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Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

  • Thread starter Thread starter gokul
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I'm not a canadian. I'm actually from Russia.
My question - is it possible for me to be enrolled in Canadian army and what should I do to achieve my goal?
Thank you
Answered many times.  You have to be a Canadian citizen to apply to the CF.  Once you are a Canadian citizen you will be subjected to a very long security process if you have not lived in Canada for ten continuous immediately proceeding your application.

Mods:  I think you can lock this one.
Little hasty kincanucks, you may be a landed imigrant and apply to the Primary Reserves of the Canadian Forces, but you must have Canadian citizenship to join the Regular Force.

Definately correct on the lengthy security process though.
Since 9/11 you need to be a Canadian citizen to join both the PRes and the Reg F.
Fusilier said:
Little hasty kincanucks, you may be a landed imigrant and apply to the Primary Reserves of the Canadian Forces, but you must have Canadian citizenship to join the Regular Force.

Considering he's a recruiting Officer (and THE source for recruiting info on this site) perhaps you are being a little hasty by trying to point out where he is wrong.

Beach Bum is correct, the rules have changed since the security concerns heightened in the post 9/11 environment.
I use to live in the US, moved out about a month ago to europe. and wanted to join the Canada army.  I've always liked canada over the US just had to live in the US due to family and all. But its all over with and all :) So I wanted to be in canada and also join the army. Just wondering if you got to be a Canadian Citizen to Join? And also is there an age limit?

Thank You, David frappini@yahoo.com

p.s. i also seen that you have to do some tests before you can join and speak french and all. That is not a problem I've been speaking french and english my whole life. So no idea if i would have a problem or not.
Try out the Search function>>>>






and many more if you look.  This question has been asked numerous times.  Good Luck..
George Wallace said:
Try out the Search function>>>>






and many more if you look.   This question has been asked numerous times.   Good Luck..

Thanks man.
So that you are not confused by some of the information that is included in the above links.  You must be a Canadian citizen in order to be eligible to apply to the Canadian Forces.

I am an Irish citizen. Done a spell in the Irish Permanent Defence Forces here including a trip overseas to East Timor. I have always wanted to become part of an army with more oppertunity as a career. Basically, I just want to find out if that is possible. I have checked the websites on the links and have sent e-mails to the proper channels but I just wanted to see if you have any information that can be of any use to me. I am extremely interested and anything I can do to do this I am prepared to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Nick Lawless
Canadian citizenship would be your first hurdle.

Some similar inquiries and their reultant threads are linked from this thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33593.0.html
What are the conditions of being a dutch citizen joining the CF?
I am a canadian citizen, but are there any exceptions or something to being a dutch citizen too?
I am planning on applying to go to RMC.
There will be no problem as long as you have been in Canada since you were 16.
ok Thanks  ;D
I'm only in grade 11 now, but planning on applying in september.  8)
That's got your immediate question answered. For more info, there's lot's over in the Recruiting forum. Try there first. The "Search" function also works pretty good. You've got a while to go yet, before joining, so spend some time checking out the various forums. It might give you an idea of what you want to do. In the meantime....

"Welcome to Army.ca"
I am a US born citizen. I am US military prior service, honorably discharged. How do I find out about joining the Canadian army? Does enlistment fulfillment entitle me to a Canadian citizenship? ???
You must be a Canadian citzen to join the Canadian Forces.  If you obtain Permanent Resident Status and being ex-service you could try this route but it is not very successful:

Information for Non-Canadian Citizens

Canadian Forces (CF) policy states that in order to be eligible for enrolment into the Forces, applicants must hold Canadian citizenship. The only exception made to this policy is as follows.

Applicants who: are not Canadian citizens, but do hold Permanent Resident Status; and possess specialized skills / qualifications the CF has need of and cannot fill with a Canadian citizen; and do not pose a risk to any national interest; may only be enrolled into the Canadian Forces if permission is granted by the Commander of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG).

Application Procedure for Non-
Canadian Citizens

As you do not currently hold Canadian citizenship, you will have to be granted a Citizenship Waiver by the Commander of CFRG before starting any of the selection testing. In order to do this you must provide a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume to:

Canadian Forces Recruiting Group Headquarters
Attention: SSO Selection
Canadian Forces Base Borden
PO Box 1000, Station Main
Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0

The CV / resume should include:

Personal Information

Name (in full)
Date and place of birth
Brief outline of where you have lived (include dates)
Where your immediate family is currently residing (include parent, siblings, spouse and parents-in-law)
Reasons for your relocation to Canada
Date of arrival in Canada and date, you were granted Permanent Resident Status

Name of all educational institutions attended
Grade / Level completed and year of completion
Diplomas / Degrees awarded
Areas of specialization
Marks / Grade Point Averages
Apprenticeship / Journeyman qualifications

List all part-time, summer or full-time employment positions you have held
Dates for each position
Brief description of duties for each position
Qualifications or training you received “on-the-job”


List all volunteer positions you may have held
List all clubs / organizations / community groups you have belonged to
If there are any other points, or pertinent facts you would like to include, please feel free to do so.
Once you have submitted your CV / resume, it will be assessed by the Headquarters to determine what skills you possess that may be of benefit to the CF. Once this assessment has been completed you will be contacted directly and told whether or not a waiver of your citizenship has been granted. You will not undergo any of the selection testing until you have been granted this Citizenship Waiver.
