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Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDG
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I try to find the answer on the forum, I didn't. I think it's a easy question.

After I "swearing in", do I have to start the course after. I'm in a complicated situation and I maybe need one more week to go, but I have to swear in this week...

You won't be kidnapped immediately after swearing in, other than that, I don't think anyone here can help you without more info about your situation. I'm a RegF OCdt and I was sworn in about 3 months before my course started, but I have no idea if that's the norm.
Yrys said:
... and the norm may not be applicable to you...

  Aaah, touche. Bplante, give us some more info and I'm sure we can help you out.
Ok, in fact it's about a girl. A ex-girlfriend back in my life. I don't know what will happen. I swear tursday and I start BMOQ 5 may. My plan is to swear and see what going on with the ex-girlfriend. If I see that our relation won't work. I'll go for my BMOQ. And if it's working, I think I'll stay in civi with here...

That my situation
Bplante said:
Ok, in fact it's about a girl. A ex-girlfriend back in my life. I don't know what will happen. I swear tursday and I start BMOQ 5 may. My plan is to swear and see what going on with the ex-girlfriend. If I see that our relation won't work. I'll go for my BMOQ. And if it's working, I think I'll stay in civi with here...

That my situation

Stay with her.

Whether she says yes or no, stay civi.

A whole lot of neat vocations for a fella like yourself. 


the 48th regulator said:
Stay with her.

Whether she says yes or no, stay civi.

A whole lot of neat vocations for a fella like yourself. 



  As an alternative, leave her, join the CF and don't look back. If you think she'll have problems with you going to BMQ, what will she do when you deploy? If you want this bad, frig girls.
benny88 said:
  As an alternative, leave her, join the CF and don't look back. If you think she'll have problems with you going to BMQ, what will she do when you deploy? If you want this bad, frig girls.

Bplante said:
And if it's working, I think I'll stay in civi with here...

If this is all it takes to stop you from serving, then;

the 48th regulator said:
Stay with her.

Whether she says yes or no, stay civi.

A whole lot of neat vocations for a fella like yourself. 




Girls come and go. When the right one comes along she'll stick around for the ride. When you have to make huge concessions in your life to suit her needs it's really not worth it.

My main question wasn't if I should go in the CF. I ask if I can swear in and change my mind without penalty between the swearing in and the starting day ?
Bplante said:
My main question wasn't if I should go in the CF. I ask if I can swear in and change my mind without penalty between the swearing in and the starting day ?

Make up you mind now.  If you don't want to go, tell the CFRC that you don't want to "Swear In". 

If you still want to join the CF, ask the CFRC what will happen after you "Swear In" in regards to timings for your leaving for your BMQ.  No one here has access to your file, nor access to what travel arrangements the CFRC has made for you.

Bplante said:
My main question wasn't if I should go in the CF. I ask if I can swear in and change my mind without penalty between the swearing in and the starting day ?

Bplante, I think that you are getting the responses you are re: not joining the CF because it seems that you are not 100% committed. If you are not 100% committed, don't waste the CF's time and money when there are people out there who would give anything to get that call.

Personally, I am looking at being away from my young daughter for upwards of a year during the initial training period. (Still waiting for my call.) In the future, there may be courses and deployments that take me away from her again. Ergo, I am making a huge sacrifice for a career in the military. And you can't sacrifice time with an ex-girlfriend to do 13 weeks of basic training? This sounds to me like someone who is unsure of his choice to join and who is looking for a possible way out. Any woman who truly loves you will still be there when you are done your training. I know my man will be.

In any case, I agree with George Wallace. Don't swear in if you are having doubts.
Ill tell you right now, Dont get sworn in if you have any doubts now. Trust me I know a lot of people who have been put as NIS. And That means after they swore in they did not want to show up anymore so they got listed as that. Basiclly means you can never work for the government again.

The military is a commitment, Deployments may take you away for as long as a year or even more. Training will take your summers, and exsersies will take your weekends. But thats what being in the CF is all about, its about being committed and being ready to act at ANY given moment. If you have a Girlfriend and she truly loves you, then i'm pretty sure  she could allow you to be gone. I do it fine and sure I miss her but she understands. So ill tell you right now, if your not 100% committed than.....you will never be.
I hear a lot of talk about swearing in on a bible. As I am not Christian I wish not to be sworn in on something that has no bearing to me. Is there another way I can be sworn in? What do I say or ask?
I have my enrollment ceremony,  in the next Little while. I was just wondering though. I'm going into the reserves, and I believe i'm starting my BMQ in September I know you normally work one day a  week, one weekend a month kinda thing. But does the frequency of this change if you are doing your BMQ? Like every weekend kinda thing or is it the same as always and you doing your your training one day a week one weekend a month?

Basically what I'm aking is if I'm doing my BMQ for the reserves in September, do you do more then one day a week one weekend a month of training?
Dates will vary but expect at least two weekends per month for the duration of your course.