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Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

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Hey, getting sworn on the 23rd of January! and leaving toronto on a plane 26th! anybody here?

19 years old going in as med tech
jayquiambao said:
Hey, getting sworn on the 23rd of January! and leaving toronto on a plane 26th! anybody here?

19 years old going in as med tech

Looks like there will be a few of us flying out of Toronto that day. Right on.
VargTheViking said:
I'm getting sworn in at CFRC Toronto on the 23rd, not Oshawa, but I will be flying out of Toronto on the 26th.

Right on, looks like there are 3 of us leaving Toronto that day.
Looks like I'm the only one from Edmonton.. Least on the boards.. Can't wait folks! My chest cold is almost gone. Was getting worried their for awhile.
Hey 28, from Barrie joining for ACISS, getting sworn in on the 22nd and flying out of Toronto on 26th. Looking forward to it. :)
Just got back from my swearing in ceremony. So I officially have a rank (even if it is a tiny one!). As promised, here is a breakdown of how it went.

Went into the officer's office and signed a couple forms that simply state that nothing has really changed since my interview, medical etc. Also a form stating that you have not done any illicit drugs since your medical. Once that is all done, you go to another room with a clerk and fill out a mountain of paperwork. You will get your leave pass that says LWOP, and a bunch of other forms. This takes about 45 mins to 1 hr. Mine took a little longer because they messed up my DOB. When all of this is done, the officer will come back in and give you... (surprise) more paperwork! After this is filled out, there is a five minute break and then you and your "crew" (family, friends) are invited into the ceremony room. The officer will talk about responsibilities of the CF and how you are undertaking a career like no other. Then you will go up to a podium, raise your right hand (or place it on a Bible, depending on preference) and read a very short oath. You then sign a last form saying you're a member of the club, then you get a certificate of enrollment with your name, rank, place and date on it. After that, all your sheets are photocopied, given to you and you are sent on your way.
Also, they told me do not play any extreme sports or anything. They had a dude last year who was offered DEO Pilot, but went rock climbing and broke his arm before his enrollment. They yanked his offer. YIKES!
mld said:
Just got back from my swearing in ceremony. So I officially have a rank (even if it is a tiny one!). As promised, here is a breakdown of how it went.

Went into the officer's office and signed a couple forms that simply state that nothing has really changed since my interview, medical etc. Also a form stating that you have not done any illicit drugs since your medical. Once that is all done, you go to another room with a clerk and fill out a mountain of paperwork. You will get your leave pass that says LWOP, and a bunch of other forms. This takes about 45 mins to 1 hr. Mine took a little longer because they messed up my DOB. When all of this is done, the officer will come back in and give you... (surprise) more paperwork! After this is filled out, there is a five minute break and then you and your "crew" (family, friends) are invited into the ceremony room. The officer will talk about responsibilities of the CF and how you are undertaking a career like no other. Then you will go up to a podium, raise your right hand (or place it on a Bible, depending on preference) and read a very short oath. You then sign a last form saying your a member of the club, then you get a certificate of enrollment with your name, rank, place and date on it. After that, all your sheets are photocopied, given to you and you are sent on your way.
Also, they told me do not play any extreme sports or anything. They had a dude last year who was offered DEO Pilot, but went rock climbing and broke his arm before his enrollment. They yanked his offer. YIKES!

Thanks for the info, Meg!!  And CONGRATULATIONS  :D
I found mine on one of the forms I was given today at my swearing in ceremony. I think other people have called their RC and simply asked. I know most others have the ceremony only a day or two before they leave. Which is good, because you have to pay into the pension while you're on LWOP, so more $$ will come off of my first pay check because mine was so far in advance.
I remember the recruiter gave me a number im guessing its my platoon number? last 4 numbers are 0481 is that my platoon number?
jayquiambao said:
I remember the recruiter gave me a number im guessing its my platoon number? last 4 numbers are 0481 is that my platoon number?

You got 'er!
I noticed some people were asking about the package you receive prior to leaving for basic that is usually given while being sworn in.  Just thought I'd post the link to the CFLRS website and specifically the Candidate Information Booklet section.  All the information you are waiting for is online.  You can see in-depth rules, regulations, arrival procedures etc.; the shopping list for BMQ is there as well.  If you explore the site there is also a weekly training guide showing what weeks things are typically done in, lots of pictures, further PT standard explanation and so on.  Just in case anyone was unaware.  :)

Hey all,

My name is Chris. I'm 28 and coming from Ottawa. I'll be an AVS tech. I'm happy to fork over gas money to anyone coming to the Ottawa/Gatineau area on weekends off! Can't wait to see you all there!
