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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

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CDN Aviator said:
Even inside the CF, it's not that simple. I have a Sgt who who retired last July, re-joined last November and is waiting in line with everyone else to get the security clearance he had.

That's a completely different situation; he's had a break in service. 

When I was preparing to release from the CF, I was told in no uncertain terms to very carefully select my release date from the CF and my reporting date to the PS position.  There could not be a break in service or else my clearance would be screwed and I would have to start off at square one again.
Ya my clearance is from Public works, I am currently employed with Commissionares. They get Public Works or CSIS to perform the clearance, if that helps.
Hey guys,
I applied for the forces in beggining of february, and this week i have successfully completed and passed my aptitude test. It was my fist appointment, and I was informed by a recruiter that I can continue my application process. However, since I have dual-citizenship (with france), my security clearance pre-assessment might take longer than average (from three weeks to 18 months) depending on whether ottawa decides to do a detailed check or not. But here's the thing: I have literly just became citizen of france in the past months. So basically, I never lived in france, I don't have anything that relates to france exept my familly (grandmother). I basically got the citizenship because it got passed down from my grandmother to my mother, to me. So I am pretty much new in the system, and there really isn't much to check (since there's absolutly nothing). 

So based on this, I would like to know your opinions, do you think the check is gonna go by very fast or will I have to be patient?
Our opinion doesn't matter.  The opinions of the person(s) doing your clearance do. 

We have quite a few topics to give you an idea of what to expect.  Read some of them to get a general feel.
Hello all,

I just submitted my application online on April 14, 2012 and they confirmed that they received the copied documents on April 23.
I born in Hong Kong and came to Canada when I was 19, I have been here for 8 and a half years. I know the background check process will take longer for people who has not been staying in Canada for 10 years.
Any one has similar backgroun can share with me how long it would take? I have heard stories from my friends that it takes up to 2 years for some applicants (who came from other part of the world)


In case it is determined that you require Pre Assessment Security Screening, the Recruting Centre will ask you fill up the Form 330-60. This is the link to the form - http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbsf-fsct/330-60-eng.pdf.

This is a fillable form, so it is better to type it out, rather than hand write the information required. Also make certain, that there are absolutely NO errors. All this might prevent avoidable delays.

I am one of those poor souls who requires Pre Assessment Security Screening. Be prepared for an endless wait, that way anything short of that will be a bonus. I met an officer during a recruiting event who told me that his papers (Form 330-60) took four years to process. Send me a PM if you'd like to know my application timeline so far. All I can say is that I didn't apply yesterday!

All the best,

You may find some information here.

Topic: "The Security Check/ Level Superthread- Check Here First": 
I went through the process and as they say, it takes between 6 to 18 months. Mine took 16 months. Make sure that you keep checking in for your file status. I was born in India and at the time of my application, I had been in Canada for 6-7 years. My application for DEO Armored officer and Infantry officer has been in-process for just over 3 years now.  All I can say is not to lose faith, it is long.
siuto said:
Hello all,

I just submitted my application online on April 14, 2012 and they confirmed that they received the copied documents on April 23.
I born in Hong Kong and came to Canada when I was 19, I have been here for 8 and a half years. I know the background check process will take longer for people who has not been staying in Canada for 10 years.
Any one has similar backgroun can share with me how long it would take? I have heard stories from my friends that it takes up to 2 years for some applicants (who came from other part of the world)


Its going to take as long as it needs to, to verify all the information provided, and ensure you are not a security risk.  There is no hard and fast time frame.  What you heard is correct it can take several months to a few years to complete.  Despite what Hollywood would have you believe, the government doesn't have quick access to everyone's life story and background. 
Hello, I'm a Canadian citizen with Lebanese/Canadian dual citizenships and born in Lebanon and lived and studied most of my life in Lebanon. I wanted to ask if I should even bother applying to the CF knowing how long security checks take. And I don't know if being Arab makes it even worst, but I'm a Christian Lebanese not Muslim. I know it's disgusting to even mention faiths and stuff like that but unfortunately, reality is ugly, almost everyone knows how it is with Arab stereotyping in the Western world especially if he/she is Muslim coming from a country with heavy history of wars amongst many factions... Anyway, I applied last year, submitted my application, when I reached the security clearance forms I was stunned to see how much detail they need, addresses for past 10 years... I lived in Lebanon most of my life, would that look kinda wrong to them as a Canadian living outside more than in Canada? My passion and love for serving in the military has no bounds, I'd be willing to do it for free, aspiring to be CF fighter pilot if that is even possible considering my situation... And do they open files of my parents to see where they have lived and what they have been doing for the past 10 years or they just seek to confirm the information that I give about them in the forms no more no less and do the heavy security clearance on me like background checks, where I studied and lived for past 10 years...I'm was a Premed Biology student graduated with a BS and did a year of medicine then quit cause I didn't find myself in that career path... I know about everything there is to know about the military and flying as I do with medicine. That shows how much interest I have in being an Officer in the CF, and it's heart wrenching to discover that that dream may be too far away to become reality  :(
Lots of people have lived outside of Canada and gotten in.. many immigrants have gotten in,  even those who have served in another military.  Also,  there are members of all backgrounds and faiths in the CF.  Just do what the CFRC tells you and have some patience.  The whole racial/religion thing is a non issue,  so stop making it out to be one.  One last note,  you wouldn't be the first Lebanese person to join,  nor will you be the last. 
Gascan13 said:
would that look kinda wrong to them as a Canadian living outside more than in Canada?

If you want to apply again, you're going to have to fill out those forms again. Better get used to that idea now.

Lots of Arabs, muslims and many others in the CF. The only one making an issue out of your ethnic background is you. You're not special, get over yourself.
To elaborate on what Cdn_aviator has said...The common perception is that the CF is one big white old boys club where we all drive pick-ups with confederate flags and whistle Dixie on parade.

The reality is the opposite. In my field squadron we have muslims africans, muslim pakistanis, christian arabs, christian africans, poles (or OPFOR as I like to call them!!!), white rural canadians, urban asian canadians, rural asian canadians, and urban italian canadians.

They are all canadians, and all bleed the same colour. I, as a Sgt, do not give a rats ass what religion, creed, race or colour someone is, just that they can do the job.

Nobody else cares about your race or religion except you. If you go looking for people who do, you will probably find it, but if you show up with the attitude that it doesn't matter and are even willing to poke fun at yourself, you will go far.

As for the paperwork, just do it and hand it in, it will take as long as it needs to take, but unless you were a member of Young Al-Qaeda Beirut Branch, or are wanted for numerous murders, your background check, which may take a while, will come back ok and you'll carry on in the process.
Towards_the_gap said:
To elaborate on what Cdn_aviator has said...The common perception is that the CF is one big white old boys club where we all drive pick-ups with confederate flags and whistle Dixie on parade.

The reality is the opposite. In my field squadron we have muslims africans, muslim pakistanis, christian arabs, christian africans, poles (or OPFOR as I like to call them!!!), white rural canadians, urban asian canadians, rural asian canadians, and urban italian canadians.

They are all canadians, and all bleed the same colour. I, as a Sgt, do not give a rats *** what religion, creed, race or colour someone is, just that they can do the job.

Nobody else cares about your race or religion except you. If you go looking for people who do, you will probably find it, but if you show up with the attitude that it doesn't matter and are even willing to poke fun at yourself, you will go far.

As for the paperwork, just do it and hand it in, it will take as long as it needs to take, but unless you were a member of Young Al-Qaeda Beirut Branch, or are wanted for numerous murders, your background check, which may take a while, will come back ok and you'll carry on in the process.
To elaborate more on what CDN Aviator and Towards_the_gap have said:  We all (in the Army) wear the same uniform, work in the same unit, follow the same Rules and Regulations.  We are all the same in that sense.  All the rest is for non-CF folk to worry about.

As for your Security Clearance, we all have to do one.  Give them the info they require, and if there are any questions that you think may arise, fill in the Statutory Declaration to explain.  If you are elusive or evasive, then you run into problems.
Gascan13 said:
Anyway, I applied last year, submitted my application, when I reached the security clearance forms I was stunned to see how much detail they need, addresses for past 10 years...

Submitting such detail, such as addresses for the last 10 years, is even required for applying to sponsor one's foreign-born spouse to immigrate to Canada.  My wife and I had to fill out so many forms that my mind is still reeling.  It is not too far a stretch to imagine that a foreign born applicant to the CF might need at least the same amount of detail, if not a little bit more.
OP:  Look up Trooper Marc Diab.  That should answer at least some of your questions.


If you are too lazy to fill out the simple paperwork, please do not become an officer.
Gascan13 said:
, but I'm a Christian Lebanese not Muslim.:(

You are implying that being Christian should give you a head start over Muslims candidates. You are obviously wrong because, since the makeup of the Canadian society has changed, the Canadian military has adopted many non-exclusion policies and regulations to accommodate members of visible minorities. There is therefore no basis for rising false issues that could harm the reputation of the CF within the Muslim communities. I am Arab Muslim, born outside Canada, and I am proud to serve Canada as an officer of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
-Skeletor- said:
The whole racial/religion thing is a non issue,  so stop making it out to be one. 

I appreciate your opinion but please don't take it the wrong way. I'm not saying that Canadians themselves think that way, but the government does. By being of Arab decent ur subjected immediately to tighter security checks wherever u go so please understand where I'm coming from. It's the unfortunate reality and I'm not even remotely trying to have the spotlight on me, hek the farther it is the better. I don't want to be steryotyped as Arab=desert=camels=possible links to Al qaeda= need to make even tighter security checks than the average Canadian... I'm not saying your average Canadian is like that, Canadians are far more aware of what's going on around the world than your average American for example :P I'm saying that as an officer in the Canadian military u would have access to sensitive information so if they see that you're Lebanese or Leb as Canadians like to say =Arab= possible ties to Hizballah= possible intention to infiltrate Canadian forces and leak sensitive info... that would make the whole security process a whole lot longer. I don't blame them for they have every right to make sure that it's safe to admitt that person... And why the hostility just asking, jeez! why u makin such a big deal out of it...
CDN Aviator said:
The only one making an issue out of your ethnic background is you. You're not special, get over yourself.

Great, I'm relieved that's what I wanna hear :P Why all the hostility, it's a serious question, I'm not tryin to play around and mention all the religion crap if I weren't hearing rumors about how Arab security checks take forever to end. Just wanted to ask, calm down. For the love of God how the hek am I insinuating that I'm full of myself. Please, I'd appreciate a little bit of respect when addressing one another. U seem like have something against Lebs so cough it up and get over it yourself. Thank you.