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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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reading alll of these threads really puit my mind at ease...I had to provide fingerprints and I have been told it could take 3 months as well. ITs been over 2 montths and still Ive heard nothing. My only charge was a stupid DUI over 8 years ago and I still had to provide fingerprints...Well I guess I'll just wait and hope for the best! Wish me luck guys and gals! Hope to see yaz all on the 4th of Feb!!! My fingers are crossed!
My only charge was a stupid DUI over 8 years ago and I still had to provide fingerprints...

Awwww, really.  Perhaps to alleviate this issue in the future getting a pardon might help.  So if my math is right:  you could have applied for the pardon two to three years after the offence and your pardon could have been granted a few years ago.  Go figure. Well your results should be back in another couple of months and then you can move on with your possible military career.
I am in the process of filling out my security clearance form (not the ERC), the one where you have to list residences and employment for the last 10 years.  I run into a few problems.  My father's birth date for one.  I tried asking my mom, but they have been divorced for 25 years and she doesn't remember, and forget about trying to find out where he is employed, for all I know, he could be deceased.  It also asks for stepparents, does that include "ex"-stepparents (no longer married)?  I also have a half sister that my mom gave up for adoption and has no contact with and no means of contact.

Jobsite address is another difficulty.  In my line of work in the oilfield, we changed jobsites every month, and it says that it may be different than employer's address.  I have also had different supervisors for each jobsite.  For some previous jobs I don't have the full name or phone number of supervisors.  At least the residences will be fairly easy, but have to try and remember specific addresses from more than 5 years ago.
Lots of work ahead for you.  Everyone has to do it.  Unless you get it done, your Security Clearance will not go through.  It is as simple as that.  You must account for everything, and leave NO GAPS in time in places that you have lived and worked.  If you run out of space, the instructions clearly state to use another piece of paper. 
No one here can help you, as this is all your personal information and family, and you MUST provide all the information.
I just thought some have had similar situations, especially in regards to family.  Specifically, do I need to provide information for my mother's ex-husbands, as they were stepfathers, but aren't any longer?  Or should I add a note to parts where I have no information such as the half sister given up for adoption?
stealthylizard said:
I just thought some have had similar situations, especially in regards to family.  Specifically, do I need to provide information for my mother's ex-husbands, as they were stepfathers, but aren't any longer?  Or should I add a note to parts where I have no information such as the half sister given up for adoption?

Yes and yes.
Just a thought for you.  When you DO eventually gather all the info (and you will) - KEEP A DAMNED copy so that ten years from now, when you're filling out ANOTHER one, all the hard parts are already done.
It's all fine and good what you are all saying but I have basically revolved my life into getting into the forces. My CFRC told me it would take UP to 3 months - no more! If that would have been the case I would have been gone to my BMQ almost 2 months ago. My recruiter told me 3 months and that is what I had my heart set on it has since been four months and I am still fuckin waiting. Its is absolute hell waiting for the phone to ring! HELL!

I am eager, determined and probably in the best shape of my life and most of all I love my country , would be proud to serve it and just can't wait until that call comes in to hopefully tell me I am on my way!
kincanucks said:
My only charge was a stupid DUI over 8 years ago and I still had to provide fingerprints...

Awwww, really.  Perhaps to alleviate this issue in the future getting a pardon might help.  So if my math is right:  you could have applied for the pardon two to three years after the offence and your pardon could have been granted a few years ago.  Go figure. Well your results should be back in another couple of months and then you can move on with your possible military career.

Awwww really.  I didnt know you could get a pardon in just two or three years... wait a minute. you can't. Try three to five years. More often than not, 5. (Three years for summary convictions; and
Five years for indictable offenses.) Also, they are not just issued out nice and quickly like one might think. They take upwards of 18 months (as a minimum) to process, not to mention the 6-months getting all the requisite paperwork together beforehand. While I agree with your sentiment that persons should apply for their pardon as soon as they are able, they are not as easily (and rapidly) obtained as you imply.

sorry to bring up an old thread, but i do remember the intense disdain for not searching.  I have a simple question.  For my Level 3 clearence (going Sig Op) I cannot locate or get in contact with my older 3 half sibilings.  The two families (my father's 3 three older children and my mom and dad's 4 younger children) have not been in touch in quite some years. We do manage to get the occasional call once every couple years to say that everyone is still alive, however anytime we attempt to contact my sister again (she's the one that always calls) the number is either disconnected or someone elses.  We have no way of contatcting her to find out her information or that of any of the other two.  Now after alot of mind searching my daddy has been able to come up with the birth place of my oldest brother but has no idea of the day etc. It just gets progressively worse as we go.  To add to it my sister has had several name changes to the point of where we are not even sure of which name she uses.  Now for my form how on earth woudl I explain this, do I make a small side note and add it or do I just write unknown in the appropriate boxes?
Any help at all would be great appreciated. Thank you.
Talk to your recruiter about this, they should be able to answer these questions better then most.  It is very important to have all this info before you try to pass your clearence form in.  From personal experience any missing information or out of date information will lead to an obvious delay in the processing. 
Dolphado said:
For my Level 3 clearence (going Sig Op) I cannot locate or get in contact with my older 3 half sibilings.  The two families (my father's 3 three older children and my mom and dad's 4 younger children) have not been in touch in quite some years.

Thats an unusual situation!  In such a case, is the onus on the applying person or on the security screeners to track down 'lost' family members?
Okay so i just got off the phone with the recruiting center. The advise I was given from them was to just fill out what I could like the birth names and what ever little tidbits I could pick up (trust me its not much else) and indicate the reason the other information is unknown.  Hopefully that will be enough :)
Dolphado said:
Okay so i just got off the phone with the recruiting center. The advise I was given from them was to just fill out what I could like the birth names and what ever little tidbits I could pick up (trust me its not much else) and indicate the reason the other information is unknown.  Hopefully that will be enough :)

You may be required to sign Statutory Declarations, to be attached to your security form, stating what information is missing, why it is missing and what steps you have taken to get the information.  Ask your CFRC/D about this when you submit your form.
I have never been arrested, convicted, or even suspected in any crime. But do they do a lie detector test? Because I have done a few bad things people don't know about. I'm just wondering how do they do this check. And if there is lie detector test. And what are they looking for in this check and how to they check, Please answer me.
Thank You
Alex_M said:
I have never been arrested, convicted, or even suspected in any crime. But do they do a lie detector test? Because I have done a few bad things people don't know about. I'm just wondering how do they do this check. And if there is lie detector test. And what are they looking for in this check and how to they check, Please answer me.
Thank You

Nice to know.

Have you bothered to read this topic?  I didn't think so.  Perhaps if you do, you will find the answers and won't have to ask the questions.  If you read the Joining Instructions, you will find out about the SEARCH function, which will help you find information, and we won't have thousands of pages with the same questions being asked.....

Sorry for the little rant, but obviously this poster has failed his first PC in his post 'n run..
I have a question on Security Pre-Clearance. I tried to look for answers but it's still a litle vague.  I have been living in Canada for over 17 years. I came to canada when i was 8 from bulgaria . and lived in marrocco for 4 years before coming here. Do you think i have to do go troughta pre-clearance check since i haven't been out of the country ever since expect for like small vacation of a week or two.  I know they changed the procedures a while back. I'd really like to know if it applies to me. I was hoping i wouldn't have to wait up to year for the pre-clearance. In a other thread they mentioned something about a schedule contry? But i have no idea what it means!
jazzy0410 said:
I have a question on Security Pre-Clearance. I tried to look for answers but it's still a litle vague.  I have been living in Canada for over 17 years. I came to canada when i was 8 from bulgaria . and lived in marrocco for 4 years before coming here. Do you think i have to do go troughta pre-clearance check since i haven't been out of the country ever since expect for like small vacation of a week or two.  I know they changed the procedures a while back. I'd really like to know if it applies to me. I was hoping i wouldn't have to wait up to year for the pre-clearance. In a other thread they mentioned something about a schedule contry? But i have no idea what it means!

A Search will turn up more information for you.  As you have been living in Canada for the past 17 years (straight I presume) you should have no problems.  That has all been covered in other topics on this matter.

However, you will be required to list the Birth Dates, Places of Birth, Addresses, and Employment of all your immediate Family.
RHFC_piper said:
So, if you have visited any other country for more than 180 days, you need to declare it on this form.  If you've lived in a country outside of the countries listed, for more than 180 days consecutively, you will have to complete the TBS 330-60E "long form"... which may take 3 years to process.

Not to flog a dead horse, but I was told 2 years ago the wait was 2 years, is this why I have not heard anything back? 2 years is now 3 years? I thought streamlining entailed shorter not longer waiting periods?