher than you think (or at least you should be since you're signing up for the military)
You're not going to be carrying 120pounds or anything crazy like that, all you need is 40-50 pounds to get your body used to carrying weight. It may seem minuscule maybe but even a little weight alters how your body moves and does it's job. The idea is to get your shoulders, back legs and especially shins used to weight.  Your shins WILL hurt. No, chances are that pain you feel isn't shin splints, your shins hurt because the muscles there aren't used to being stressed by accounting for extra weight/body position that's all.

If you're wearing boots for this, which I highly recommend, keep the top set or two of laces undone, that will take pressure off your shins.

Also just because your PT session is done for the day doesn't mean you won't have to carry a rucksack around for something else. If you're going to the shooting range you might have to do rucksack PT first thing in the morning, shower, eat then do a ruck sack march to the ranges a few KMs away, then rucksack march back.

64 pattern "jump" rucks are pretty good and pretty cheap, especially used.

Get used to being in pain and how to deal with it.
Max Power22 said:
The BMOQ on Jan 16 2017 is it for English or French platoon?

Because the recruiter told me that I'm supposed to start on Jan 9 2017 on the french platoon. So I wonder which date is the good one?

I believe there is a french and english course starting the same day, Jan 16th.  I spoke with a recruiter last week and she didn't mention any change to start dates.  Is it possible that Jan. 9th is your swear-in date?
DYMO said:
I believe there is a french and english course starting the same day, Jan 16th.  I spoke with a recruiter last week and she didn't mention any change to start dates.  Is it possible that Jan. 9th is your swear-in date?

Well, he said that I will start on Jan 9, but every dates that I saw and heard was Jan 16.
So I guess he believed that the Jan 9 is the starting date but it is in fact the swear-in date.
You're not going to be carrying 120pounds or anything crazy like that, all you need is 40-50 pounds to get your body used to carrying weight. You're not going to be carrying 120pounds or anything crazy like that, all you need is 40-50 pounds to get your body used to carrying weight.

As soon as you said that I realised I was vastly overestimating how much weight 50lbs is.

Get used to being in pain and how to deal with it.
I'm not worried about short term, making you stronger, good for the soul pain. I've just seen enough friends and family with slipped disc injuries and vertebral fractures (though that is normally the older crowd) to know I want to limit those injury mechanisms whenever possible.

Thanks for all the advice, I can promise it isn't falling on deaf ears.
Congrats to all of you receiving offers, it's definitely a long but rewarding process.  I'll be attending this BMOQ as well, training to be a LogO, and it will be great to meet you all.  Good tips as well, a winter session will definitely be an experience!  :snowman:
NSLogO said:
Congrats to all of you receiving offers, it's definitely a long but rewarding process.  I'll be attending this BMOQ as well, training to be a LogO, and it will be great to meet you all.  Good tips as well, a winter session will definitely be an experience!  :snowman:

Congrats NSLogO and welcome to the gang! 
Crazy to think it's already only another three months until basic.

Definitely appreciating all the tips from reading this thread and other ones here on the site. Everyone tells me I'll be just fine in terms of the fitness test but I'm definitely hoping to be in the top physical condition I can be to help me excel.

I'm personally currently focusing on my runs (primarily outside trail ones with a lot of hills because that's all that's near me) right before sunset and at sunrise to try and get used to running in the cold again. Along with basic things like sit ups, squats, and push ups.