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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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Armstrong said:


See also,

Armstrong said:
I applied to armoured recon reserve in Vancouver on June 2017, everything I passed and or cleared expect the enhanced reliability status is still pending (7 months so far) I used to be ex CAF member back from 2011-2015 and did a Volunteer Release for 2-3 years. Now that I'm ready to go back in, Im just curious what the enhanced reliability check consist of. I know it has to do with
A) Credit Check
B) Criminal Check (does this include only criminal record check or as well as any police reports by me and against me and traffic tickets which have been paid and a couple waiting to go to court to fight against. Also does being sued by someone in small claims for a private sale regarding a car part while effect my ability to get a ERS again?

What company does the Security clearance / enhanced reliability check
and how and from who do they get the information.
what would be some reasons a ERS would be denied.

The only thing thats left is my ERS I had it once before but a lot has happen since I got out, lots of jobs, lots of visits to the USA, lots of traffic tickets, and some minor legal actions against me but no criminal record or anything serious.

I have great credit and no criminal record. what else do they check for besides the basics.
Armstrong said:
how does that answer my question

Not intended as an answer. Added for reference only to your question.
Armstrong said:

Seems to fit in this category as a minimum.
im just confused why a basic ERS would take so far 7 months for a ex member, when everything is in order and nothing has changed.
anyone know why they the private company doing the Security clearance checks like to take their sweet ass time.
is it done by order or priority

Armstrong said:
im just confused why a basic ERS would take so far 7 months for a ex member, when everything is in order and nothing has changed.
anyone know why they the private company doing the Security clearance checks like to take their sweet ass time.
is it done by order or priority


You said it yourself, you have minor legal stuff ongoing etc etc. That would probably hold it up. Another thing is you aren't the only applicant trying to get in right now.

Another thing that may hold up your application is the manner in which you left the CAF.

Stay in touch with your recruiter and in the meantime, sort out your legal stuff, tickets etc.

the legal things are non criminal and are all allegations . would that give them a cause for rejection for my ERS for personal conduct.

I VR when I was in the military and I understand theirs other applicants but does anyone know how long the process take to get your ERS from the day the start the process of looking into your background till granting you ERS .

I know everyone is different and every case depends on the person but I'm asking for the average for someone that has everything in check .

Armystrong said:
Im just curious what the enhanced reliability check consist of. I know it has to do with
Armystrong said:
Armystrong said:
im just confused why a basic ERS would take so far 7 months for a ex member, when everything is in order and nothing has changed.
anyone know why they the private company doing the Security clearance checks like to take their sweet ass time.
Armystrong said:
... does anyone know how long the process take to get your ERS from the day the start the process of looking into your background till granting you ERS .

First, let me say that I'm pre-emptively regretting getting involved in this thread.

I've seen ERS requests cleared in 2-3 days, not for recruiting but short-term contracts for former military pers.

I have no idea why yours is taking so long, however.... [just a possible guess].... you focus on finance and crime, but it is a RELIABILITY check.  Perhaps,  they contacted one of your references;  that person said "no, I'd hesitate hiring that person because..."  Red flag. They go on to the two other references, who respond in a similar manner, with their own reasons.  Their reasons may speak to your reliability (and/or personality that influences reliability).

Maybe consider who you chose as references, and what they may honestly say to a government official (as opposed to what you would like them to say).  Also, look at your posting history in this thread, and ponder how you may  come across to people.

These are just some things for you to consider.  I'm not looking for a discussion.  Honest.  Please don't respond.
All my references gave me a good reference so theirs no problem their.
I've had a lot of jobs but the work history, references, data, name, address etc check is done by the reserve recruiter and I already passed that. does anyone here know what 3rd party does the security clearances for the CAF and if so the phone number to the company.

Armystrong said:
. does anyone here know what 3rd party does the security clearances for the CAF 

DAA said:
Background checks done for your application to the CF are contracted out to Garda.


I've been waiting for my security clearance ERS since June (online application submission) some guy is trying to take me to the CRT (small claims) for $900 when he bought a headlight that he wanted to return but it was a final sale.

Will this effect my security clearance in anyway . put it on hold , reject it or clear. it's in the pending stages. a staff member will make the decision if it will get dismissed or I have to pay back 900.

what do you guys think . thanks
Armystrong said:
All my references gave me a good reference so theirs no problem their.
I've had a lot of jobs but the work history, references, data, name, address etc check is done by the reserve recruiter and I already passed that. does anyone here know what 3rd party does the security clearances for the CAF and if so the phone number to the company.


It may be more intense depending on your chosen Occupation.

However, time for processing all depends on where you have lived, worked, travelled; if you have family outside of the country etc. You also have to remember they're not just doing it for CAF applicants, they provide the service for the entire Federal Government and it's also the end of the holiday season. Things slow down over the 3 week Christmas/New Year period.

Garda will not give you any information over the phone, they are only permitted to release information regarding screening to the designated authority (CFRC).

Armystrong said:

I've been waiting for my security clearance ERS since June (online application submission) some guy is trying to take me to the CRT (small claims) for $900 when he bought a headlight that he wanted to return but it was a final sale.

Will this effect my security clearance in anyway . put it on hold , reject it or clear. it's in the pending stages. a staff member will make the decision if it will get dismissed or I have to pay back 900.

what do you guys think . thanks

If the dispute is entered and a court date is given, it becomes a "Legal Obligation" and it will halt your application altogether until it is resolved.
thank you for the reply .

there's no court date just one person with the CRT (online small claims ) making a choice to dismiss the allegation or make me pay.  does that count as the same thing ? it's not criminal just someone saying untruthful things against me.

My ERC took 8 months to process, it is unusually long but it can happen. My file manager told me they are overwhelmed at my local CFRC, which results in longer than usual delays.
Armystrong said:
there's no court date just one person with the CRT (online small claims ) making a choice to dismiss the allegation or make me pay.  does that count as the same thing ? it's not criminal just someone saying untruthful things against me.
Yes, the thing with the ERC isn't whether it's criminal or not, it's whether there are <b>legal obligations</b>.  You have an ongoing, unsettled legal obligation (even as an allegation).  I'm not saying 100% this is your hold up, but as someone with security clearance experience (I've held both A/USS and USS positions) it is a red flag for me.

mariomike said:
DAA said:
Background checks done for your application to the CF are contracted out to Garda.
Correction for 2017: Background checks are currently being handled by Mintz Global Security.  There are rumours this might be changing but last I saw the CAF is still using Mintz.
what I was told by an officer that you can still get granted ERS but you can't be enrolled in till you clear your legal obligation . is this true ?
Armystrong said:
what I was told by an officer that you can still get granted ERS but you can't be enrolled in till you clear your legal obligation . is this true ?

Depending on a person's situation.  The ERC is approved by either the Detachment CO or if your file needs to be review by a panel at CFRG HQ.  It's up to the det CO / CFRG HQ panel to determine if they will grant your ERC.  If you are granted an ERC they can put stipulations on your enrollment.

One example that comes to mind.  A person has an old Rogers Bill, let's say it's $200.00, that they were unaware of, and it went to collections.  Technically you have an adverse financial obligation.  The det CO / CFRG HQ panel could determine that they'll grant your ERC (especially if you are paying off the bill in full) but put a condition that you have to prove the bill is paid prior to enrollment.
I hope your right. thank you for the information . I think one of the reasons they delay was due to clearing 450 CAF members who were going to Europe .

best of luck to everyone can't wait to serve
Armystrong said:
I hope your right. thank you for the information . I think one of the reasons they delay was due to clearing 450 CAF members who were going to Europe .

best of luck to everyone can't wait to serve
If you're already in the CAF, you already have ERC and the deployment would not effect recruiting clearances.
Armystrong said:
I hope your right. thank you for the information . I think one of the reasons they delay was due to clearing 450 CAF members who were going to Europe .

best of luck to everyone can't wait to serve
To mimick Puckchaser

The ERC done for Applicants is handled by a contractor (Mintz Global Security at the moment).
Members already in the CAF that require ERC's (not many of them but it does happen) or Security Clearances are done in conjunction with a USS and DPM Secur and do not impact the ERC's for Applicants.